Page 11 of The Wedding Deal

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When he had returned as promised exactly 2 hours later Tessa had been ready. Choosing to wear a blue silk shirt and black skirt, she had looked beautiful and elegant with her hair pulled up in a small bun, the tendrils snaking down her cheek.

“You look wonderful” he had breathed gently, lifting her bag, wordlessly smiling seeing that she had already started to take things off the wall ready for the next day.

Alexis had taken Tessa to one of the most exclusive jewellers in the city, and she had not really been surprised when they had been taken into a private room, where they had been shown ring after ring. Tessa had slipped on each one that caught her eye, carefully examining each, smiling over at Alexis enjoying trying on the exquisite rings. After nearly half an hour, one in particular had caught her eye. Not the most expensive by any means, it sat perfectly on her finger, the two caret diamonds twisted together around a cyan sapphire, the feel of it so perfect. As she had smiled at the man opposite, he had taken her hand, kissing it gently.

“Beautiful Cara” he had breathed, seeing the way her eyes seemed to sparkle almost as brightly as the ring which seemed made for her.

Turning to the proprietor, he had excused himself moving with the owner to another room, Tessa uming that he was paying for the ring she now wore. Her eyes had not been able to leave the beautiful piece of jewellery. After several minutes he had returned, once more lifting her hands, his eyes smiling down on her.

“Well, now I think that we should eat” he had chuckled, lifting her fingers to kiss each and every one, seeing as the fire had once more burned in her eyes, as she had dropped them to hide what he had already seen, clearing her throat and nodding.

“Y…yes” all that she could muster.

They had driven to one of the best restaurants in the city, Tessa knowing that normal people, like herself, had to book seats weeks in advance for the prestigious venue. It was the owner himself who had come out to personally welcome Alexis, leading them both to the best seat in the house. As Alexis had introduced her as his fiancé, the owner, a handsome tall distinguished man in his late 50’s had been surprised and delighted, instantly calling for one of the finest bottles of champagne from waiters who had jumped to attention, disappearing instantly.

Tessa had felt shy, as the owner, Ricardo, had lifted her hand to kiss her fingers, wishing them both happiness, his pleasure seeming so genuine, as he had given Alexis a hug, before leaving them alone.

“He seemed very happy”

Tessa had smiled at Alexis, who had grinned back.

“Yes………He has been saying for years I need to get married ………..Stop being a playboy”

Tessa had given a half smile, aware that he had found a way of having his cake and eating it. Looking around she had marvelled at the tasteful decoration of the restaurant, as the champagne had arrived at their table, the waiter pouring them both a glass before leaving them.

“Must be nice to be you” she had grinned.

“I hear there is quite a waiting list to get a table here”

He had nodded a small satisfied smile on his lips.

“I bank-rolled Ricardo to open up this place when nobody was prepared to lend him money. He had a small place on the south side…..the food was amazing…….seemed a no-brainer”

Grinning wickedly adding.

“I never seem to have a problem getting a table, an investment well made I feel”

Tessa had looked at Alexis trying to hide the surprise. Any restaurant in this town was a bad investment. Restaurants came and went fast; Ricardo’s definitely being one that had bucked the trend. Seeing her look he had smiled again.

“Ricardo is a friend, I was able to help”

Sipping her champagne she had frowned slightly, once more thinking that Alexis was so different from her grandfather. He would never have mixed business with friendship, not unless there was something in it for him. However, the deal they had made between themselves still cried that they were the same type of person, although this notion seemed to sit less well with Tessa the more she got to know the enigmatic Greek.

After they had eaten one of the most amazing meals she had ever tasted Tessa had smiled warmly over at Alexis, finding him watching her with a strange light in his eyes.

“That was truly wonderful” she had managed with a chuckle.

“Let us never come here again………for my waistline’s sake” grinning as he had looked appreciatively over at her.

“Mmmm I doubt you have to worry about that”

Before he had leant forward once more taking her hand in his, looking intently at the ring, Tessa once more feeling as her heart had beat so hard within her chest, chastising herself at her reaction to this simple touch.

“That is truly beautiful on you” he finally spoke, looking into her eyes.

“However, it looks lonely”

She had gasped as he had pulled a long box from his jacket, sliding it under her hand before releasing her fingers.

Tessa had taken the black velvet box, and slowly opened it, gasping in wonder at the diamond bracelet within its padded interior. He had picked it out and taking her arm fastened the exquisite piece of jewellery around her small wrist. Tessa admiring the way the light caught the facets of the diamonds causing the light to dance on the table.

“Alexis……….I …You shouldn’t have”

She had groaned, as he had watched her happy seeing the appreciative way she held out her arm admiring the expensive bracelet.

“I hope you like it” he had said, his voice soft looking back at her, her eyes alive with pleasure.

“It is beautiful………but you really didn’t have to”

Hearing the soft rumble of Alexis chuckling softly.

“I wanted to…you deserve the best Tessa”

Once more taking her hand in his, he had lifted the tips of her fingers, kissing each one in turn sending small electric shocks of desire through Tessa with each small touch.

“There is an open gala dinner tonight, and there I will announce our engagement to all my friends” he had murmured against her hand, smiling gently. Tessa’s eyes had flown open with surprise.

“But I don’t have anything to wear” she had blurted out, seeing as he had laughed.

“Ah…….I wonder how many times I will hear that throughout our marriage” he had chuckled, as she had tried not to laugh back.

“Only I mean it Alexis. To be honest, the dress I wore to come to my grandfather’s party was borrowed……..I really don’t have the lifestyle that requires formal tail dresses”

She had furrowed her brow in concentration.

“I guess I could pop out later to a store and see what I can find”


He had interrupted.

“We can get you settled in your new home, and then my chauffeur can take you to the boutique in which I have set up an appointment and an account for you. Where… you can spend the day filling one of the many wardrobes in your room with everything you will need”

Tessa had raised her chin, pulling her hand from his.

“I can afford my own clothes” she had said proudly, her tone colder, seeing as he had smiled.

“I appreciate your independence Tessa, it is in fact very endearing, but these people can tell a store bought dress from a designer one from 100 feet… and I really want you to fit in”

Capturing her hand once more in his.

“You are to be my wife, and I only want the best for you”

Dropping her eyes, Tessa had realised that like his house and his chauffeur she was now to be another accessory in his life, and she had to fit in as he had put it, the sparkle from the bracelet just one more part of the illusion. He wanted a wife and mother who would slot into his world and this was one more reminder of her new expected role, the role she had sold herself into to save Andrew.

Chapter Six

Tessa had sighed deeply, grimacing as she had played over the events of the day. If every day with Alexis Demitri was going to be like that then she doubted that she would survive a month.

Looking down at the clothes bag draped across her arm, she had smiled. Despite her previous misgivings, she had enjoyed the boutique, enjoyed trying on the many wonderful clothes. The sales woman, and also it turned out owner, Jade, choosing only those outfits she thought would flatter the beautiful woman before her.

“Not that you would not look good in a sack” she had grinned at Tessa, who had laughed back at her, shaking her head.

“Mmmmm I’m not sure of that” seeing the approving looks the other woman had given her, as she had pulled on the first dress.

Alexis had sent along a list of outfits that Tessa would need to last the next two weeks, along with instructions that she add anything else that she saw fit. With a wicked smile Jade had added

“Anything else that you like?”
