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For a few seconds there had been silence as Alexos had risen, waving away the housekeeper as he had stared at the man before him, the man whose ring Grace had worn for so many years, the man she had been married to, the man she had left him for so many years ago, and the man who had never consummated that marriage with the most beautiful woman he had ever known. His eyes narrowed as he had allowed them to scan him, Daryle Dionis not what he had expected. Younger than him, he was tall and wiry with a kind intelligent face, sparkling eyes which Alexos had imagined were nearly always laughing, though at that moment the man had been drawn and pale, concern etched on his face. Alarm bells rang in his head.

“What can I do for you Mr Dionis?” he had asked warily, his whole being wanting to demand to know where Grace was.

The other man had given a groan of pain, rubbing his neck as he moved to sit down on one of the dining room chairs, his panic-filled eyes fixed on Alexos.

“I need your help. Grace is in trouble”

Alexos had felt the panic well up within him as he too had dropped into a chair, all animosity towards the man across from him fleeing as the words had filled the air between them. Normally so calm and controlled in stressful situations he had felt frozen with the terror filling him.

“What happened?” his only words as he had poured the pale man a coffee, pushing the hot liquid into his shaking hands. Giving a small thankful smile Daryle had taken a sip, the caffeine helping him as he had begun to talk.

“Grace collapsed on the beach in Libya and she was taken to a local hospital. Her assistant Carol tried to find out what was wrong but they wouldn’t tell her anything”

Alexos had felt himself blanch, gripping the table to remain still.

“They wouldn’t even let Carol phone anybody for help. It was just lucky that the next day the team were leaving. The last thing they told her was that they would only deal with her husband” Daryle’s face solemn as he had continued.

“Fortunately Carol was smart enough not to let on that Grace and I are divorced, so she contacted me the minute they got into Egypt. I have been on the phone ever since. I found out that she is still in hospital, but they are refusing to tell me anything. They say that I have to go there personally with proof of who I am and escort her personally from the country. However, I found out that it is going to take at least 10 days to get a visa and even then I don’t know if they will let me leave with her”

Daryle paused to catch his breath, his breathing ragged as he had looked at Alexos.

“I know that you have connections with the government and I need your help - Grace needs your help. Is there anything that you can do to speed up the process?” Alexos could see the panic in the other man’s eyes, as without another word he had pulled his phone back into his hand.

After several hours of phoning and being sent from one department to another, it had taken him threatening to withdraw support for one of his most lucrative investments to finally find himself on the phone to the Head of Security in the country.

Alexos understood the way the regime worked, organising for his plane to be given the correct security clearance for landing that day. Daryle had listened in, his eyes growing wider as the handsome Greek had negotiated, pleaded and bribed his way into the country, the size of the bribe making him gasp. Next he had spoken to the hospital, the doctor not prepared to give him any information but also agreeing to allow her to accompany her husband from the hospital so long as he could provide identification in the name of Daryle Dionis, Alexos agreeing, his mouth set firmly.

Making one more call he had ensured that his private plane was ready to go immediately and that his helicopter was on its way to collect himself and Daryle to take them to the airport. Placing the phone into his pocket he had risen giving him a reassuring smile, Daryle’s face so full of thanks.

“Let’s go and get our girl….and call me Alexos”

Daryle’s eyebrows had risen at his choice of words, a large relieved smile filling his face as he had followed the tall man from the house.

It had been impossible to talk on the helicopter, and as they had arrived at the airport Alexos had been met by several men, one giving him a large envelope which he had slipped into his pocket. The other had tried to insist on accompanying the two, Daryle realising that this was a security guard, concern for the safety of the billionaire written on his face. Alexos however had refused, determination on his face as he had shaken his head not prepared to jeopardise the rescue with the inclusion of a bodyguard. Finally on the plane, Alexos had looked over at Daryle, before extending his hand.

“I’m sorry Daryle - it is nice to meet you”

The other man had given a warm return grin as he had shaken his hand with a firm grip “You too Alexos. I’m sorry that I came to you with all of this…but I had nowhere else to turn…and Carol told me about you and Grace meeting again”

He had looked surprised as Daryle had seemed almost happy about what he must have known had happened, giving a small return smile.

For several seconds the two had sat quietly, before Alexos had sat forward needing to ask the questions that Grace had not been prepared to talk about. “May I ask you some things Daryle?”

Daryle looking at him with surprise “Of course”

His look growing more nervous as the questions had been asked “You know that six years ago I was planning on marrying Grace”

Daryle looked more uncomfortable as he had nodded slightly.

“What happened? I thought that she had used everybody to run off with the man she loved, you…but that isn’t the truth is it…there was more to it than that wasn’t there?”

Fidgeting, Darlye had seemed unsure before giving a soft sigh and also leaning forward. “You know that Grace’s biggest dream was to become a marine biologist?”

Alexos nodding

“Did you know that her father had refused for her to go to university?”

Alexos’ eyes had widened “No…I had no idea - she never said”

Daryle had given a look of contempt as his mind had gone back to that time

“Her father is not a good man Alexos, God knows why but it always seemed like he hated her for daring to be a woman instead of a man. When she was eleven she wanted to join a club, but her father said no. Grace however, was determined so she joined anyway.”

Giving a long sigh as he had continued.

“When her father found out he forced the club out. They were a voluntary organisation and he put them out on the street to teach her a lesson”

Alexos’ eyes had grown harder, realising that Daryle had no way of knowing that the man who had raised her was not her real father, as the younger man had carried on his story.

“He liked to teach her lessons…to control her. As she got older he found a new way of controlling her, using her mother…and he told her that there was no way that she was going to university…the one thing she most wanted, he refused. That girl worked harder than anybody I knew to be top of her class, she had the grades to be anything she wanted and he told her that the only thing that she was ever going to be was married.”

Alexos had felt the anger fill him listening to Daryle.

“The day before you sent your letter her father had given her three other letters from other men. Two were older than he was and one was divorced because of his abuse to his first wife”

Alexos had groaned softly thinking how he had misjudged her, Daryle’s tone softening

“She really liked you Alexos and I sometimes wonder what might have happened if we hadn’t done what we did. But she needed to pursue her dream…and she did”

Groaning softly Alexos had looked thoughtfully into space “I would have encouraged her. I would have supported her going to university”

Daryle had given another small smile “Did you ever tell her that, because her father told her that you would never let her go, that you wanted children - lots of them”

His eyes uncomfortable adding “He also hinted that you had no intention of ending your playboy days…that while she produced the children she would also be expected to turn a blind eye to your womanising”

Gasping Alexos had stared at Daryle in shock “I would never have …”

His stunned tone making the other man smile, another memory pushed to his mind as he had looked warmly at Alexos.

“When she phoned to let her parents and you know what had happened. She only cried after your call”

Alexos had looked at the other man with surprise, a softness entering his eyes “Did she?” he had asked gently another question coming to his mind. “Grace is very beautiful”

Daryle nodded back in agreement “Yes…yes she is…inside and out”

“Then why did you and she never consummate the marriage?”

Daryle laughed with embarrassment “She never told you?” his voice full of incredulity as Alexos had shaken his head frowning slightly.
