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By midday they were once more home, Sara scowling as she checked her phone over and over again. As 12:45 came and went, she phoned her mother and sister, her teeth savaging her lips, whilst trying hard not to allow David to see anything was wrong. Darius knew that she had an appointment later that day, giving her a reassuring smile as he advised her just to reschedule. She however, looked panicked at just the thought. “ can’t...I have to be there”, her hand nervously passing over her forehead. “I have to be there”, she repeated.

At 1:15 Sara was close to tears; anger and desperation written on her features. Darius took her hand in his. “Look...just cancel, I am sure that your appointment is not so important” Her eyes flew to his, a strange light within them. “ really is” He gave a frown. “Why? Who are you meeting Sara?” Her eyes dropped as she shook her head, “I ...I can’t tell you” Darius felt anger as she refused to tell him. He was sick of this secret that he allowed her to keep; it was time for the truth. Raising her chin with his finger he was surprised to see the small tears which gathered on her lids, the anger melting from him instantly, surprised even more by his words.

“If it means that much, go. I will wait with David” Sara stared at him, her eyes full of hope and thanks. She knew already that she trusted him completely with her much-loved nephew, how could she not trust the man she loved? Even given his dislike of her she knew he liked the small boy. “I will be back as soon as possible”, she smiled, her body relaxing as she kissed David, promising to come and see him later that week before she ran out of the door to keep her appointment. Watching her leave, Darius felt almost disappointment. Like all women, she put her own needs before the small child, not sure why this bothered him so much.

At 2:30 Angela finally arrived, not alone. As the man joined her at the doorstep, Darius stared at him, a smile lighting his face, Angela apologetic as she explained nervously. “I am so sorry Darius. We had a flat tire...and I wasn’t able to power up my mobile I couldn’t phone...I am really sorry” Darius gave her a reassuring grin in return, his eyes flicking to the man behind her. “Joe?” The man moved forward to shake his hand, “ is good to see you...and the house”

Darius was surprised to see Joe Johnstone. He had known the kindly man six years ago, the two friends. He owned a plumbing company with an excellent reputation which Darius found to be accurate. Joe had always liked Angela, his attraction to her something he hid from most except Darius, his eyes full of surprise seeing them together. Angela moved forward as David gave an excited cry.

“Mum...Joe,” his genuine affection for the man obvious as he rushed into Angela’s arms. His mother scooped up her son, kissing him on the cheek, a loving smile on her face. Her eyes moved behind Darius, searching. “Where is Sara?” She looked astonished as he told her that she had an appointment, a wary look crossing her pretty face. “ don’t mind?” her voice surprised before she looked embarrassed. “I suppose, given you and...” Her voice trailing off, her eyes darting to Joe as she gave an overly bright half-laugh. Darius felt unease at her words. What did she know about the appointment that made her so surprised that he would allow it?

“Where is your bag?”, she asked softly as her son grabbed her hand pulling her into the house, Darius gave her an encouraging smile indicating that she was welcome, as David showed her the gifts he had received. Waiting for the other two to return, Darius looked at Joe. “Are you dating Angela?” his direct question bringing a smile to the other man’s face as he gave a small nervous grin. “Yeah...well...kind of. She looks tough Darius, but Angela is hurting over what Nick did”, his expression soft. “She and David deserve better than him...and I have never stopped loving her...and I love that boy too”

Darius gave an approving curl of his mouth, the inclusion of David’s name filling him with warmth as he shook Joe’s hand. “I am glad they have you Joe” The honesty of his words saw Joe smile back thankfully. Soon the small group left, and Darius returned to his study. He tried to work, but Angela’s words kept returning to haunt him. On his desk he reread the credit card statement with only one item on it, frowning. The piece of jewellery was not specified, only a code, an additional charge for an inscription: “Love you forever”, the words tearing at him. Was she seeing somebody else? Darius frowned at this thought, his stomach twisted into tight knots. He had never told her that she could not see other people; he did not think that he would have to.

At four the door opened, Darius finding himself on his feet and out of his study before she even moved half-way across the hallway. He had made up his mind. He wanted her out, wanted to rid himself of the way this woman who had done him so wrong was twisting his plans to punish her, winding him around her finger.

Hearing his footsteps, she paused, her head dropping to hide the upset on her features. Darius frowned, quickly stepping up to meet her. He took in the redness of her eyes and the way her lips quivered as she fought to keep the upset from her face, his determination leaving him. “What is wrong?” A small sniffle left Sara as she tried to bring her emotions under control. “N...Nothing...I’m fine”, her voice low and weak. Darius pulled her into his arms as she started to cry against him, a long sigh leaving him as he knew that he was not ready to give up Sara Balfour.

Guiding her into the living room, she pulled herself together, Darius dragging her down to sit beside him, his hands taking hers in his, a sombre expression on his face. “What happened?” The question saw Sara give another deep sigh as her eyes dropped to their joined fingers. “It is fine”, her voice becoming stronger, “I’m fine thanks”. She tried to draw her hands from his, his grip tightening, his look serious.

“Are you seeing another man? Is that who you are meeting Sara?” Her eyes flew to his in shock. “NO!” her tone stunned as she emphatically denied his question, warmth filling his stomach as her eyes showed her horror at him even asking. “You think I would sleep with you while I was involved that way with someone else?” Darius felt like a heavy weight had been lifted from him as he gave a small grimace.

“Sorry...I had to ask. Given our agreement...and the fact that you are meeting somebody who you will not tell me about” Sara stood quickly, her head shaking, her voice stiff. Darius saw the pain that flashed through her lovely eyes. “Thank you for looking after David...I really appreciated it. If you don’t mind...I need a drink, I will see if Edith has some tea made”. He nodded, saying no more as she left the room.

Sara could feel the stabbing pain that his words caused. He really did think the worst of her. She knew that he looked on her as a manipulator and liar, but now a whore too. The pain was a physical blow. Why did she think that he would ever feel anything else for her other than dislike? The whole reason she was there, after all, was because of his contempt and need to punish her.

Sara managed to avoid him for the rest of the day, made easier by his disappearance into his study. That night at dinner, Darius saw the way she pushed her food around the plate. She barely met his eyes before finally he put his fork down with a sigh. “OK...Sara...I get it - you are angry at me”

Sara gave a soft cough, shaking her head, “No...I’m not angry. You have made your feelings about me very clear. Why else would I be here?” her head rising to look at him, her lovely eyes cold. He sighed again. “What else am I to think Sara? You ditch David for this ‘cannot be missed’ meeting, then come back in tears? In my position what would you think?”

Sara frowned softly, her teeth nibbling her bottom lip thoughtfully. What would she think, she asked herself her brows knighting together. His voice, softer this time, broke through her trouble musings. “Why won’t you tell me? Wouldn’t it be easier just to tell me what is going on?” A manic laugh left her lips at that as she shook her head furiously, “No...No it would not” Darius sighed again, his voice growing firmer.

“I could find out Sara, but it would just be easier if you told me” A small moan left her lips as she stared back at him, her eyes pleading, “ don’t”, once more tears rising to her eyes, “You promised me one secret. I promise you that it is not to do with another promised me” Her hand grabbed his, desperation on her face. Darius shifted nervously, a scowl on his forehead before he gave an irritated sigh.

“Fine...but did it never cross your mind that I might be able to help you?” For the first time since that morning she gave him a smile, the sadness still in her eyes. “I have everything under will be fine...but thanks” Darius twisted her hand into his; lifting it to his mouth he kissed the knuckles softly, “Just remember the offer still stands” Nodding softly, Sara whispered gently, “Thank you”, her voice full of honesty before she lifted her fork, her appetite once more returned.

The next morning Darius nuzzled against her neck, Sara stretching languorously against him making small satisfied purring sounds. Their lovemaking the previous night had been intense, as both clung to the other before falling asleep in the other’s arms. Giving a content sigh she rolled over to look up at him, her hand gently stroking his cheek. “Good morning Mr Garelli”, she mewed softly, Darius giving a pained groan as desire rose so strongly within him.
