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“Okay.” Like she had any idea what went on her car. “I hope you mean personal items, because the entire engine could be missing and I wouldn’t suspect a thing until my car didn’t start.”

He laughed. “Don’t tell any untrustworthy mechanics that or they might rip you off.”

She grinned. “Note to self: Pretend to be an automotive genius while having my car serviced. Got it. Thanks.”

Dylan laughed again, displaying perfect, straight, white teeth. While he was very attractive with his spiky dark hair and bedroom brown eyes, Suzanna also suspected he was a bad boy. On the back of one hand she saw part of a tattoo at the edge of his wrist, but not enough to tell what it was. His coveralls hid the shape of his body, but she could see enough muscles to suspect that he never wanted for company of the female persuasion. From her perspective, and just like Cooper at the saloon, he didn’t have the same magnetic attraction like Gabriel and Nathan did. Delighted to discover that there were many attractive men she could resist, Suzanna realized how much she enjoyed being with the two men she was involved with currently.

Once she retrieved her car, she planned to follow Gabriel home, park her car immediately in the backyard, and stay for a few more days. It was the perfect place to hide out. She’d already decided to stay as long as they wanted her around. Tonight she would demand that they give her double-penetration sex. The memory of the large-sized butt plug stretching her ass while she slept made her pulse spike. She planned to make an empty threat and swear to leave if they didn’t satisfy her newly discovered desires.

They’d removed the butt plug this morning for her visit to pick up her car, promising to put it back the moment she got home. But she wanted one of their cocks inside her instead. She would insist upon it. The thought of another cock filling her pussy at the same time made juice trickle even now. Smiling to herself over her lusty plans for the evening hours, Suzanna followed Dylan out of the office.

They went into the large work area where two out of the five bays had cars on lifts in the air as if poised for flight. The place was surprisingly quiet for the moment, but she suspected the calm wouldn’t last long. Her car was in the end slot next to an older beat-up vehicle that looked like it had seen better days. She immediately felt better about her own car.

Coming alongside it, she smelled the faint aroma of pine tree air freshener. She stifled a quiver. A distasteful memory surfaced with that scent. She really hated that fake smell.

Dylan scanned another paper from the clipboard then flipped the page. He then opened the driver’s door, leaned in, and popped the trunk.

“Check the trunk for me, okay? We did have your vehicle locked, and the keys were in the office safe, but I just want to make sure.”

“Of course. No problem.” She walked to the now-open trunk and looked inside. There was a crowbar and a first aid kit. There was also a pink towel that had probably fallen from her gym bag long ago, but nothing else.

“Looks fine to me.”

“Excellent.” He shut the trunk lid and moved along the passenger side of her vehicle.

“I don’t think I had anything else inside here.”

“Okay. If you’d just check the glove box and make sure, I’ll have you out of here in no time.”


He reached for the door handle, but one of the other mechanics called out. “Hey, Dylan, can I talk to you for a minute? It’s important.” The man looked seriously upset about something. He looked at her a couple times as if he expected to be scolded for interrupting.

“Be right back,” Dylan said.

The two launched into a discussion she didn’t hear due to a loud noise from two bays over. The new mechanic pointed to her car a few times and finally shrugged.

Dylan looked like he had really bad news.

“What’s wrong?”

“Unfortunately, one of my mechanics dislodged your GPS transmitter when your car was up on the hoist. It was in sort of an unusual place. Anyway, he put it back, of course, but we aren’t certain if it was damaged from the fall. I’m truly sorry, and we’ll absolutely replace it if it no longer works. Can you check it out?”
