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It didn’t keep Crickitt from invading his thoughts, though. Just thinking of her made his chest hurt, his eyes burn. And he’d thought about her often. Too often.

He’d had girlfriends in the past. There was Lori, for starters. She was the one who got him thinking about family and marriage. Not because he wanted those things with her, but because he didn’t. When thoughts of family and kids led to memories of his mother, his complex feelings surrounding her death, he felt the palpable tug on the thin thread holding him together.

After he and Lori called it quits, Shane wrote a set of life rules. Number one was Don’t get married. He’d witnessed Fate’s ugly sense of humor firsthand when his mother passed. Thanks, but no thanks. Number two was Rely on yourself followed by Earn enough money so you never need more. And as far as he could tell, they’d all worked out well for him.

Until Crickitt came along. Then he’d taken his rules, bound and gagged them, and shoved them into a dark corner. Each time she’d pulled away from him, he pursued her. She wasn’t the one trying to snuggle into his life and get cozy, more like the other way around. He’d been the one to insist on an “official” date. He’d been the one to invite her parents out to dinner. And he was the one who cuddled closer to her in his bed and asked her to stay.

He thought if he gave himself some time away the fog would clear from his brain, but he may as well have been in the center of London Bridge during the rainy season for all the clarity he had.

A crunch of leaves called his attention and he turned, expecting to see a deer or squirrel or other curious woodland creature at the edge of the forest. She was a curious creature all right, but far from woodland, in a bright purple blouse and short white shorts.

“Crickitt.” His voice was tight, gravelly. And his heart gave a dangerous squeeze. Like before, his palms grew sweaty, his hands shaky.

Can you be glad and terrified to see someone at the same time?

“Hi,” she said carefully, stepping onto the stone patio.

Her expression said it all. She knew. And he’d bet dollars to dot-coms Lori had been the one to tell her.

“What are you doing here?” He couldn’t stop the edge from entering his voice.

“I called.” There was that doe-eyed look again, soaking in pity, dripping with compassion. “Lori told me,” she said.

He clenched his jaw.

“Shane, I—”

“Don’t,” he warned, holding out a hand. At least it wasn’t shaking. But the blood beneath his skin was racing, hot. “Don’t say you understand. Don’t say you’re sorry.” That was the worst. And he’d heard it plenty from friends and relatives over the years.

“I wasn’t going to say that.” She took another step, kneading her hands together.

His face started tingling, eyes blurring. Was he…crying? He ducked his head and backed to the sliding glass door before traitorous tears broke through his flimsy facade of composure.

“Leave, Crickitt,” he grated over his shoulder, holding it together with both hands. “I don’t want you here.”

* * *

That didn’t go well.

The door slammed, leaving Crickitt alone on the patio. Rather than follow him in, she took the seat he was in when she first saw him. He looked tired, haggard, and, because she missed him so very much, wonderful and handsome at the same time. She wanted to rush over and kiss his scruffy face. But the pain was so present in his eyes, eating away at him, it’d scared her a little. So she’d kept her distance.

She made the decision to come here and take care of him, regardless of his reaction. Lori said he needed her, and Crickitt chose to believe her. Only on the plane ride over Crickitt admitted to herself it was so much more than that.

This was about more than taking care of him, more than making love to him, even more than saving him. Crickitt wanted to be with him because he’d taken half her heart and held it hostage. Even as she sat here, part of her was in the house with him.

No going back now.

She stood from the chair and crossed to the back door, hoping Shane hadn’t flipped the lock behind him. She pulled on the handle, her hopes lifting as the door slid easily in the track. If only everything went as smoothly. The downstairs was dark, quiet, but she could hear the shower knobs turn and boards creak underfoot over her head.

Padding up the stairs, she set out to find her new temporary office. If this was the new home base for August Industries, so be it.

She wasn’t going anywhere.

* * *

Crickitt stretched her back and twisted in the hard oak chair. Her butt was numb from sitting, her bare legs sticking to the seat. She peeled them free, rubbing the backs of her thighs as she stood.
