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When he had received the request from Dr G Dionis to carry out research of the seals, he had no idea who she was, nor even that it was a she. He had been only too happy to give his permission knowing what important work it would be, wondering at the time if he should offer more support. With a contemptuous curl of his lip he had sworn, glaring at the blank computer screen, his brow scowling once more at the thought of the woman from the beach. Six years ago it had taken all his strength to hold back from her, not to take her to bed as every part of him had burned to do. He had thought her an innocent, but she was a deceiver, already in love with another man yet it would have taken very little for her to have slept with him. His mouth set, he had known he had regretted not enjoying her, knowing if he had he would have felt less taken in by her lies.

Running his hand across his lip he had been surprised at how little she had changed. Less gawky, her limbs more rounded and soft he realised, feeling the unexpected pang of desire as a soft shiver had shuddered through him. Her eyes were still the same wonderful large windows to her soul, that day full of fear and discomfort, her angelic face even flushing slightly. Sitting back more thoughtfully Alexos Manetas had contemplated the team and the woman who led them. Perhaps there was time for payback his eyes hardening, she certainly deserved it.

As the sun had slowly sank into the crystal waters the team had packed up their equipment for the night. Still casting worried looks in her direction they had started to laugh and joke about that day’s findings, all enjoying the many tales of the vivacious animals, so playful under water. If they noticed that she was not her usual bubbly self, they discreetly avoided saying anything, filling her silences with laughter.

About to push the small boat from the beach to row to the boat anchored just off shore, the sound of the man’s voice had halted them. Grace had closed her eyes softly, not ready for another show down with the angry man of that afternoon. Straightening and turning she had waited for him to join the small group, his features polite and almost friendly as he had once more greeted Carol, his eyes lingering on Grace before thrusting out his hand to the two men.

“Forgive me for this afternoon…there are some things in life you never anticipate”

His voice had sent a small tremor down her spine, Grace once more surprised at her reaction to this man.

“I had come to invite you to the villa for dinner, but given the hour and latest news, I hoped that you might prefer tomorrow”

With a small frown Grace had asked “What news?”

Alexos turning his eyes on her

“There is a storm due tomorrow, meant to be a bad one, which is due to kick in at about three. So I wondered if you would all like to spend the night at my villa. I am sure that it will be far more pleasant than sitting it out on the open water”

The sounds of appreciation from the others had made her bite back the refusal, knowing it would seem churlish at his very generous offer, Grace seeing the gleam in his eye, knowing that he knew she had wanted nothing more than to turn him down.

“T…That is very kind of you Mr Manetas” she had managed, the forced smile plastered on her face as his lips had twitched softly, his sensual voice almost a whisper.

“Since when did we become so formal Grace?” the others looking at each other with knowing smiles.

Gritting her teeth she had held his look

“Then that is very kind of you Alexos” a smile crossing his handsome features, instantly softening his look.

“Much better” his dark eyes dancing as he had bid his farewells, turning once more and disappearing into the darkness of the night. Closing her eyes with pain she had jumped into the boat, aware as the others had rowed beside her in silence. Only as they had finally said their goodnights and the two women were once more alone had Carol spun around, her face bursting with excitement.

“Ok…what is the back story with you and that gorgeous hunk of man?”

Grace shrugging noncommittally.

“Nothing…I spent a weekend at his villa once when I was younger” adding as the other woman had opened her mouth ready to demand details “There were a whole group of us and he was very sweet and took me diving”

Chuckling with a devilment in her eyes Carol had jumped into her cot “Sweet huh?” Her tone holding more innuendo than was necessary as Grace had given a heavy sigh. “Yes…just sweet…that is all and there is nothing more to it”

As the lights had been extinguished the other woman had given another small ripple of laughter

“Yeah it looked like there was nothing going on between the two of you…maybe he will be more forthcoming”

Grace had grit her teeth with determination not to rise to her friend’s words. That night she had slept little, the presence of Alexos Manetas so close, even though there was water between them, was unsettling. With a groan she had wondered how she would survive spending the next night under his roof.

By four the following day the forecasted storm had kicked in with an intensity that was staggering. Their equipment was safely stowed and placed within the pickup which he had sent down for them. None of the four had come prepared with formal clothing, but each had packed the best clothes they had. When the equipment had been safely locked up in an outhouse the group had been taken into the villa itself. Grace had once more enjoyed the luxurious surroundings, as her team had open-mouthed admired the opulent house.

“Wow” Carol had whispered in a hushed tone, her reservation leaving her as she had been shown into a large room complete with en-suite bathroom. Gazing dreamily at Grace she had draped herself on the soft plush bed, her eyes full of laughter

“It is so soft…and cool…and bug free …” Grace rolling her eyes and laughing as she had moved with the rest of the group as each was shown their rooms. Her room was the last, separated from the rest, Grace feeling uncomfortable at this, not sure why she should.

After showering the group had organised to meet up once more at seven when the bell for dinner would sound, all so looking forward to a meal which did not involve home caught fish. Looking at her watch it had only been five and with a grimace she had lain on the soft bed, feeling so tired.

Grace had been surprised that she had slept, and it was only the small tap on the door that had woken her from her deep sleep. Gasping, she had leapt quickly up opening the door to be greeted by the same girl she had met so many years earlier. Now older she had grinned warmly.

“Dinner is in ten minutes Dr Dionis” she had said in a hushed respectful voice” Grace giving her a warm smile back.

Quickly pulling on jeans and a clean shirt she had brushed her teeth and ran a brush through her long hair, once more pulling it into a controlled knot at the back of her head. With a final look at herself in the mirror, happy that she appeared suitably respectable she had moved from the room.

As the group had sat around the large dining table, Grace had deliberately chosen a seat furthest from the head of the table where Alexos had sat, so handsome and relaxed. Dressed casually like the rest of the group he had welcomed them all, kissing both Carol and Grace’s hands, she trying hard not to show the tremor that had once more passed through her at the touch of his mouth on her flesh.

The meal had been delicious, the men enjoying the steak laughing at how they would happily never have to eat another fish again. Grace quirking a small smile as she had reminded them of the two weeks that they would hopefully have to survive once they had returned from their break. Alexos had looked on in interest querying the plans, quickly discovering that after the following day they would be on break, smiling as he had congratulated himself on his timing knowing how close he had come to once more missing her, missing the opportunity to avenge himself.

As a lull in the conversation had seen the group enjoying the food, he had flicked a look at Grace. She looked rested; the sleep had done her good. When he had gone to her room earlier she had been asleep on the bed, her beautiful face so serene. He had considered waking her, extracting his revenge there and then just as she had stirred, rolling onto her side, her hand tucked so gently under her cheek. He had bent down, lifting a strand of her golden hair, a small smile fleetingly crossing her face as he had whispered her name, her lips murmuring his back. The surprise of it had made him pull back from her as frowning he had wondered if she had been awake, her stillness and deep breathing belying that thought. Telling himself that there was plenty of time and later would be better, he had once more left the room, once more surprised at the intensity of his attraction to this using, deceiving woman.

“Does your husband not mind you being away all the time Grace?”

She had felt her stomach drop at the unexpected question as Carol had laughed loudly, Dave and Peter chuckling also.

“Grace isn’t married!”

Groaning she had seen the sudden frown come to his face, his eyes sharpened in interest “But you still wear a wedding ring”. He had said softly, his look pointedly fixed on her hand. With another chuckle Carol had given Grace a playful look “Oh…you mean her shield”
