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“Y…your pool was very tempting”

She had felt the blush deepen as his eyes had unashamedly moved down her taking in her small yet perfect figure, slim hips, nipped waist and large breasts for her build, all hidden within the prim black one piece costume, his smile growing wider.

“Yes. It became more tempting to me also”

Giving a shaky attempt at a laugh she nodded, ignoring the obvious innuendo in his tone “Best not to get overheated…and I enjoy swimming”

With that she had began moving once more, finding the man easily keeping up with her. At an early age she had been a keen swimmer excelling in the sport, her skill rivalling that of any of the men she had met at swim meets. He however, seemed to be able to keep up with her with little effort, the two completing two lengths together before she had stopped, as he stopped with her, not even out of breath she noticed.

“You swim well Mr Manetas” she had said with approval as he had stood, his height raising him out of the water to his waist, Grace trying hard not to stare at the broad shoulders and slim muscular belly.

“As do you” he had chuckled softly “But please let us not stand on formalities. I hope that you will call me Alexos”

Nodding she had given a shy smile.

“Of course and please Grace” rewarded with an approving smile from him. The cry from the group of women had seen him grit his teeth, Grace surprised at the look of irritation which had crossed his features.

“Alexos!” one pouting beauty had cried “Come back…we miss you”

Giving her a rueful smile he had grinned, a sensual wicked curve of his lips “Perhaps you and I should head out to sea…see how far from all these guests we can go”

Giving a small smile, she had not been aware of the softening of her eyes, or the way the amber flecks had shone so much brighter. “Ah…the sea, I do love the sea” her voice wistful as he had given a chuckle

“Well I see my charms are not enough to beat mother-nature” he had drawled softly, Grace once more feeling the colour rise as she had stammered.

“No…no…thank you for …” her voice had trailed off weakly “the swim”

Alexos had paused, his eyes taking in the young woman before him. There was nothing unnatural about this one, no false sense of modesty, no hidden agenda, no vanity. Her blushes and nervousness pointed to an innocence that was unusual in that day and age, Grace Leotta fascinated him.

“Do you dive?”

His question seeing her eyes widen in surprise before she had nodded “Yes…I have since I was a child”

Nodding with approval he had flicked a look at the other four women all trying so hard to lure him back into their circle. “You should explore the reefs off the island. They are well known for their wildlife”

The mention of the reef had seen her face brighten, an excited glow filling her, Alexos held his breath at the change in her. “I would like to do that very much” she had grinned, wondering if such excursions would be possible.

With another wide grin he had nodded “Excellent. Then tomorrow at seven we will explore. I will ensure all the equipment is available”

Spluttering softly the smile had fallen from her small mouth “No…No…I couldn’t put you out”

With one fluid movement he had hauled himself effortlessly out of the pool, “No trouble. I enjoy diving. It will be fun to have someone to accompany me”, his smile knowing as he had once more turned his attention to the gaggle of beauties with open arms begging for his return.

To say her mother was delighted would have been an understatement, her face alive with relief and excitement.

“Your father will be happy” she had grinned, phoning him as soon as they had returned to their rooms to change for dinner, his voice approving for once as he had told her to carry on with the good work.

Sighing, Grace had finished her shower, allowing her hair to fall around her shoulders pulled up at the side with an ornate clasp. When the invitation had arrived, her father had insisted on his assistant shopping with her for the correct clothing to attend such a prestigious event, Grace grimaced once more as she had fidgeted with the sleeve which had fallen over her shoulder revealing the soft creamy curve of her skin. The dress was beautiful, delicate and far more revealing than she was used to. The bodice pulled her in at the front, offering an enticing glimpse of her perfect cleavage. Grace sighed with exasperation wondering how it could do that while still be able to fall so low at the back, showing off the perfect curve of her spine. The skirt had dropped to the floor in gentle folds of chiffon and the delicate designer shoes had peeked out from beneath. Moving into the room, her mother had stopped, her eyes watering as she had looked at her daughter

“Oh Grace…you look so beautiful” she had mumbled, quickly pulling out a camera to take a snap of her, Grace giving an embarrassed smile back.

“You grew up so fast” the woman had said pensively, her eyes soft with the memories of her only child. Moving forward Grace had pulled her in for a hug.

“You are the best mum in the world” she had said with feeling.

Her whole life, her mother had been the only one to show her kindness, her father often chastising her for being so soft on the child, preferring instead to reign with an iron fist, terrorising his daughter. However, when she would hide in her room, tears falling down her small face, her mother would always find her, hold her close and tell her that she was loved.

Together the two had made their way downstairs to join the other girls and their mothers, all laughing and exchanging stories of their husbands’ wealth while the girls noisily admired each others’ dresses, at the same time talking about each other behind their backs. Grace felt out of place as she had been given derisory looks by the other girls; she was shocked by the amount of flesh their dresses showed, leaving very little to the imagination.

As they had stood others had joined them, Grace glad that the small gathering had turned into more of a crowd, knowing from much experience that it was always easier to disappear into a crowd. The sound of the dinner bell had seen the throng of about twenty, many single men move as one to the dining room.

Grace had found herself seated beside a pleasant man in his early 20’s, Grace herself only nineteen, the two chatting amicably as she had discovered that he was a vet, this interesting her very much. He in turn had enjoyed the intelligent questions and real interest of the young woman, not missing how beautiful she looked as he had looked shyly back at her.

Alexos had been the last to arrive, taking his place at the head of the table a hush falling on the crowd as he had welcomed all, before the buzz of conversation had increased as the servers had moved in to lay down the starters.

The food was delicious, Grace knowing that no expense had been spared on the sumptuous meal, enjoying it very much. Looking at the other four women, she had stifled a smile seeing how little they ate, shaking her head knowing that their figures were of more interest to them than the food before them. Raising her head she had flicked a look at the man at the head of the table, feeling once more the blush rise to her cheek as their eyes had met, Grace quickly dropping hers as she had nervously turned to her companion to answer his questions.

After the meal, the group had moved to the huge living room, part of which had been cleared to allow dancing. Grace had been surprised to see the small band which had immediately started to play, her lips quirking knowing that this was an often repeated event, her mind returning to Daryle’s words, that the weekends happened every month, as she had found herself relaxing.

For the rest of the evening, she had danced often with the man who seemed to have taken a liking to her, Grace finding herself liking him very much also as the two had talked about the different marine life on the island she listening so attentively as he had spoke.

From a distance Alexos had frowned, tired of the attention of the four women who seemed to constantly be appearing before him. Looking over he had once more admired the fifth, Grace Leotta, her face smiling with real warmth at the man who normally so quiet was talking animatedly to her, his hands holding her as they had danced together. The feeling of jealousy had been unexpected. Alexos so used to overshadowing any man in a room, able to take his pick of women at any event. Lifting his glass he had frowned, watching as the two had broken apart and made towards their table. Placing his drink down with a decided motion he had stepped before them, a smile on his handsome features

“A dance Grace?” his sensual voice sending strange tremors down her spine, as nervously she had extended her hand for him to lead her back to the dance area.

He towered above her, her head neatly fitting under his chin as his hands had spread open over the small of her back. Grace found the warmth of them disturbing, not understanding why. One arm had draped between them to rest gently on his shoulder as the other had been enveloped by his hand, Grace aware of how firm that hand was. Leaning against him, she had closed her eyes with pleasure as the scent of his aftershave had filled her, her nostrils flaring with the pleasure of his scent.
