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Nathan stepped outside of the blacksmith’s shop without allowing Kendall inside. “What the fuck do you want?” he asked in a surly tone. He’d barely had a chance to enjoy the afterglow of the amazing climax with Suzanna blindfolded, handcuffed, and clinging to the anvil before being interrupted.

Kendall’s expression, first seemingly angry, shifted to a smirk. “Interestingly, Nathan, you smell like sex. What were you doing in there? As if I didn’t already know.”

“None of your business.”

“Not true. Everything that happens in this town is my business.”

“The park is closed. There are no patrons about to come in and catch me doing anything.”

“So what if the park is closed?” Kendall shook his head. “If you want to have sex in a place other than your house safely behind compound walls, then fuck her in your backyard. Or better yet, use the round house and fuck to your heart’s content with my blessing. But do not bring strangers inside the park ‘open or closed’ and tempt fate.”

“You need to relax, Kendall.”

“Maybe I do. But you need to stop bringing women inside the park perimeter to fuck them.”

“When did I ever bring a woman inside the park to fuck them?” He grinned in spite of the fact that was exactly what he’d just done.

Kendall actually cracked a smile. “Do you mean when beyond today?”

“You don’t know that was what just happened.”

“Oh? Then why did I just hear a sultry feminine shriek of your name several times?”

“What can I say, Kendall? She likes to scream my name on occasion.”

“You’re so full of shit.”

“Which I’ve never denied. Besides, you can’t tell me with a straight face that you haven’t thought about handcuffing Jocelyn to the bars of the jail cell at the sheriff’s office so as to have your wicked way with her as Logan cheers from the sidelines seated on the cot in the same cell.”

Kendall’s eyes narrowed and the muscles in his face softened as if he now pictured what Nathan had just spouted off with to make his point. “Stop putting ideas like that in my head.”

Nathan laughed. “No. But if I ever catch you having sex in the jailhouse, I will give you such shit for the rest of your days.”

“You’ll never find me doing anything like that in this park,” Kendall murmured. However, his attention to the current conversation seemed to go into a quiet period of contemplation.

Nathan tilted his head to one side. “Never say never, Kendall. Absolutes always come back to bite you in the ass.”

He snapped his focus back. “I’ll keep that in mind. Make sure you keep what I said in mind, too.”

Nathan’s head was suddenly filled with a vision of Suzanna and a trip to the round house. He did love being watched. Maybe he’d suggest it tonight.

The round house was a shared building behind the compound walls where those wanting to be watched having sex or those wanting to watch sex could have those associated desires fulfilled.

Inside, there was one central room with a large bed in the center and what looked like many mirrors all the way around the inside walls for any manner of sexual activity. Surrounding the large chamber and behind the mirrors were several smaller rooms with two-way mirrors built as voyeurs’ windows ensconced behind the glass. To watch or be watched.

Perhaps he’d make a phone call or two and ensure an audience later this week. Perhaps he’d save double-penetration sex for then. The building was soundproofed so the couple or trio or more having sex didn’t know for certain if anyone watched them but had to assume the likelihood.

“By the way, Zane has the schedule for the activities and availability at the round house,” Kendall added with a smirk.

“Stop reading my mind.”

“Stop making it so easy.”

“What are you even doing here today?”

He shrugged. “With Logan and Jocelyn gone, the house seems too quiet.”

“Is that why you’re so cranky? Because you need to get laid?”

Kendall didn’t respond about his love life. “I could ask you the same thing.”
