Page 8 of The Wedding Deal

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As he had laughed softly, her eyes had flown to meet his, seeing as he had nodded gently.

“Indeed….. but I am still glad you changed your mind” he had repeated, the sound of the door being opened causing him to drop her hand, as the housekeeper had moved noisily into the area, pushing a trolley before her.

As she had come level with the pair, Tessa could feel her stomach jump hungrily at the tempting aromas which suddenly filled the air, smiling warmly at the woman looking politely at her.

“Wow, that smells delicious” she had been unable to stop herself saying, seeing as a smile had lit the woman’s face.

“Thank you mademoiselle” she has responded as she had spoken softly to Alexis in Greek before he had returned to English.

“Tessa, I would like for you to meet Mrs Lowe, my housekeeper” adding with a twinkle in his eye “and sometimes good cook”

Seeing as the older woman had flashed him a motherly warning look.

“pfft………..he does not know good food” she had returned good humouredly, smiling at Tessa, who had laughed before extending her hand.

“It is lovely to meet you” she had offered seeing the surprise on the woman’s face, as she had shaken hands with the young woman.

“And I do appreciate good food…………and that smells wonderful”

With that Alexis had taken plates from the housekeeper, and also the bottle of wine from the trolley, before she had bid the two bonne appetite and left.

Looking at the salmon on a bed of rice Tessa had smiled at Alexis

“You really should not have gone to any bother on my part……….I really could have grabbed a sandwich” Seeing as he had looked disapprovingly.

“I bet that you haven’t eaten anything all day………..too busy with your production” knowing that he was right as she had tried to stifle the laugh.

As he had uncorked the wine and made to put some in her glass Tessa had quickly stopped him, her hand covering the glass.

“No….please…….I’m driving”

With a small shrug he had said nonchalantly.

“Stay over, we have plenty of rooms………makes more sense anyway and we should celebrate our engagement”

Scowling slightly Tessa had shaken her head.

“No thank you……..I like my own home”, seeing as he had half filled his own glass with the blood red liquid, his tone suddenly less playful and more serious.

“I want this wedding to be believable Tessa……… understand this, you will be moving into my home if not tonight then tomorrow. It makes more sense, as we will be able to organise the wedding, and it will allow you to become accustomed to my friends and your new home”

Playing gently with the salmon on the plate, she had tried hard to stop her hands shaking, both with nerves and anger.

“I still have a month’s rent on my flat………..and I…” she had blurted out, as he had cut over her.

“Money is not an issue…….I will ensure that all your bills are paid and all your belongings are brought here”

Finally giving up with the fork she had dropped it on the plate, wiping her brow nervously.

“Why the rush Alexis…” seeing as he had looked at her in surprise.

“Did you grandfather not tell you…………I expect the wedding to take place within the next 2 weeks”

Shock had thudded into Tessa, her whole body feeling so cold and warm all at the same time.

“Two….weeks” she had stuttered in disbelief, her eyes wide with shock.

“But………that is so soon”

Alexis had looked at the woman before him, so beautiful, so shocked, and had frowned softly.

“I am sorry Tessa, I was under the umption you knew the plans”

Seeing as she had shaken her head.

“No…No……he never specified a time scale, I just umed we would …….”

Her eyes had looked ahead, almost panic in them before her head had bowed in submission.

“I can’t move in tonight…………or tomorrow” she had spoken so softly, continuing as his mouth had opened to argue with her, her large eyes holding within them an almost pleading light.

“Please just give me some time to get used to this idea….I need some time”

Alexis had considered the woman before him, not seeing the defiance as was so obvious by her earlier lateness, but fear, fear of what she was getting into, and instinctively he knew not to push her any further.

“OK, Tess you will move in two days time” feeling a strange warmth at the look of relief and thanks she had thrown him.

“I … I just need time” she had repeated before once more picking up her fork.

For the rest of the meal he had asked her questions about her preference for the wedding. Whether she wanted a religious venue or something more relaxed. Tessa had been sure, only that she did not want the traditional wedding, and when he had suggested marrying abroad as part of their honeymoon, she had agreed with relief, glad not to have to go through with the ceremony with her grandfather gloating the whole time. Listening to the plans she had felt herself move into an almost autopilot mode, as he had so calmly discussed arrangements to a day that she had thought would be the most wonderful day of her life. To a man she would love with all her heart, not this man whom she knew so little about, who was a complete stranger to her, whom she had promised to marry and bear his children. The sudden realisation of this had swamped her, as she had felt tears rising to her eyes, causing her to stand quickly from the table.

“I…I’m sorry…….I’m really tired…….I have a big day tomorrow” she had stuttered, moving blindly to the door, to be anywhere but near him.

“I should go”

As her hand had reached out for the handle, she had felt his on her shoulder, turning her around to face him. Seeing the small tear wind down her cheek he had groaned softly, pulling her unresisting into his arms

“Don’t cry Cara” he had whispered against her hair, the sound and feel of him causing strange fluttering within her.

“This will be a good marriage; I will be a good husband to you of that I promise”

As he had pulled back to look down into her soft lovely face his eyes had travelled down to her slightly quivering lips before his head had dropped to gently kiss the side of her eye. As his tongue had licked the small tear, the touch of him on her had caused her to sigh softly as her body exploded into small tremors. His mouth had continued to kiss down her face, his lips hardly touching her skin, each one a mere whisper, promising so much, until his mouth had finally found hers. As their lips had met, it was as if a fire had been ignited in each, as they had kissed the other with an intensity that left Tessa breathless and feeling disembodied, the only important thing, his kiss, the way his tongue flicked against hers, eliciting an equal response in her. She was hardly aware as one hand had wound its way around her waist pulling her tight into him, tight against the throbbing hardness of him, the other moving to hold her head to him. As his mouth had finally released hers, his teeth moving to gently nip her ear he had whispered.

“Stay, Tessa, let me to you……..we both want this”

As though drunk, his words had reached deep into her befuddled brain, the meaning of them like cold water, as she had gasped, pushing herself from him.

“No” she had cried out in despair, her eyes staring wildly at him. He had looked back at her, his breathing like hers ragged, his eyes still showing the passion that had so nearly consumed them both.

“I…I have to go, so much to do tomorrow” she had cried out, her hands wringing nervously before her, as she had pulled open the door and moved into the large foyer. Behind her she could hear his feet move out with her, as he had finally caught up with her at the door. When she had turned to once more look at him, he was once more calm, once more in complete control of himself, which was more than she was able to do, her hair still ruffled from his fingers, her eyes still large, lips still reddened.

As she had made to open the door, he had caught her hand in his, pulling it to his mouth, the feel of his lips on her skin once more making her react.

“Goodnight Tessa” he spoke gently.

“Drive carefully”, before he had reached to open the door to escort her to her car.

As they had reached her beaten up vehicle she had looked up nervously at him, her heart once more fluttering.

“Thank you for dinner Alexis…………and for being understanding” and with that she had slipped it.

The return journey home had been a quick one as she had chided herself for how she had reacted to this devastatingly handsome man. He was the enemy she reminded herself, he had made a deal with her grandfather to use her body for his own needs. He did not love her or care about her, but saw her as an investment opportunity. This man was no better than John, and yet she still felt the way her whole body ached, remembering how his kiss had set her on fire, the sensations so foreign to her. That night in bed, she had tossed and turned before falling into a deep sleep, the image of his eyes burning intently into hers.
