Page 63 of No Matter What

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She gasped, moaned and gripped his head to hold him to her breast. Only when he let loose did she remember what she held in her hand and what she wanted to do with it.

She took her sweet time, too, unrolling the condom over him with strong fingers that teased and tormented as they went. He was paying her back before she was done, his own fingers playing in the dark red curls at the juncture of her thighs, then slipping below into the damp folds between her legs.

They came together in pure pleasure and need. Being inside her felt better than anything he could remember. He was past thinking, all sensation. The feel of those hips between his hands, her breasts pressing against his chest, the sight of her bared throat and parted lips, the color on her cheeks and the dark fire of her hair. He hadn’t made love to a woman in too long, and guessed it had been longer for her, but nothing about this felt awkward. They moved as if they’d practiced until they found perfection.

He held on until she cried out and he felt her deep spasms, then ground himself against her and let himself go. He did manage to twist as he collapsed so that all his weight wasn’t on her, but she half rolled with him so they stayed connected. Her hair was tickling his face, but Richard didn’t care. When he could force his eyelids up, he gazed cross-eyed at the strand that lay across his nose. Beautiful.

He had to clear his throat before he could pull up any speech. “That was amazing.” He mulled that over. No, he decided. “You’re amazing, Molly Callahan.”

“Who knew?” she mumbled into his shoulder.

“Knew what?” He was smiling, one of those stupid, unstoppable smiles that, thank God, she couldn’t see.

“That I was amazing.” She sounded genuinely bemused. But then she tilted her head back so she could see him. “That sex could be so good.”

“I already knew you were amazing. I didn’t know sex could be so good.” He adjusted her in his arms, loving the feel of all that lush flesh against his harder length.

Molly was quiet for a minute. Her “Do you mean that?” surprised him.

He gently stroked the hair from her face so he could see at least the curve of one cheek and one eye. “Which part?”

“That…that it was good. Better than usual.” She moaned. “Forget I asked. That’s pitiful.”

He shook with his laugh. “No, it’s not. It’s sweet. It’s vulnerable.”

She punched his arm, but wasn’t in a position to put much force behind it.

Richard turned his face so his mouth was closer to her ear. “It’s natural,” he whispered. “And yes, I mean it.”

“But you’re gorgeous. You must have women throwing themselves at you all the time.”

He started to deny it, but knew that wouldn’t be completely honest. Yeah, on a regular basis he had women hinting that they could be interested. The trouble is, he wasn’t. “I’m not that kind of guy,” he finally said. “Wasn’t even in high school.”



She shook her head. “By nineteen, I was dating Colt. Married before my twenty-first birthday. A single mother after we parted ways. Anyway, I have to care. Spontaneous sex with a stranger doesn’t appeal to me much.” But then she lifted her head and grinned at him. “Although that day in front of the grocery store? When I ran into you and Trevor?”


“The idea did cross my mind.”

He laughed and kissed her. Not much talking happened after that.


“YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT?” It was the next morning. Sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar, Molly pushed aside the paperwork she’d been reading about new state-mandated in-service training for para-eds and looked at her daughter.

Cait had dragged in from her overnight at Sabrina’s, taken her bag upstairs and then come down to the kitchen. Even her “hi” had been subdued. She shrugged and opened the refrigerator, stared at the contents without moving and finally shut it without removing anything. “It was okay,” she said.

Molly only waited.

“Sabrina was really blown away. I mean, she’d heard the rumors but she didn’t believe them. She’s freaked that I’m going to have the baby.”

“She didn’t succeed in tempting you to change your mind?”

Fury flashed on Cait’s face. “What side are you on anyway?”

“Yours,” Molly said simply. “You know that.”

Cait sniffed. “I guess I do.” She hesitated, gnawing on her lip. “I’ve really been a bitch, haven’t I?”

“Yeah.” Molly smiled at her daughter. “You have.”
