Page 2 of Only Her

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I stare up at the giant mansion. Who needs all of this for four people? No wonder William is bleeding money. He cares more about his image than he does being financially sound. He can keep his image, and I’ll easily save his ass.

If you ask me, I think I’m getting the better part of the deal. When I brought the idea to him of me marrying his daughter in exchange for me saving him from financial ruin, he jumped all over it. He’d offered her up like a piece of cattle.

I was undeniably pissed off about it. Someone else could have swooped in and taken my beautiful angel before I even knew she existed. I tell myself that I’m not forcing her into this marriage. That I’m doing this to save her. I lie to myself.

The door opens, revealing my sweet Kennedy. Her eyes go wide when she sees me as if she’s frightened. She should be with all the things I want to do to her. In time, I remind myself. I must be patient. One week and I’ll know every inch of her body.

She’ll belong to me in every way soon.2KennedyI swallow when I see Gerrit standing outside my front door. I open my mouth, but no words come out. What is wrong with me? He stares at me with his emotionless face never giving anything away. When I first met him I was almost positive he disliked me. It was a shock when Dad said we’d be getting married.

Not only because I didn't think Gerrit liked me but because this isn't the 1800s. I thought the family tradition of arranged marriages would end with my parents’ generation. Why would our parents do this to us? Haven't they learned anything? My parents can’t stand each other, and neither could my grandparents. Out of all of the arranged marriages I’ve seen, none have turned out in a love match.

“Don’t stand there. Invite your fiancé in,” Mom hisses at me with a glare before she turns a sweet smile on to Gerrit. “Come in, come in. She can be a little daft sometimes.” Mom shakes her head, sending her blond locks that match mine flying.

“It’s fine.” He steps into the house, his eyes still on me. I take a step back, my heel catching on the rug. I start to fall but two strong arms wrap around me letting me know I’m not going anywhere. His touch makes my body feel something I know it shouldn’t. I push that feeling aside remembering what I’m here for.

“Thank you.”

He puts me back on my feet.

“Why don’t you go get yourself together and check on your sister.” It’s not a question but an order. I nod my head. I release my hold on Gerrit’s biceps. I hadn't realized I’d grabbed them. I must have done it when he caught me. I turn around, leaving the entryway as fast as I can without running.

When I round the corner, my sister grabs me, pulling me into a closet. I let out a small scream of surprise. She covers my mouth with her hand. She lets out a giggle before dropping her hand. I instantly feel better with her around. The two of us are thick as thieves and do everything together.

“Why are we in the closet?”

“Why were you staring at your future husband like he’d come here to murder you?”

“I was shocked is all.” I tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear.

“Come on.” She grabs my hand, leading me back toward her bedroom. I am technically the older sister. A few days shy of eleven months apart. This past week, though, it’s been her that I’ve been leaning on. “He is handsome.” She points to the vanity chair. I drop down, letting her play with my hair and makeup. It’s one of her favorite things to do.

“Too handsome. But not in that pretty boy way.” Kinley rolls her eyes, knowing what I’m talking about. Before this whole arranged marriage thing she’d set us up on dates. They’d been the worst. I’d rather have my whole body waxed than sit with one of those trust fund entitled men. Men that think you should fall at their feet and cater to their every whim.

“The wedding isn't for a week. We've got time. You can feel your new man out.” She wiggles her eyebrows.

“I’m guessing I won't see him much. This next week is going to be crazy getting everything done for this wedding. You know that Mom probably has a thousand things that she wants me to do. I’m still shocked how fast this all came together.”

“Looks as though someone didn't want to wait to make you his wife.” She gets a dreamy look in her eyes. I poke her.

“This isn't a fairy tale.” My dreams of a happily ever after went out the window the day my parents sat me down to tell me about this arrangement. I sigh inwardly, knowing that there is nothing I can do to change this. This is my fate, and I have to make the best of it.
