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“How’d you find out his name?”

Gabriel held his face even, not wanting to admit a hint of any impropriety, and said, “Accidentally saw an e-mail from him on her computer.”

Nathan smirked. “Really? It was an accident? Huh.”

He huffed. “Yes. She asked me to plug her computer into the wall charger this morning for her before we left for the auto shop, and on the screen I happened to see his full name and e-mail address.”

Nathan’s expression bordered on a smirk. “Okay. So what did Clay find out?”

“That he’s a jerk and he’s about to be in trouble for possible insider trading for an incident with the financial company where he works.”

The house phone rang before he could elaborate more. “Hello.”

“Hey, it’s Kendall.”

“Nathan said you called. What’s up?”

“A fax for you was sent to the park’s office.”

“What? How’d that happen?” Gabriel closed his eyes and tried to remember the number he told Clay or if he even gave him one at all.

“You gave Clay the wrong fax number.”

“Shit.” The information Clay had provided wasn’t supposed to be circulated. “You didn’t read it, did you?”

“Some of it, sure. Whoever this asshole is, I’d punch his lights out given the opportunity.”

Gabriel didn’t disagree, but said irately, “That fax is addressed to me.”

“And you sent it here to me. You’re just lucky I was here to receive it instead of the office worker that would have found it tomorrow morning when the park opened up again.”

He couldn’t argue with that. “You’re right. Thanks for grabbing it. Can you bring it here to the house?”

“No. I’m waiting for a delivery to the park. You want it? Come and get it yourself.”

“Fine. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Gabriel turned around and saw Suzanna framed in the doorway wearing only his unbuttoned shirt and a smile. She leaned a hip against the doorjamb.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

He studied her and reevaluated his priorities. She looked good enough to eat whole. “I have to pick something up at the park.”

“Is the park open today?”

“No. Not until tomorrow.”

“Excellent. So if we went there all together, what other places could we explore, besides the blacksmith’s shop?”

They both laughed. “Kendall might come unglued if the three of us were together anywhere on the premises.”

“What he doesn’t know…” she said, and then laughed. “Now that I’ve been thoroughly satisfied and, as a bonus, had a short nap, I have my second wind.”

“And what would you like to see, if we all go to the park?”

“The sheriff’s office where you work as the deputy.” Gabriel suddenly had a powerful vision of her spread eagle and handcuffed to the bars in the jail cell as Nathan fucked her wildly and completely.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” Gabriel didn’t want to prick Kendall’s anger while he held important information. He also didn’t want her to know he’d looked into the guy she was running from.

“Sure it is. What’s the advantage of working in a historical town if you can’t sneak inside whenever you want to and show your eager houseguests all that you do there?”

He and Nathan exchanged a look between them. Nathan’s laidback expression meant that Gabriel would have to be the villain in this scenario in order to keep her away.

Twenty minutes later, the three of them were headed to the park by way of the underground tunnel. They used a golf cart to carry them to the secret entrance near the Old West Town bank. They could walk to the front where Kendall waited in a few minutes.

Gabriel had asked Nathan to keep an eye on her so he could get the fax without her seeing it. A dual purpose, as he didn’t want to upset her or make Kendall’s brother angry.

Nathan stepped out onto the wooden sidewalk of the currently deserted town, immediately pinned her to a wall next to the windows of the bank, and planted his mouth on hers.

Gabriel laughed. “You two have fun now. I’ll meet you at the sheriff’s office in fifteen minutes or less.”
