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Gasping Grace had looked deeply into her mother’s eyes “A…are you leaving him?” her hand flying to cover her mouth as her mother had nodded softly.

“I want my life back Grace…I want to enjoy life…I want to be brave like you. I want to look as happy as you”

Her mother had lifted her finger, looking at the ring she wore before flicking a look at Alexos. “He loves you…and I see such love for him in your eyes Grace…you do love him don’t you?”

Grace had given a small smile as she had admitted the truth “With everything in me mother. I always have I think…I just never realised it”

Ellana Leotta had given another tremulous smile “You have it all now Grace…you are a true inspiration to me, and I deserve to be happy too” Her eyes holding her daughter’s.

“Oh mum…you will be…you deserve to be…and I will always be here for you…always… whatever you need you only have to ask”

Nodding, her mother had gently patted her hand. “Well I hope that you and Alexos still feel that way when I need a place to stay for a bit”

Grace had swallowed the words that at the end of that month they would no longer be together, knowing instinctively that her mother needed to believe that all would be well.

“You will always have a home with me” her only comment.

That night as she had once more moved into her room, she was full of indecision. By the end of the month the two would once more go their own ways, could they maintain some form of believability for his father, and now her mother? Frowning softly the thoughts had played through her head as a gentle tap had broken her reverie.

Hearing her soft voice, Alexos had moved into the room.

“I thought you might need help removing that necklace” his voice full of laughter as she had looked back at him through the mirror a chuckle leaving her.

“You are so thoughtful” a seductive edge coming to her voice, as she had allowed him to undo the catch placing the wonderful jewellery back into the box with the bracelet, her look once more meeting his in the mirror.

“This dress is also difficult…do you think you could help there too?”

With a laugh he had slowly turned her, pulling her into his arms and kissing her “To hell with ‘propriety’…I didn’t sleep well last night, and I am staying here”

Grace smiling against his mouth, her tone full of laughter “Well …OK, if it is for your health”

His kiss had been gentle, so loving this thought tearing at Grace as she had slid her arms around his neck, his fingers sliding the zip down allowing the dress to drop to the floor. Pulling back from her his eyes had once more skirted down her body, a small groan leaving him as she stood with only a small thong.

“You are so beautiful Grace” his murmured words making her shiver, her fingers sliding down his chest, down his toned belly and grazing the front of his trousers. Her eyes had never once left his, feeling the rush of excitement as his eyes had closed with just the smallest touch of her hand against the straining hardness of him. With a masculine growl he had bent down, sweeping her into his arms and striding purposefully to the bed.

“You are a wicked woman” his mouth smiling widely as he dropped her gently onto the bed, stepping back to throw off his own clothes, his movement frantic to remove the layers of clothing to be beside her once more. As he had finally stood naked, she had moved to her knees balancing on the edge of the bed, her small hand reaching out for the heat of him. Alexos had moaned softly as her hand had enveloped him, a tremor passing through his body. As she had leant forward, her small tongue flicking over the head of him he had shuddered, words of Greek leaving his mouth as his hands hand had gathered her hair pulling it from her lovely face.

Looking up at him, she had no idea how sensual she looked, her mouth kissing along the length of him, Alexos hardly able to breathe.

“Should I stop Alexos…should I stop being wicked?”

Her words making his mouth quirk, his head shaking

“No…never stop…never be anything less”

Her laugh reverberated around him as her small mouth had taken the tip of him, Alexos seeing stars with the intensity of the sensations. As her hand had pulled on him that soft mouth had slid further down his hardness, his hands gripping her head, hips moving against her with a will of their own. Completely unable to believe how quickly she was bringing him to the ultimate release he had groaned and in a voice full of pleading he had pulled back from her “Too much Grace…stop”

She had moved to take him into her hand, keeping up the onslaught on his body. As his head had fallen back, his hands had grown rigid through her hair and he had ed, panting and crying out her name his legs buckling as he had fallen on the bed beside her. Curling up beside him he had wrapped an arm around her shoulder Grace listening to the rapid way his heartbeat thudded against her, smiling gently.

“Wow…we make an amazing team you and I Miss Leotta” he had chuckled as she had purred softly beside him. After several minutes, he had turned, moving her gently onto her back, a sensual smile filling his face.

“You are not the only one who can be wicked…in fact …you are still an amateur, I on the other hand have been practicing”

With a chuckle she had ran her fingers down his sides, eyes flashing back at him

“Well I of course bow to your ….experience”

Alexos laughing as his mouth had descended to take hers. For what seemed like forever, he had teased and tantalised every part of her until he had moved over her, entering her in one long sure stroke, Grace crying his name as she had exploded into a thousand fragments of light before the darkness had flooded in behind, her body going limp at the intensity of her own release.

As she had clung to him, he had continued thrusting into her still-throbbing body until he too had cried out, once more experiencing the same mind-blowing release, collapsing heavily onto her, their breaths joining as they had both gasped in lungfuls of air, their slick sweating bodies cooling together.

Pulling the sheets over them both, Alexos had kissed her once more; his eyes full of such warmth, Grace lost the fight to stay awake as her eyes had fluttered shut as sleep had taken her, Alexos quickly joining her.

She had woken the next morning, light only just starting to fill the morning sky, to the sound of his quiet movements as he had pulled on his trousers and shirt, lifting his clothes as he had tiptoed to the door.

“And how many times have you snuck out of a woman’s bedroom in your life?” Alexos straightening as he had given her a broad smile.

“Not as many as you might think young lady” his voice full of fun as peeking out into the hall to ensure the coast was clear he had blown her a kiss slipping out of the room.

Grace had given a contented sigh falling back against the pillows, a dreamy smile on her lovely face. She was in love. Her mother was finally escaping the clutches of her father…all seemed so well with the world, with a blissful look on her face she had once more fallen asleep.

Several hours later, waking with the sunlight streaming through the window she had thrown back the covers, quickly jumping into her shower humming happily to herself. There seemed nothing that could ruin her day, everything was going so well. The image of Alexos had stilled her, pausing for a second as she had thought about him. The agreement they had was for her to stay with him for the month, but perhaps he might want to still see her, Grace feeling the rush of love for the man once more fill her.

His comments to her father last night had filled her with hope; hope that perhaps there might be more to what was happening between them than just revenge, for the first time daring to believe that perhaps she really could have it all. The perfect job, the perfect husband - the perfect life.

Downstairs Alexos and his father had been seated on the large sun deck, Alexos flashing her a wicked grin.

“Did you sleep well?” a seemingly innocent question as Grace had held back the need to laugh as she had nodded smiling at his father.

For the rest of the day they had enjoyed exploring his father’s Greek estate, Grace shaking her head to find out that he had only planned on staying there for a few days, his father needing to return to work the next day. Grace had watched as the two men had discussed business, she seeing how much of the workload Alexos was responsible for, realisation hitting her that while she had been working he had not been sunbathing.

Later at night after another sumptuous meal, Nikoli had pulled out pictures of Alexos as a child, Grace hearing stories of his childhood and looking at the images of his mother and father, Grace so aware of the warmth that had filled the older man as he had talked of his wife.

When Alexos had again snuck into her room she had lain beside him snuggled into his embrace, their hearts once more slowly resuming back to a normal beat, fingers entwined as he had held up her hand to admire the ring that flashed on her small finger.

“Alexos…can I ask you something?”
