Page 23 of The Wedding Deal

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At 3 on the dot, he had walked through the door, smiling broadly seeing her excitedly waiting for him.

“Oh my God…… had me fooled………you can keep an appointment” she had giggled remembering the first night she had deliberately arrived at his house half an hour late, before running over and throwing herself into his waiting arms

“OK……..what is the surprise?” she had cried her eyes shining.

He however, had shaken his head, his so full of mischief.

“Nope………..this you have to see”

And with that he had grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the door to his waiting car. They had then driven ten minutes away from their home, moving into the busier side of the area. Despite every effort he had remained silent finally throwing up his hands as she had excitedly kept asking where they were going. Laughing he had shaken his head.

“You are hopeless………..wait”

Just as his car had swung into a lot, pulling into one of the many car spaces adjacent to a rundown building. He had then looked at her grinning, moving around to open her door, as she had looked around in bemusement.

“Why are we here?” her voice questioning, as he had reached into the back of the car, pulling large rolled up sheets from his briefcase before grabbing her hand and moving to the front of the building.

“You said last night that your dream was to open many studios” he had looked at her for confirmation as she had nodded still not understanding what was going on.

“Well what about this building for your second school”

Tessa had gasped, jumping round to look at the building before her. She could see how perfect the size would be, it’s ideal position with the parking so rare in that part of town, before turning back to him, trying not to show her disappointment.

“It would be wonderful Alexis………but I could never afford this…….the renovations for my studio were more than I expected. She had seen as he had smiled.

“So it is a perfect option”

She had conceded a small nod, before sighing.

“but like I said……….”

“Oh I think you can afford this”

He had chuckled.

“I bought the lot today and my architect has already drawn up some rough sketches.

Tessa had looked at him in complete stunned silence, unable to speak, her eyes so wide as she had stared disbelievingly at him.

He had looked back, now a small look of concern creasing his brow.

“You did want another school?” he had asked slowly, seeing as her eyes had started to mist up, her voice finally returning.

“Oh my God, I can’t accept this…………this is too much”

He had smiled softly.

“No……… are my wife now Tessa”

“Why did you do this?” she had managed her voice almost inaudible as she had looked around “I thought you……….”

At that he had moved forward, pulling her into his arms.

“For many reasons………Because Tessa, I promised to make you happy, and I nearly destroyed everything. Because you showed me how wrong I was and you did it so gracefully, but mostly because I know that you will be all the better a mother because you make your dreams come true and show our children how to do the same”

With that a small sob had escaped her as she had looked up at him, her eyes shining with happiness.

“Oh Alexis………….I don’t know what to say” she had whispered, while inside her heart yelled how much she adored him, how much she loved him. He had kissed her gently then looking down into her tear filled eyes, before laughing and pulling her over to a walled area where he had started to unfurl the papers he held in his arms, excitedly showing her the rough blueprints. Tessa had listened in awe, becoming so animated as he had pointed out features, her whole face glowing.

It had been a wonderful afternoon, and later they had eaten in a small restaurant, with the most amazing food, Tessa chuckling as he had declared it his biggest secret. They had laughed and joked with each other, both enjoying the others company so much.

Later in bed after they had , he had lain over her, his finger trailing down her cheek and along the long length of her throat.

“We will have a good life together Tessa, a very good life. I only hope that I can make you happy, I truly want to see you always happy”

Tessa had given one of her broad heart stopping smiles, looking back into his eyes, knowing that he spoke the truth.

“I never want you to regret your decision to be my wife”

She had lifted her head then, high enough to gently almost feather like kiss his mouth, before her head had once more fallen back onto the pillow.

“I have never regretted us marrying Alexis” she had spoken so softly.

“In fact……….I would say it is one of the best decisions I ever made” her smile shy this admission seeming so personal. He however, had groaned gently and dipping his head once more had kissed her, the fires quickly igniting between the two.

Chapter Nine

Once more the following morning she had awoken late, giving a wry smile at how lazy she was becoming. Her mind had returned to the previous day and the conversation after they had . Tessa had smiled, Alexis’s words filling her with a strange warmth. She had looked around the bedroom, with the light flooding into the large space, her fingers tracing the contour on the pillow where his head had lain. The memory of his lovemaking causing her to smile, her body wishing that he had not had to leave so early, wishing that he was there with her now, his arms once more wrapped around her. Closing her eyes once more she had allowed the scent of him still on the bed sheets to gently envelop her as she had smiled, feeling contentment to her very core. She loved him and more importantly, there was the hope that perhaps one day he would love her, his words once more giving her hope.

The ringing phone has pulled her from her reverie, and she had picked up the receiver, hoping to once more hear Alexis’s voice, her tone soft and sensual.


The harsh cold sound of John Jones voice had crashed down hard on Tessa, coldness and anxiety replacing the contentment within her stomach.

“Yes” she had replied shakily, caught off guard by her grandfather.

“We have a problem”

Was the only response, as she had sat up straight in bed.

“Your husband is proving difficult with regards to our deal; I need you to teach him a lesson”

Tessa had swallowed the groan which his words had raised within her.

“What do you mean?” she had asked in surprise.

“He is keeping his deal with you”

On the other end of the line she had heard the small snort.

“When we signed, he laid down certain restrictions……. something to do with locals, viability ……..doesn’t matter…. the point is that I need unlimited access……and you are going to get it for me”

Anger had swept over Tessa.

“No ………. you had an agreement with him John………stick to it” she had bit out, hearing as he had laughed no humour in his voice.

“Oh Tess, You ARE going to help me”

His voice had been sure and full of malevolence.

Raising her chin bravely, she had held the receiver tightly.

“No, your deal is with Alexis John….don’t pull me into this….I’m keeping up my end of the bargain”

“I think Tessa, you are forgetting that I hold all the cards with your little friend Andrew” he had replied, his tone soft, threatening.

Aghast, Tessa had felt her stomach churn.

“We had a deal, John”

She had heard him laugh again.

“Since when did I ever stick to deals Tessa? Without full access, he is slowing me down. You will do what I tell you or I will throw Andrew to the wolves. Do you understand?”

Tessa had bowed her head in submission.

“What do you want me to do” she had said her voice low and defeated.

That night Alexis had moved into his home, his eyes scanning the area for Tessa. In his hands he held the large bouquet of flowers, his mouth curved in a soft smile. He had remembered how she had kissed him the previous evening, how warmly her eyes had shone, how passionate she had been. Hearing her tell him how happy she was had filled him with certainty that she would be content in her role as wife and mother. Everything seemed to be going well.

Moving back upstairs to their room, he had opened the door, a broad smile on his face seeing her there, before the realisation of all not being right had come on him.

“Tessa?” his voice was questioning and soft.

Seeing as she had jumped slightly, looking up at him before dropping her eyes.
