Page 25 of The Wedding Deal

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Feeling the waves rising, she had let her head fall back as he had driven so deeply within her, feeling as he had hit the core of her, Tessa crying out and panting as the sensations had flooded her entire body. With one more thrust he had felt the relief of release, spilling deep within her, his gasps joining hers, their cries mingled, both clinging to the other as they had ed together.

As the tremors had subsided, he had kissed her softly once more, his tongue swirling around hers as he had brought them both down gently from the intensity of their orgasm. Sliding from her he had pulled her against him, his arm wrapping around her holding her to him.

“Alexis…” Tessa had begun, as he had kissed her head softly.

“Ssshh…….. go back to sleep Tessa” he had said softly, as with a contented sigh, she had done just that, so happy to be cradled in his arms once more.

Waking up the next morning, Tessa had smiled happily, her hands moving to reach for Alexis, her eyes flying open as her fingers had touched the empty space beside her, the feeling of disappointment filling her. Looking at her watch she had groaned gently not realising it was so late. Biting her lip she had felt disappointed that he had not woken her, but had smiled softly remembering how he had to her, grimacing gently as she had felt her muscles complaining. Sitting up, she had felt nauseous, lying back down again till the feeling had passed. She had risen more slowly this time, Mrs Lowes words the previous day coming back to haunt her.

“You are going to make yourself ill if you don’t slow down”

With a small grimace she had told herself that she was too busy to get ill, although feeling as her body had complained, feeling the oncoming cold.

Showering, she had once more left the house, waving goodbye to Mrs Lowe, who had commented that she had looked pale, as she had laughed her only comment seeming to appease the older woman.

“Alexis came home last night”

That night she had eaten her meal alone once more, patiently waiting for him to return. As midnight had come and gone she had finally sighed moving back to their room and falling instantly into a deep sleep, the feeling of fatigue swamping her, as she felt suddenly so drained.

Once more she had felt herself being awoken by his caressing hands. She had seen the time, 2 in the morning, before she had once more turned her sleepy body their need for each other once more taking them to heady heights. Spent and satisfied they had again fallen asleep in each other’s arms, without a word being spoken by either.

The following morning she had woken to a small noise, blinking herself awake, seeing as a fully dressed Alexis had stood close to the bed. Softly she had called out his name, seeing as he had hesitated before coming back over to sit on the side of the bed beside her. She had smiled at him, seeing as he had frowned slightly, filling her with confusion.

“What’s wrong?” she had asked her voice nervous, seeing as he had finally met her eyes.

“I have to go away to France” he had said his voice almost business like.

“Clara and I are in the middle of talks which require us to go meet some leaders”

The mention of the other woman had been like cold water being thrown on Tessa, as everything had suddenly fallen into place.

Lying back she had looked up at the ceiling.

“I see” was all she could manage, feeling the tears rise, swallowing hard to keep them from filling her eyes.

“How long will you be?” she had managed.

Hearing him rise, moving to the door without so much as a backward look at her.

“About a week”

His actions so cold and impersonal, as though he had not spent the night in her arms, their bodies locked in embraces, which had seen them both pant and gasp as they had ed together. As though she were nobody, she had watched silently as he had opened the door leaving her in bed.

Closing her eyes with pain, the tears had finally fallen. She had been a fool, what was she thinking, that he could ever love her? She was to be his wife, mother of his children. She had signed an agreement that she would not comment or complain about his lifestyle, that she would close her eyes to his mistresses and be the perfect accessory to his life. She was good enough to sleep with, but it was clear to her that he preferred the company of Clara to her, clear that he had found a reason to spend more time with her.

Rising she had felt emotionally drained. The thought of Alexis with Clara filling her mind, as she had run to the bathroom, suddenly so nauseous, her heart breaking.

The next few days were hell for Tessa, the bug she had been trying to fight off had kicked in with a vengeance. She would wake up each morning feeling so sick and the tiredness which invaded her body was causing her to have to cut down on the amount of time she was spending at the studio. She had found herself going to bed earlier and earlier usually just after Alexis’s impersonal dutiful phone calls, in which he would update her of their progress. With each call Tessa could think only of the gorgeous Carla, her perfectly manicured nails digging into his skin as he had ed over her, the thoughts making the nausea even worse.

After four days, with no sign of the bug dissipating, Tess had finally gone to see her doctor, hoping for something to help shift the virus. Dr Roberts had been her physician since she was a child, and he had been happy to see her, his cheerful smile, relaxing Tessa immediately. As she had described her symptoms he had nodded, cheerfully asking her about her wedding and how life was, checking her blood pressure and touching her stomach. As he had taken samples of blood and urine, Tessa had become concerned, not used to so many tests. Nervously she had asked what was wrong, seeing as he had smiled back reassuringly.

“Oh probably nothing, but best to count out everything” had been his response, as he had left the room, leaving Tessa sitting, more than a little worried.

Finally he had returned, a wide smile on his face, as he had declared that he knew exactly what was wrong with her.

Tessa had smiled with relief, the smile fading from her lips as he had happily declared.

“You’re pregnant Tessa, congratulations”

Driving home, she had still been in complete shock. Mrs Lowe had met her at the door, concern on her features.

“Well……….what did the Doctor say” she had asked, trying to look calm as Tessa had looked at her smiling.

“That like you said…….I need to just lie down to it …..give myself a few days” she had lied, suddenly it being so important that the next person to know be Alexis.

Mrs Lowe had patted her arm maternally.

“Well I told you that” she had said, her voice a little smug.

“Now you go up to bed and I’ll bring you a drink” she had declared, as Tessa had smiled weakly nodding her head in agreement.

Over the next few days while she had still felt ill, she had been only too glad to stay at home and rest, allowing Mrs Lowe to run after her. After the shock of the initial news, Tessa had found herself so happy. Looking down constantly at her stomach, she had known that inside her grew a child, a wonderful little child, the thought of it filling her with such joy, as she pictured her and Alexis’s baby, an innocent little person for her to care for. She knew that this baby sealed her fate with Alexis, tying her to him forever, knowing that she would never be able to walk out on this child, her child, this baby that she already loved so much, yet she didn’t care. He might never love her, but she knew that he would love his child and in that at least they had something in common.

His phone calls had continued as before, and it had taken all her effort not to shout down the line that she was pregnant, that she was carrying his longed for child, needing to tell him face to face. Finally the day had arrived that he was due home, and she had waited for him to return. Sitting on the chair, not trusting herself to lie down for fear of falling asleep, her body still getting used to the small person growing within her. As the hours had slipped away, Tessa had dozed on the chair, feeling herself being gently woken by his hand.

“You stayed up for me?” he has questioned, seeing as she had started.

“You shouldn’t have done that Tessa” he said his honey soft voice causing fluttering of awareness to fill her as it always did.

Tessa had pulled herself straight in the chair.

“I…I wanted to talk to you” she had stuttered, swallowing hard seeing how handsome he looked, a small stubble shadow on his face giving him an exotic dark look to add to his already dark features.

With a smile he had bent down, lifting her from the chair into his arms, moving over to the bed.

“I can think of much better things to do” he had whispered sensually against her ear, sending shivers running instantly down her spine. His mouth had moved to take hers as she had made to speak, a small groan leaving her as she had automatically wrapped her arms around his neck, her need for him at that moment pushing her need to talk from her mind.

After their frantic passionate lovemaking, he had once more cradled her. Holding her within his arms, unable to keep her eyes open any longer she had felt herself drift into a contended sleep, telling herself she would talk to him tomorrow.
