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“We’ll reimburse you for his fees, of course,” his sister put in.

Seeming to understand this wasn’t necessary, Benjamin rubbed the furrow between his brows. For just a second, Zane saw Trey’s bone structure in his face.

“She hasn’t used her credit card since she checked out of the hotel,” Zane answered. “Or withdrawn money from her bank. Unless she has fake ID, she hasn’t bought a plane, train, or bus ticket. She also hasn’t rented a car. Does she have friends in the area she could be staying with? A former schoolmate maybe?”

Benjamin heaved a sigh. “I’m not sure the old bat ever made a friend in her life. The marvel is she convinced our father to marry her.”

Antonia smacked his leg, but didn’t contradict him. Zane experienced an unexpected pity for them. Their childhood couldn’t have been much easier than Trey’s—and no wonder they playacted at coming from a different background than they did.

“If you truly fear for your mother’s safety,” he said, “you should go to the police.”

“Oh no.” Antonia wagged her head back and forth. “We couldn’t. Mother would throw a fit.”

Having met Constance, Zane imagined that would be daunting. “I’d like to ask you both something,” he said, making up his mind as he spoke. “About your mother’s father.”

“You mean the saint?” Benjamin responded sardonically. “According to Mother, no man was ever as good as him. Or smarter. Or more deserving of honors the world was forever denying him.”

“Did you know him?”

Benjamin shook his head. “He died before we were born. We have some older cousins who knew him. They claim he could make their skin crawl just by laying eyes on them.” He stopped, drew breath, and started again. “Those things our mother is so desperate to have your business partner deny? I wager they damn well happened. I don’t know exactly what our grandfather did to our mom, but she sure as hell is screwed up.”

It seemed a relief for him to say it out loud. Zane wondered if he had before.

“You’re not going to sue her, are you?” Antonia broke in pleadingly. “That would make such a mess.”

He understood the reason for their visit then. They didn’t want a scandal to crack the civilized patina they’d laid across their lives. “It’s not in my immediate plans,” he said.

He got up, and the siblings did as well. He shook Benjamin’s hand. “I’ll keep you informed if the PI turns up news.”

“Thank you,” the son acknowledged. “We’ll be in town a few days.”

His sister began to interrupt, but Benjamin shushed her with a hard look. He, at least, understood when shutting your mouth was the best strategy.


The meeting weighed on Zane’s thoughts for the rest of the afternoon—how one man’s sins affected so many. He wondered if he should tell Trey he’d met his cousins. Would Trey want to know them? Did they have enough in common beyond the blood tie? He knew he didn’t have the right to shield Trey from making his own decisions but couldn’t seem to stop himself. He wished he’d gotten a better bead on the Sharps, good or bad.

Rebecca returned from her appointment distracted too. Zane expected this was due to turning her mind to work. Monday was tomorrow. She’d be back at the Lounge early.

She didn’t even try to talk her way into Mrs. P’s kitchen to cook dinner.

Trey attempted to de-mope the mood by dragging them to the theater in the basement to watch a movie. Zane was aware of cars blowing up and the hero saving the world. Other than that, the plot slipped by him unnoticed.

“Maybe we should turn in,” Rebecca said after Trey brought the lights back up. “We all have work tomorrow.”

When Zane agreed, Trey muttered they were pitiful.

Back upstairs, Rebecca called dibs on the suite’s bathroom. She’d become a fan of its multiple pulsating showerheads. Zane sincerely hoped that wouldn’t be what she missed most about her time with them.

He glowered as he undressed. Standing with him in the roomy custom closet, Trey smacked Zane’s diaphragm with the back of his hand. As intended, the sting caught his attention.

“Cut it out,” Trey said.

“I’m annoyed that she’s going,” Zane replied.

“Going. Not gone. She’s right behind that door with a dozen steamy sprays shooting over her hot body.”

Zane was stripped to his boxer briefs, the stretch of which gave his cock room to twitch. “She called dibs. She wants the shower to herself.”

“And you can’t think of anything that would change her mind.”

He could think of a lot of things, one in particular. Maybe Trey knew which, because he put his hand on Zane’s shoulder. His eyes held a touch of sadness Zane didn’t like. “Don’t you want to end this week memorably?”

He did, maybe more than Trey knew. He ached to keep Rebecca, to add her to the wonderful portion of his life he’d been lucky to build with Trey. What did his hangups matter compared to that? Didn’t he owe it to Trey and himself to make this last-chance pitch as well as he could?

He stroked Trey’s forearm to his elbow, ruffling the silky hairs and causing him to shiver. Watching Trey’s pupils darken lifted his prick some more.

“Finish undressing,” Zane said throatily. “You’re going to help me convince Rebecca she’d enjoy company.”


Aside from the pool and the library and—as of tonight—the gilded mini-movie theater, Trey and Zane’s bathroom was her favorite place in the house. Okay, the underground playroom was cool as well, plus the kitchen, from the peek she’d had at it, but the giant bath was definitely up there in her top ten.

Bigger than her bedroom at home, the bath had a glittering crystal fringe chandelier, pale green silk wallpaper, and an array of plumbing more elaborate than two American men should know how to use. Rebecca was so in love with the shower’s zillion body sprays that she hadn’t yet tried the freestanding, reheating soaker tub.

If she’d had this bathroom in her house, she might never get muscle knots.

She half-hummed, half-sang a Pink song as she soaped herself. She pushed aside the knowledge that this might be her last time here. She’d remember it. She’d remember everything.

Glass divided the shower space from the rest of the room, and she had her back to it. Given how many sprays she had on and the roar of the water, it was no wonder the men’s entrance was drowned out.

She jumped and squeaked as two warm hands settled on her shoulders from behind.

“You’re a rock star?” Trey teased her for her song choice, his lips right beside her ear. “Does that make me and Zane your groupies?”

She turned to face him. The men had stepped into the white marble enclosure, towering and naked. Rebecca became a different sort of wet when faced with their male beauty.

“Wow,” she said, taking in their taut muscles and tall erections. “If you’re my groupies, I really rate.”

Trey’s smile was beautiful. “Zane and I wondered if you could stand company.”

“No,” Zane corrected, drawing Trey’s head around. “Not company. Not yet.”

“Not company?” Trey repeated.

Rebecca’s heart skipped a beat as Zane dragged a fingertip down the centerline of Trey’s water-beaded chest. Maybe Trey’s heart skipped too. He sucked in a gasp loud enough to hear.

“I think she’d prefer a show.” Zane’s attention followed his finger across Trey’s navel. “The show she secretly wanted to see that first morning when you and I shared the shower in here.”

Zane didn’t touch Trey’s erection, but it jumped anyway. “A show with just you and me?”

“Exactly.” Zane looked into Trey’s eyes. The mist was clinging to Trey’s lashes, the sparkle making him seem dreamy. “You and me making love to each other in front of her. She can watch as closely as she wants without being distracted.”

Trey’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. “You sure?”

“I’m sure.” Zane shifted his gaze to her. “That’s something you want, isn’t it?”

She’d been holding her breath without realizing. “Yes,” she said on an outward gust of air.

Zane smiled, his blue eyes simultaneously hot and affectionate. “I’d kiss you,” he said, “but I’m saving that for later.”

He kissed Trey instead, holding his face, and then his biceps, and then Trey broke and plastered the two of them front to front in a full embrace. The move shocked through Rebecca as if it had been done to her. This was how they’d kiss if they were alone—hungry and hot and hard. In the center of the spray, the men sucked each other’s tongues, their chiseled jaws and cheeks working. Trey was moaning long and low. Zane moved his hips against his lover’s, rubbing their thick erections side by side.

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