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“Some more audio that could be used to convince a more in-depth investigation on him. But let’s face it—they might have him on their radar, but they haven’t been looking hard enough. It took me a handful of months dedicated to trailing his every movement, another few months hacking into every system that Dominic might have touched with the smallest fingerprint, and a few unbelievably close calls. In that time, I managed to get a lock on at least six local warehouses that he is using to house his firearm trade. Another four that, best I can tell, are his packaging and distribution centers for his drug empire. Two houses, owned by him or his second-in-command, Pauly, that are keeping up his methamphetamine trade. I’ve also located close to the same in seven different towns scattered from New York to Miami. All of this has picture evidence, of both the locations and visuals of Dom at each location.”

When he stops, I think he’s done. My mind is spinning with everything I’ve just learned—how deep he has managed to coil himself in this vengeance he’s seeking. It isn’t until his voice breaks the silence that I realize just how close I came to him making this decision alone—and, I fear, without him ever telling anyone what he had planned. I could have lost him, and judging by just how powerful this man is, I doubt I ever would have known what happened to him.

“I’ve gotten some recent intel from my inside source that there is a meet scheduled for this coming Saturday between Dom and another man from Chicago, Dino, to make the final transaction in one of the largest drug and firearm deals we’ve seen. I’m talking billions of dollars worth of just guns alone. They’re meeting in Chicago, Dino’s turf, and from what I can tell from my guy on the inside, this was Dom’s way of expressing his loyalties to the cause. Whatever the case.”

“Jesus Christ,” Maddox spits through clenched teeth.

Greg nods in agreement. “You aren’t lying, Mad.”

“Let me get this straight. You’ve been sitting on this for all of this time for what exactly?” Axel asks.

I hold my breath and wait for Asher to continue, knowing that this is the moment when these men will pick sides. They will pick sides and essentially decide my man’s fate.

“So that I can avenge my brother’s murder.”

Chapter 29 – Chelcie

It takes only seconds after Asher hissed out those eight words.

Those eight words that will either be his demise or his salvation.

In that short time, the room explodes with voices of concern, outrage, anger, and understanding. I can’t tell with all of their yelling which is winning.

“Excuse me,” I try to say over the testosterone fest that is raging within the conference room’s four solid walls. They don’t even spare me a glance.

Each one of them is speaking over the other, trying to be the lone voice that gains the upper hand and gets to speak first.

Hell. No.

There is no way I’m going to sit back and let them help make the call that would define my future. No way. That would not only be tempting fate with Asher’s own life, but if I know anything about these men, it is that they would never let Ash go at this alone—effectively making this a call that will affect all of their futures and those of their families.

“Excuse me,” I try again, raising my voice slightly.

When that still doesn’t work, I push myself up, the chair wheeling back with a force so strong that it slams against the wall behind me. They still don’t even stop to look at me.

Looking around the room for something that will help me gain the upper hand, I see Maddox watching me with a small smirk on his face. He isn’t even attempting to stick his voice into the uncontrolled war around us. I’m not sure what compels me to act like a child, but seeing him just sitting there—doing nothing—causes my already rising temper to shoot through the roof.

I place my hands on my hips, cock my head to the side, and stick my tongue out at him.

Well, it seems as if basket case has decided to come and play today.

I see his shoulders move with his silent laughter, and then he pushes up from the table and walks around the short distance to me, all the while going completely unnoticed by the other men in the room. They just keep yelling over each other.

Maddox dips his head low, his face just inches from mine, and I try my hardest not to cower under his intense gaze. He’s standing so close that I can feel the heat of his nose against my own. He gives me one sharp nod, shifts to the right, and brings his mouth to my ear.

“You make sure and keep that damn light shining bright on him. You give a broken man like me hope that there might be something to be said about trusting that blaze that fights a man’s demons.” Then he pulls back just as quickly.
