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Business talk was behind them by dessert. Shane had requested coffees for everyone, a separate set of condiments for Crickitt. The waiter returned, announcing, “Soy milk and whipped cream,” as he settled the extra dishes next to her mug.

“How thoughtful,” Chandra said with an approving smile.

Crickitt stirred her coffee.

“Are you married, Shane?”

“Mom!” Crickitt jerked, mortified, clanking her spoon onto the edge of the mug and sending coffee onto the white tablecloth.

“What? It’s a fair question.” Chandra batted her eyes at Shane. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to pry.”

Yes, she does.

“I’m not married, never have been,” Shane answered.

Chandra dipped her chin toward Crickitt. “You probably know my daughter is single.”

“Of no fault of her own,” her dad interjected.

Maybe no one would notice if she crawled under the table for the remainder of this conversation.

“That’s true. She’ll see that one day,” her mother continued as if Crickitt wasn’t there. “When some wonderful man snaps her up and doesn’t let her go.”

“Unlike that idiot she was married to for a decade,” Gerald grumbled.

Crickitt lifted a hand to massage her temple, but Shane stopped her, pulling her hand into his and gently stroking her fingers. She flicked a look at her mother who watched their interaction with bald interest.

“You appreciate her,” Chandra said.

“I do. I’m not the best at showing it, but I do.”

Crickitt tugged her hand out of his. She wasn’t sure what was going on here, but she’d had about enough. “You guys are probably ready to go, aren’t you?” She aimed the question at her parents.

Gerald paused, his coffee cup hovering in front of his lips. Chandra frowned.

“You had a long car ride today.” Crickitt gave her mother a meaningful nod.

“Oh, oh! Yes, that’s true,” Chandra said, nodding in return. She faked a yawn. “The drive was tiring, wasn’t it, Gerald? We should get going.”

Dutifully, Gerald put his coffee down and stood. “Thanks for dinner, Shane. And thanks for the business tips.”

“I’d like to try your ale sometime,” Shane said.

“I’d like that.”

“Okay, then,” Crickitt blurted, eyes on the exit. She wanted to get out of here before the three of them planned a family vacation. “See you tomorrow, Shane.”

“No, no.” Chandra waved her napkin frantically as she stood. “You stay. Don’t let us old folks curtail your evening.”

Shane was out of his seat before she could argue. “We did have a few things to go over.”

Her blood ran cold. This morning’s conversation wasn’t forgotten. Only postponed.

“You keep Mr. August, er—Shane,” Chandra said with a plump smile in his direction, “company. We’ll see you at home.” She elbowed Gerald and he reached for his wallet.

“I’ll give you some cab money.”

“Dad, I have money.”

“I’ll see her home, Gerald,” Shane said, corralling them to the door. “I won’t keep her too late.”

Chandra waved a hand. “Just because we’re staying at her apartment does not mean she has a curfew.”

“I think I will take that cab.” Crickitt snatched the outstretched bills from her father.

Her mother pulled her to one side. “You stay as long as he needs you, you hear?”

Pimped out by my own parents. “Yes, Mother.”

They vanished behind the curtain and Crickitt turned to find Shane stepping up to the bar. “Drink?”

“I’m fine,” she said, anything but.

In the seating area, Shane settled onto the couch. Crickitt plopped into an adjacent chair rather than sit at his side. One arduous minute passed as she searched the room for something to focus on. Her eyes returned to Shane, who said nothing, his elbows on his knees as he studied his intertwined fingers.

A lead vest of dread weighed down her shoulders. Someone needed to start this conversation.

“I know you probably feel guilty because I cried this morning,” she blurted. “But dragging it out is making it worse. If you want to break up with me—even though I’m not sure we were officially seeing each other—then you should do it. And get it over with.” She could hardly believe she’d just said that.

“Is that what you want?”
