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Frowning softly she had looked at him questioningly

“I WAS married Alexos” He shaking his head softly.

“No. I still do not understand what you were Grace…but you were not married, and holding on to his name does not change that fact. As far as I am concerned you are still Grace Leotta, the woman who swam towards sharks”

Biting her lip she had given a long sigh. It seemed futile to argue, Grace not exactly sure what she was arguing for as she had allowed him to lead her back down the stairs to the outside terrace where drinks and snacks had been laid out, his father already waiting for them.

Sipping the refreshing homemade lemonade she had enjoyed listening as the two men had laughed and joked together, a small stab of sadness filling her that she had never been as close to her own father.

“I was so delighted to hear that the two of you had found each other again”

Nikoli’s voice had pulled her from her reverie as Grace had looked up with a smile, her eyes flitting nervously to Alexos “Y…yes”

Sitting back the man had seemed content

“I have organised for a small party to celebrate your engagement” he had told them softly, Alexos flashing her an encouraging smile.

“Just a few friends, some family and of course your parents Grace”

The clatter of her dropping the knife she had lifted to cut some cake had made the two men look around

“M…m…my parents?” the only words she could manage, both men so aware of the pallor of her complexion as all colour had drained from her face, Nikoli leaning forward with concern.

“My dear girl, are you OK?” worry on his face as Alexos had stood taking her hand as he had pulled her to her feet

“I am afraid that I should have insisted that you lie down Grace” turning to his father “I fear that she was not well earlier but did not want to worry you”

With authority the older man had nodded softly

“Then you must lie down, it has taken me all this time to find myself a daughter-in-law….I want to make sure she stays well” giving her a paternal smile, Grace somehow managing a tremulous one herself as Alexos had led her back to her room.

As the door had closed, she had groaned with pain, her whole body starting to shake uncontrollably as she had collapsed on the bed

“You never said my parents were coming” her voice hardly a whisper as Grace had turned to look at him

“How could you do this to me Alexos? I know you wanted your revenge…but could you not have spared me that?” as she had spoken tears had spilled down her lovely face, such pain filling her eyes.

Groaning softly he had hunched down, his hands holding her shoulders as he looked so deeply into her large eyes magnified by the unspiled tears.

His hand had risen to gently wipe away some of those tears, cupping her cheeks “It will be fine Grace…I promise you it will be. I don’t want revenge…not anymore. I did…but then…things between us have been so good”

Adding softly “I did not know. My father must have done this on his own. I am sorry, truly sorry, but perhaps it is for the best. Perhaps it is time to face them”

Giving a small ‘pfft’ sound she had glared at him “You have no idea what you have done Alexos. Not everybody had the same home life as you did”.

Grace had pulled back from him, hurt and anger along with the pain on her features as she had bitten out “Do you really think that I wanted to be at your ‘party’ all those years ago?” her eyes now daggers of hatred, tears still flowing down her face as he had looked at her in astonishment.

“What does that mean?” a harder look on his brow.

“It means that I was ordered to go. Ordered to play seductress” her look of self-loathing so clear looking harder at him “Would your father ever have ordered you to be paraded before some woman Alexos, in the hope that you might be acceptable to her?” another sob leaving her “Mine did…over and over again”

Alexos had felt uncomfortable, not having really thought about the women who had all arrived for the many weekends he had laid on. “He wanted the best for you” he had tried weakly as Grace had pushed away, rising and moving to the window.

“You have no idea what you are talking about” her voice dripping with disdain.

“You went to my parents’ house a couple of times, and you saw the fallout of what I had done and you felt sorry for them. But you never wondered why…why I was driven to it did you Alexos? No, you just preferred to think the worst of me because you were a victim too”

Alexos had made to move towards her as she had turned; her hand outstretched warding him off. She had seemed so vulnerable yet cold and he had wanted to pull her into his arms to tell her everything would be fine.

“You were right. I don’t feel well, my head is thumping. Please just go away” Alexos had paused, so unsure what to do before he had nodded and stiffly moved out of the room, Grace once more falling onto the bed her heart breaking.

He had fooled her. Despite the way he had gotten her to stay for the month, she had grown to trust him, believing that he had grown to trust her, to care for her. She had been a fool; he had solely been planning to ensure that he destroyed her, that his revenge against her would be absolute. He could never love her the way she loved him. Gasping loudly the tears had stilled as her final thought had shocked her. She was in love with Alexos Manetas, the irony once more making the tears flow down her stricken face. What a stupid fool she was, he would have his revenge and it would be more complete than he could ever have hoped for.

When she had cried out all of the tears, hurt filling every part her, blessed sleep had finally given her the peace she so badly needed. Alexos moving silently into the room had seen her curled up on the bed, her tear-streaked face pale and strained. Lying down, he had gently kissed her head, stroking her hair as she had stirred, her eyes opening slowly, smiling seeing him before the memories had flooded back, a pained look once more filling her.

“I’m sorry Grace. You were right”

Her features had become wary, Grace pushing herself into a sitting position, her eyes never leaving him.

“I guess I never did think about why you had come that weekend” giving a small sigh

“I guess I never thought about any of the women…I was thinking it was a big joke mostly, just something to keep my father happy. I suppose I assumed that you were really interested in me…especially after the dive…and I realised that I was interested in you too”

Graces eyes had become less cold as she had coughed uncomfortably “I…I really don’t want to talk about this Alexos”

His hand had reached out to gently take hers “I was so busy hating you for what happened. You’re right - I didn’t ask why you were there, or why you felt the need to have to run away with the man you loved…but I want to understand Cara. I really, really do”

His look had held hers for so long before she had dropped her eyes, her teeth savaging her lips. She felt raw, empty. “I can’t right now” her voice so pained as he had pulled her down under him.

“When you are ready to…then I promise I will listen”

The surge of love that had crashed through her had taken her breath away, her eyes shining brightly as she had nodded softly, his mouth dropping to kiss her, the kiss full of so much passion, the two groaning, the need to hold each other rising so strongly. Pulling away from her with a ragged sigh his eyes had been full of longing as he had given a small chuckle.

“Dinner is in thirty minutes…like I said formal dress is expected”

Giving him a large grin, happiness once more filling her she had moved towards the en-suite bathroom, pausing and seductively looking over her shoulder. “I need a shower…want to share?” his throaty chuckle answering enough as he had joined her “If we are late…I am so blaming you”

The two had made the meal, but only just, Nikoli commenting on how much better she looked with her cheeks glowing with some inner light. Grace had flicked a quick look to Alexos, her eyes full of humour seeing as he too had struggled to hold back a laugh, Grace having to look away to do the same.

The meal and drinks after had been enjoyable. Nikoli had been kindly and interested in her career. He had seemed pleased with her accomplishments, looking over at Alexos with approval.

As the three had moved up the stairs together, they had said their goodnights, each moving into their own room. That night she had found sleep elusive, missing having him in the bed beside her, however when she did finally drift into a deep sleep it had been full of the handsome Greek’s smiling face as he had told her he would wait for her to tell him everything.

The next day Alexos had taken her on a tour of the estate and to some of the natural points of beauty on the mainland itself.

As they had walked along the pier looking at the small stores, all selling their traditional Greek souvenirs for the plethora of tourists, she had seen him stiffen, his face becoming uncomfortable, Grace looking up at him with surprise, only ever having seen that look on him at one other time. Shifting her eyes to where he was now staring, his eyes flicking uncomfortably to her she had held back the small gasp of surprise seeing the woman now moving towards them.
