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I swallowed hard and lifted my legs, trailing my bare feet down the length of his butt and lower back.

“I want to hear about your crazy cop stories,” I said. “I want to see you dressed in that tight uniform every single morning when you go to work, and I want to take it off of you when you come home. I want to have your babies. I want to bring them to work so you can see them when you’re working, and I want you to come visit me when I’m working even though it wigs you out to see dead people on my table.”

I hadn’t missed his look of revulsion the one time he’d come to my work.

But he’d do it. For me.

He’d do anything for me. Even be shot.

Talking was short after that.

He held me tight to him as we rocked together.

And eventually, when he came inside of me, and I followed right after him, we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

And not once did I sleepwalk.

Nor did he wake up and have to walk the halls.Chapter 23That blood you donated might be in someone’s erection right now.

-Food for thought


My stomach was tied in knots as I made my way up Reese and Luke’s front walk.

I’d had a long day at work, and an even longer night thanks to not sleeping well—again.

I missed having Katy in my bed, and it’d only been a day.

Yesterday there’d been a rather large school bus accident carrying about thirty college basketball players. Eight of the twenty-three players on board had died, and every person in the area capable of doing an autopsy had been doing them.

Hence sleeping alone last night.

Katy had pulled an all-nighter, leaving me alone with nobody but the dogs for hours and hours on end.

It had given me a lot of time to think, which was why I happened to be where I was.

Raising my hand to knock, I did so, then turned slightly to survey the neighborhood.

There was a house for sale across the street, and one two doors down.

I was studying them, thinking the one two doors down looked a lot like I pictured when I thought about Katy and me raising a family, when the door finally opened and Reese appeared.

“Hey, Logan.” She smiled at me. “How are you?”

I grinned. “Better now. How about you?”

She gestured for me to come in.

“I’d be better when that woman is caught,” she said.

I would, too.

Tasia still hadn’t been found, and neither had Bruno.

Honestly, I highly doubted that they’d ever be found since we hadn’t seen hide nor hair of them since it all went down two days ago.

“I don’t think she’s going to be found,” I admitted. “Nor is he.”

“Trial is still going down, though, right?” she asked.

I nodded. “Talked to Paydon and his parents today when I went by before coming over here. They’re still having to fight the grandfather for custody. But they should win just fine. Especially since Bruno gave us that little tidbit about Warren planning on kidnapping Gibby. There was a couple hundred grand taken out of his account the day of the shooting, as well as plans with a few local thugs to ‘do the kidnapping’ according to the investigator.”

Reese shook her head, then sighed and gestured to the kitchen.

“Come sit down while I finish frosting this cake,” she ordered. “Tell me what you came over here for.”

Blunt, just like Katy.

I liked it.

“I want to ask your permission to marry your daughter,” I said. “And after I get your permission, I want to ask you how the hell to approach the subject with your husband without completely getting shut down.”

Reese’s eyes lit.

“Because you want to keep your job?” she asked.

I shook my head. “No. Not because of my job. Would it be nice to keep it? Yes. Is that the reason I’m asking you to help me? No. I just want to make sure that I get him to say yes so that I don’t have to live the rest of my life with your daughter knowing that he said no.”

“You’re so sure that she’ll say yes?” Reese asked, mischief sparking in her eyes.

“Yes,” I confirmed.

“Why?” she asked.

“Because I love her,” I answered simply. “And she loves me.”

“You’re sure of this?” she pushed.

I felt the smile appear on my lips.

“I’ve never been more sure of something in my life,” I told her. “I’ve had quite a few emotions roll through me this week after I was shot…and one thing I know of for sure, I want Katy at my side for the rest of my life.”

Reese’s lips twitched. “Then tell him exactly that. He doesn’t need sweet words. He needs to know that you’re going to be there for his daughter. He also needs to know that she’ll be taken care of. Which, he saw firsthand that you were willing to do.”
