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Oh kissing her was good. She was small and strong and she poured her whole body into answering his passion. There was plenty of that, wave after wave rolling through him, until his dick ached with it. Groaning, he pulled her on top of him. He couldn’t keep his hands from running over her. Her back, her arms, the curve of her narrow waist, all called him to admire them. Her tight little butt obsessed him—its firmness, its roundness, how he could cover half of it with his palm. Her ass made him long to take her in ways he’d only taken Trey until now.

Actually, her ass kind of made him want to spank her.

He counted himself fortunate she couldn’t read his mind. “Mm,” she hummed, wriggling as his hand slid under her wretched dress and over her slightly nicer satin panties. Half Zane’s blood tried to race to his cock at once. She was wet, her gusset soaked where he pushed the cloth between her labia.

She broke free of his kiss and gasped.

“Too much?” he panted, feeling like a teenager who’d tried to steal third base.

“Maybe.” Her Cheshire smile was at odds with her breathlessness. “Why don’t I even things up a bit?”

His size and the car’s lack of it didn’t allow her much room to move. He debated suggesting they take this show inside when her surprisingly firm hand wrapped his erection. He arched, the top of his head bumping the window frame. The way his scalp tingled had more to do with her rubbing him than the possible concussion.

“Fuck,” he groaned, feeling her touch so intensely he could hardly believe it. One more squeeze, and he swore he was going to come.

“Too much?” she asked.

Maybe she was joking. Tit for tat, and all that. Zane didn’t wait to find out. He shoved her seat fully backward on its track, then flipped her down onto it. At the cost of a couple curses and bonked body parts, he twisted into a hunched position where he could shove her dress up and latch his mouth over her pussy. The pleasure he took in this improved the second he ripped away her panties. Her clit was so swollen he had no trouble zeroing in on it.

“Jesus,” she said, ineffectually pushing at his head. He licked up her creamy button, and she whimpered. “Zane, the top of your car is down.”

“Gaze at the stars,” he laughed, drunk with the taste of her. “And for God’s sake, don’t be loud enough to disturb your neighbors.”

“Oh God,” she groaned, because he’d brought his thumbs into play beside his mouth. He wedged his shoulders beneath her thighs, spreading them wider. Her hands forked into his hair, her hips jerking closer in spite of her embarrassment with the exposure. “Zane, I can’t—”

He found a hot spot to the left of her clit and worked it in a circle with the pad of his thumb. Apparently, it was a good nerve cluster. Rebecca groaned and thrashed and clutched his head harder. “We’re outside,” she said, trying to whisper. “I can’t . . . relax enough to come.”

He was pretty sure she could. She was hot enough to burn him, the moans that caught in her throat ramping up his excitement. Now that he’d got himself where he was, he was damned if he wanted to cut this short.

An idea sprang into his mind that—in the moment—seemed like genius. Possibly it was evil genius. His cock thudded like a demon as it came to him.

“I can help you keep quiet,” he said, hands flying from her sex to his belt buckle. “Then you’ll be able to relax.”

His belt whipped free of its loops with a telltale metallic rattle.

“Zane,” she breathed in shock. “You can’t fuck me out here.”

She would have let him. Her temperature had jumped ten degrees. “Not the plan,” he assured her, despite the temptation. “Give me your wrists.”


“Wrists,” he repeated.

She stared at him with her mouth open. Her pupils were dilated from more than the darkness. His instincts were on target. Whether she knew it or not, this game excited her.

“I promise,” he swore harshly. “I’ll stop the second you ask me to.”

She swallowed and then offered him her wrists. She looked so obedient, so surprisingly natural. Zane’s heart rate sped up wildly. He was doing a number on his own arousal as well. Trey had trained him to like these scenarios. Struggling not to shake, he wrapped his belt in figure eights around her slender wrists. The leather wasn’t tied, but it would stay where it was.

“Bite it,” he said. “Or hook it behind my neck. Whatever helps you feel in control.”

The suggestion that binding her wrists would increase her sense of control sent a shudder through her body.

“Okay?” he asked, because she seemed unable to speak. She nodded, a quickened pulse beating in her throat. Satisfied, he bent back to her pussy.

She was twice as wet as before, twice as wild and responsive. She was also quieter. Only gasps and tiny strangled mewls came from her. When he rolled his eyes up, she had the belt clamped between her teeth. The sight did incredible things to him. He forgot how uncomfortable his hunched position was. Aroused beyond bearing, he wanted to make her come so hard the belt would be all that prevented her from screaming.

He sucked her until she tensed every muscle with her longing to go over, until he knew all she needed was a bit more pressure. He drove his hands up the front of her body, underneath her loose dress to the wire bottom of her bra. His fingers pushed it easily upward, each hand covering one round breast. Her skin was feverish, her hardened nipples perfect for scissoring between his knuckles.

She hissed and arched for how good that felt. Then, as if she needed it too much to remain inhibited, she finally slapped her belt-bound wrists behind his neck.

This was a signal he had no intention of disregarding. As she urged him closer, he lavished all his oral skill on her clit, sucking it with force and directness: lips, tongue, everything brought into play.

She came without screaming, but she came hard. When her thighs relaxed at last from their spasm of pleasure, he shifted up her body. The move kept her arms behind him, tied wrists limply hugging him. Her eyes were wide, her pulse still trembling within her cushy lips. He kissed her softly, and she returned it the same way. He loved that as much as he’d loved her earlier aggression. Her kiss conveyed a depth of caring he shouldn’t have been hungry for. He had that in his life. Trey gave it to him in spades. Ruthlessly shoving that consciousness aside, he lowered his hips to hers.

The stiff ridge behind his zipper couldn’t be overlooked.

“Zane,” she murmured against mouth, definitely not an objection.

He didn’t open his trousers. He liked his hands where they were, fanned and kneading her warm soft breasts. Rebecca’s legs were parted around him, her panties torn away. He began to rub against her slowly, getting her wetness on the linen, teasing his prick with prospect of getting off. Her bound hands fisted in the small of his back, her calves moving restlessly behind his.

“Are you going to come like this?” she asked in a hushed tone. “Without even unzipping?”

He looked into her big gray eyes, into her shining black pupils. “Do you want me to?”

Her pelvis arched to him. “Yes, please,” she whispered in answer.

He needed the release bad, but he didn’t rush. He waited until tension rose in her again, wanting her to go with him. Then he dropped his head beside hers on the car seat and ground hard and quick into her mons, making sure to strafe the swelling at its apex. Growls of pent-up longing escaped him, his cock as trapped by his clothing as her wrists were by his belt. The constriction pleased his nerves, the perversity of doing this like he was back in high school. As excited as he was, the friction got to him in no time.

He had to let go, and he did. He gasped at the intensity of the orgasm, hot kicks of ejaculation driven hard from his cock and balls. Rebecca went a second later, her involuntary cry muffled against his neck.

He suspected he’d remember the sound of that for a while.

“Whew,” Rebecca said after a long moment.

Zane covered her mouth with his sweaty hand. Someone was coming toward them on the sidewalk—walking a dog, he thought.

“Stay still,” he instructed her very quietly. “I don’t think they’ll notice us.”

The person didn’t seem to, talking nonsense to his dog and humming an off-key show tune. By the time he was gone, Rebecca was biting her lip against laughing. She’d unwrapped his belt already to free her wrists, so he rolled off her. She straightened her dress and wriggled her bra back on. She tried to get the convertible’s seat up, but she needed his help for that.

Her amusement remained apparent through all of it.

“We’re both completely crazy,” she declared.

Her hair was sticking up all over, actually more stylish than it had been before.

“Maybe,” Zane said, giving in to the urge to smooth it, “but I’m pretty sure we need to do that again, preferably in a bed.”
