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I turn just in time to catch the slim body that is smashing into mine. The overwhelming stench of cheap perfume hits my nose at the same time that her large tits are crushing against my side. I put my arm up to brace her impact, but the only thing I succeed in doing is helping her mold her body closer to mine.

“Hey, baby, did you miss me?”

I just stare at her, and I can almost picture my face. My mouth slack, my eyes confused and slowly blinking, and my brows crinkled in either shock or disgust at myself because I have no idea who this woman is. Clearly she knows me, given that one hand is possessively on my ass and the other is about two seconds away from making purchase on my cock.

And I honestly have no idea if I should be more shocked that I have no clue who she is or that my cock is oblivious to her. She’s attractive enough—a tight, trim body, large tits, and legs that could wrap around my body twice. Given the fact that she is wearing next to nothing, she would be a guaranteed sure thing and the typical type of woman I’ve been going after for as long as I can remember. She’s the type of woman who’s good for sinking yourself into, but not for conversation. The kind who, if I had a mother worth taking someone home to, you would without a doubt keep far away.

I look over at the group. All of them, even the babies, seem to be staring at me in shock, but I only have eyes for one of them. The blonde who’s haunted my every fantasy since the day I met her. Those brown eyes as dark as rich mocha boring into my own. She’s never been good at hiding how she feels, which is why I know that the attraction I feel for her is far from one-sided, but right now, the pain that is flickering back at me shocks me even more than the woman mauling me in the middle of Heavy’s.

“Did you miss me, baby?” she whispers huskily in my ears.

Her warm, wet breath hits my skin and causes a chill of revulsion to run through my body—which she clearly takes as encouragement, unfortunately, since that damn hand that was tracing each one of my abs starts making its way past my belt.

Chelcie’s eyes widen, and before I can make sense of her expression, the woman next to me curls her hand roughly against my flaccid cock, squeezing so hard that I have to suck in a deep breath of shock and pain, again doing nothing but encouraging her to keep going. With one of her hands digging into my backside and the other doing its best to rip my dick off through my pants, she leans up and bites my earlobe between her teeth.

The shock keeps me rooted—silently—in place, but when I see a single tear roll down Chelcie’s beautiful cheek, I quickly start to detangle myself from the leech at my side.

“Oh come on, Asher. You liked it rough the last time,” she pouts in the most annoying baby talk I’ve ever heard.

“Babe, I hate to break it to you, but I don’t even remember who you are.” Figuring that honesty is the best road to travel right now, I give it to her as politely as I can without just telling her that she was a warm hole my drunken mind needed.

“Excuse me?”

“Which part of that didn’t you understand?” I ask.

“Oh shit,” I hear Axel laugh behind me.

“You idiot,” Melissa mumbles under her breath.

“Sweet Jesus, even I know if I loved the ladies like you hunks of sex, THAT is definitely not the right way to handle all of that hot mess,” Sway dramatically adds.

I turn around and glare at all of them quickly before returning my attention to the chick basically vibrating with anger.

“It’s Pammy,” she seethes.

Pammy? Jesus Christ, does every one of the chicks I sleep with have to have a name that screams, ‘Bimbo’?

“Right, Pammy. I don’t mean to be a jerk, but I really have no idea who you are.” I try to smile, but when I see the look of crazy-bitch come across her face, I know that things are about to get ugly. “Stop,” I say harshly under my breath, “whatever is about to fly out of that pretty little mouth of yours, babe. In case you missed this, there are kids in your presence. I’m sure their parents are already going to lay into me since you decided to relearn your basic male anatomy while standing right in front of them, so the last thing I need is for you to start running that mouth of yours.”

Her eyes turn glacial, and I know—I just know—that she didn’t hear a word I just said. Fuck. Me.

“You knew my name just fine A WEEK ago when you were driving that thick cock inside me.” She reaches up and attempts to slap me, but I quickly catch her around her slim wrist.

Braving a look around the table behind me wouldn’t be the best move. I can feel the energy getting electric as the group takes in what just flew out of her mouth. A few shocked gasps, deep mumbles of outrage, and one high-pitched laugh that I know belongs to Sway.
