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I started to swing myself, pumping my feet back and forth.

“I didn’t think that I was scared,” I admitted. “I had a moment at the police station as I thought about it, but when I got home, I felt much better. I felt very sure that I could handle him being out…then I had a sleepwalking episode.”

Dad blew out a long breath and started pumping his own legs. Only on a much smaller scale than me.

The entire swing set groaned.

I snickered. “Dad, you should probably stop before this thing breaks.”

He grunted out a ‘yeah,’ then stopped himself from moving with his booted feet.

He was dressed as chief of police today, not a police officer.

He was wearing pressed khaki pants, a nice button-down shirt, and a pair of nice boots that he hated.

He’d much rather be in tactical pants and a t-shirt, but sometimes you had to be the person you were expected to be, not the one you wanted to be.

“So did Logan confess all his sins?” I asked softly. “I kind of expected it to happen after he saw me at work today. He didn’t realize who I was for a bit there…it was kind of nice.”

Dad snorted. “You could say that.”

“What happened?” I asked as I looked at the guilty look on his face.

Dad grinned widely as he crossed his arms over his chest, making the sleeves of his button-down shirt stretch out due to his muscles. “I made him sit out there until I was ready to go, allowing Donna to glare at him for a little while. Then when I thought she’d had enough, I told her to send him home. I was never really going to talk to him because of this thing for you tonight. I just don’t like the guy.”

I frowned.

“You don’t like Logan?” I asked. “I mean, I know that Castiel—he’s the husband of one of the ladies that I work with, remember?” At his nod, I kept going. “I know that Castiel said that he’d done something to piss you off and get himself in trouble. But it didn’t sound that bad.”

Dad sighed and leaned back in his chair.

“Logan has been too big for his britches since he was old enough to walk,” he said. “His pop used to work for the force, and goddamn he was proud of Logan. Logan is just one of those people that is smart and he acts like he’s smarter than you, if that makes any sense. It’s like I can see his brain working, sizing mine up, and I can tell that he finds me lacking. He’s not like you. You use your brain power for good. Logan, on the other hand? He has a way of making you feel small even when you’re on an even playing field.”

I frowned, because that was not the vibe I got from him at all.

Not in the least.

Even though he’d given me a ticket, I still found him highly attractive.

“Logan doesn’t seem that way to me,” I admitted. “You’re going to have to give me an example.”

So, he did.

“Left work after telling him that I didn’t have time to talk to him today. I practically saw the moment that he decided that I was going to listen to him whether I wanted to or not. And that’s not the way it should be. If I wanted to leave, then I should be able to leave,” he grumped. “He says, ‘Then I won’t tell you why I saw a woman sleepwalking in the middle of the night.’ Then the little fucker walks away, ignores my call to have him stop, gets on that stupid piece of shit motorcycle that I swear to God I can hear coming from a mile away and takes off. Makes me chase his ass down.”

My lips are twitching by the time he’s done explaining.

“You don’t feel that what he had to say was important?” I teased.

“Well…I do now,” he agreed.

I snickered. “Then obviously Logan knew that you’d want to hear it. And wasn’t willing to take ‘no’ for an answer.”

He sighed. “There are other instances…but you’re right. Logan is always right…which pisses me off even more. There was this one time that we were both working an accident scene.” He shook his head. “He gets this weird look on his face and pulls the driver of the car to the side of the road, questioning him right next to the wife, who is obviously scared shitless of the man. But when I asked him to move back to where he was, he refused.”

I shifted in my swing and looked at him, allowing myself to lazily swing at this point.

“I start to get pissed. Like super pissed. I’m about to reprimand him in front of the two people when a car comes by, taking off the driver’s side door right where Logan and the driver had been standing not half a minute before.” He blew out a breath. “There are so many instances like that. Like he’s totally pissed me off more times than I can count. Disregarding orders…but he always finds himself smelling like roses. I swear, it’s annoying as fuck.”
