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On the third day, she sat in the kitchen talking to Edith. With nothing else to do, she persuaded the housekeeper to show her how to make her wonderful cupcakes, smiling knowing who would love the icing-laden treats. Her ringing phone made Sara frown, the sound of her mother on the end making her scowl with impatience as she listened. Without even asking how Sara was, her mother launched into a long story of being left to babysit for David that night, only to find that Angela had phoned her to tell her that she was not going to be back for the following night either. Sara felt the anger rise within her as she heard that her sister was spending the weekend with her new boyfriend, a frown on her face.

“She has not even been separated six weeks...and she is spending the weekend with another man?” her voice disbelieving, her frown deepening as her mother defended her. “Darling...she has been through a traumatic time, she needs to feel wanted” Sara interrupting her, “She has a son, mother...what about him?” Her mother sighed. “Well I said it would be fine my looking after him tonight...but she has just landed this other night on me...and I have a previous engagement Sara...can you watch him tomorrow?”

Sara groaned softly. If her mother had to cancel an engagement then the only one who would suffer would be David, her mother not good with children at the best of times and liable to blame the only person at hand if her plans were ruined. She was not happy at the thought of that happening. “I can’t make any promises mother...but I will ask Darius” The happiness which filled her mother’s voice made her quickly add, “But only if he is OK with it...I will phone you back if there is any problem, but I really cannot make any promises...I expect he will say no” Her mother gave her a small chuckle, “Oh Sara...looking the way you did the other day...I am sure you can get him to do anything you want” Hanging up she looked at the phone, her head shaking softly. Just how deluded was her mother?

Soon after she received a text from Darius informing her that he was eating out with a client and that she should eat without him, Sara swore softly under her breath. She had hoped to approach the subject over dinner, however that was now impossible. At ten she finally heard the door open, rushing to it as he gave her a large smile. He looked tired she noted. While for most of the rest of the workforce Friday night heralded a two day break, she somehow doubted that he took time off, slight stubble appearing on his strong chin, Sara surprised that she wanted to feel if it would tickle against her own cheek.

“Can I get you a drink?” she offered softly, seeing the surprise which rose to his eyes. “Thanks...maybe later...I have some work to get done...I just need an hour” Nodding in understanding, she returned to the living room, picking up her book, one eye fixed on the clock. As the time reached 11:15 she stood, pacing nervously before taking a deep breath and leaving the living room.

Sara moved into the study, Darius looking up in surprise at her entrance. “Hey”, he greeted her, his eyes carefully following her every move as she stepped closer. “Something you need?” She stopped before the desk, shifting uneasily from foot to foot, feeling her stomach tighten with apprehension. “I was wondering if you would mind my nephew David coming over tomorrow...and staying over”, her words tripping over themselves in her rush to get them out. “He is four and a great kid...and he will be no trouble”

Darius scowled, looking briefly back down to the papers he was reading before giving an irritated sigh. “No. I have no desire for a child to be running around here. I have a lot of work to do Sara, and when I get finished I want you to myself, not having to share you with some needy child” Sara felt her stomach drop as she swallowed down the disappointment. She had not expected any other answer if she was truthful with herself, but part of her had hoped, missing David so much.

Darius gave a deep sigh, waiting for the tantrum which he found most women seemed to fall back on when they did not get their own way. When all remained silent he finally looked up, seeing as she watched him with her head cocked to one side. “Was there anything else?” his voice clipped as she gave a small frown. “Why are you working so late?” The question caught him by surprise, as he leant back before giving another weary sigh. “Your brother-in-law left your family business in one hell of a mess, and seeing as I do not want the whole world knowing about it, I am trying to unravel it myself”

Sighing again, he tapped the mountain of paperwork. “It doesn’t help that I can’t work out which accounts are real and which are dummies he set up” Before him Sara nodded, her expression serious. “Maybe I can help. I knew most of the customers and suppliers...maybe I can help you eliminate at least some of them” Darius watched her carefully looking for some ulterior motive in her features before giving a half-smile and nod, “That would certainly help”

Moving around the desk, Sara saw the way he moved his head in a circle, recognising the signs of a sore neck, the need to relax painful muscles. Without a thought as to what she was doing she placed her hands on his shoulders, gently starting to massage them, feeling the way he stiffened with surprise. “Relax”, she grinned, “I actually did a course in this...and your neck is in knots”

Wordlessly, he allowed her to continue, surprised at how effectively her fingers worked out the tension within his neck. Before long his whole body relaxed, enjoying the way she kneaded his neck, the pain disappearing as she ran her fingers along the length of his shoulders and the back of his neck to his head. When she finished he could feel the difference, Sara stepping back with a small smile. “Does that feel better?” her soft question raising a small content sigh from him, she giving a chuckle as she made to move away. “Still got it”, she laughed, surprised as his hand stalled her, his fingers entwining in hers as he twirled his chair so that she now stood between his open legs.

“Yes ... you definitely have still got it”, his sensual drawl sent a shiver down her spine, his dark eyes rising to capture her blue ones, Sara stood enthralled by his unblinking look. His quick tug at her hand saw her fall forward onto his lap, a small surprised squeak leaving her lovely mouth. Finding herself over his knee, his one arm wrapped around her waist the other supporting her shoulders as he leant her down Sara felt her stomach flip. Nervously running the tip of her tongue along the top of her luscious lips had been the final straw for Darius. With a small growl he pulled her higher and kissed her with heat and passion.

Sara kissed him back hungrily, greedily; her hands flying to his head as she held him to her. This had not been gentle, not the soft kisses of her bedtime lover, but feral, the lust they felt for each other erupting. His hands pulled at the buttons of her summer dress, sure and determined, Sara shifting slightly in his lap to give him easier access, before she felt the material slide down her side. His hand caressed her stomach while his mouth maintained its onslaught on hers, his tongue sliding along her lips. With a whimper Sara wriggled in his lap, the steady stroking of his fingers now moved up against her ribcage, driving her crazy.

She wanted him - needed him – and with an intensity which was shocking to her, a loud groan escaped her lips as his mouth kissed down her cheek, his teeth capturing her ear as her whole body shuddered. She moved her hands to pull at his shirt, yanking at the buttons until her hand could slide against his warm skin, rewarded with the small shiver that ran through him. “Bed!” his voice husky and full of the need she shared. By now her nipples tightened into small points with only the smallest caress of his thumb against them, her own voice raspy as her head shook.

“No time”, her fingers grasped at his belt, her hand brushed against the bulging need contained within the trousers. With another growl he rose taking her with him. She was aware as he pushed items on the desk to the side with one sure sweep of his arm, before she was deposited on the edge, her legs wide as he stood between them. With impatient hands he pushed the dress from her shoulders as Sara yanked at the belt until it dangled by his side.

He lost no time in ridding her of the lacy bra which stood between himself and her, the delicate item floating to the ground as his hands cupped her breasts, his mouth dropped to nip on one heightened nub, Sara’s cry turned to a soft purr as his tongue flicked comfortingly over it. Her trembling fingers struggled with the button, before she instead pulled down the zip allowing her hand to slide inside, the musky scent of him invading her senses, as her head spun with the intensity of her need for him.

With a muffled curse his hands pulled at the button until it was free, Sara pulling his trousers down, taking the underwear too. For a second both paused, Darius to gulp in air, Sara to let her eyes slide over his hardened arousal, her eyes full of fire as her fingers wrapped around the silky length of him. Darius exploded, his hands moving to hold the back of her head, angled up as his mouth plundered hers, the kiss demanding. She continued to stroke him, her finger sliding over the weeping tip of him before with another groan he grabbed her thighs, pulling her to the very edge of the desk, his fingers pulling the skimpy panties to the side. Instinctively, she guided him to the moist centre of her, his head dropped to lick the beating pulse on her neck, soft Italian words whispered against her skin sending quivers throughout her body. She felt his hands move to cup her buttocks before with one smooth determined thrust he sheathed himself fully within her.
