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She turned her face into the spray, as the fresh memories of the last hour pummeled her brain. Her gut hadn’t led her astray. She turned and looked over at the bathroom door. Lilianna was in a funny mood. Not funny ha-ha, but funny odd.

Standing in a shower, with an unfamiliar yet enticingly masculine scent clinging to her skin, reveling in the acute emotions of the most amazing sex she’d ever thought to have, Lilianna fought the urge to giggle, and lost. Maybe this was a funny ha-ha moment. How on earth had she arrived to this particular place and time? Her day had certainly started out in a much different place.

Seconds later, Dylan came in and found her laughing joyously as warm water streamed over her in rivulets. Dressed again, he looked out of place in her steamy shower wonderland.

“Want to join me?” she asked with a big smile in place. “You’ll have to take your clothes off. And if you want to save your shirt, you’d better do it. I don’t seem to possess the patience for buttons tonight.”

He grinned, then sobered. “Would love to get naked and join you more than anything. However, I need to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

His gaze drilled a hole through her. Something was wrong. Did they want her to leave? The half-clothed inadequate sexual antics from her past had always resulted in a quick departure for the men involved.

Maybe there really was some other lucky lady waiting at the gate demanding they let her inside so they could satisfy her, too. Even as a streak of jealousy—that she had no right to possess—sliced through her, Lilianna couldn’t blame this unseen imaginary woman for her desires.

He started to speak and then hesitated. The stare continued.

Finally, he said, “I’m reluctant to say, because it’s something I’m pretty sure you won’t like.”

“Do you want me to leave?” Is someone else waiting for a turn with the two most amazing men ever? she almost added.

Lilianna turned away from his intense regard, shut the water off, and prepared to make a hasty retreat. She understood. Even if there wasn’t anyone else waiting, being abandoned shortly after sex also wasn’t exactly unprecedented in her limited sexual history.

He barred her from exiting the shower and stared intently into her eyes. “No. I do not want you to leave. But it may not be up to me.”

He grabbed the towel from the warmer and handed it to her as she exited the shower stall. She wrapped the heated fluffy cotton around her body, tucking the excess corner near her breasts to secure it. She’d never been one who needed luxurious excess in her life but decided that the towel warmer was an awesome invention and worthy of future consideration.

Dylan remained very close. Like he wanted to help dry her off.

“I don’t understand. Why isn’t it up to you? Does Hunter want me to leave?”

He snorted. “No. Hunter wants you to stay even more than I do, which is only barely possible.”

She wanted to ask more questions, but he just kept staring at her, those luscious seductive eyes boring a way through to her soul once again. He wanted to tell her something. Something she wouldn’t like.

He kept those bedroom brown eyes focused on her face but didn’t say anymore. Was he staring at her mouth? He leaned closer and kissed her. The passion carried within reflected the notion that he did not want her to go. But she lost the thread of her mental questions as the kiss became more intense.

Hunter came striding in the room, all of a sudden. “Did you tell her?”

Dylan broke the kiss. “Not yet.”

“What have you been doing?”

“Guess.” He pressed his lips to her mouth once more. Lilianna wanted to swoon. Wanted to kiss Hunter, too. She reached out to him. He grabbed her hand and kissed the backs of her fingers with a gentle, urgent press of his lips.

He shook his head as if to clear it. “She needs to know. Kendall said we might only have about twenty minutes left.”

“Until what?” Lilianna finally realized the tone of Hunter’s voice. It was stern and unfriendly, which was completely unexpected. “And who’s Kendall?”

Hunter moved to stand behind her, pressing her up against Dylan and into a human sandwich of sorts. She liked it.

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