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“Cheers,” Rachel said, clinking their beer cans together.

Rachel smiled and took a sip. She realized she didn’t like beer that much. She took a few more sips and then held it in her hands. She figured if she carried it around with her, it would look like she was drinking even though she really wasn’t.

Rachel looked around at all the people at the party. Most of them were drinking and she saw a few of them on the back porch, smoking. Everyone looked liked they were having a good time. She secretly wanted to get in with the popular crowd and she knew tonight was going to be the night. She wanted to be popular partially because she thought it would be cool, but mostly because she wanted Rob to really like her. She thought that if she were in with all his friends, it would be easy for him to fall for her.

Rob took Rachel around and introduced her to most of the guys on his football team. Rachel thought the guys were nice, and was excited that they were talking to her. Rachel had never had any guy friends before: all of her friends at home were girls. She didn’t mind this, but always wanted to be in with the guys, too.

The radio was blasting an Eminem song and some of the kids started dancing and singing to the music. Rachel watched on the outskirts of the room as she continued to talk with Rob. Rob was giving Rachel the low-down on all the kids, bringing her up to speed on who was dating who, who played what sports, who drove what car. Rachel’s brain was starting to hurt with all the information.

The party started to pick up and get really crowded, and Rachel and Rob decided to go out on the back porch. As Rob opened the sliding glass door and motioned Rachel through, she was surprised to see that nobody else was on the back porch. Rachel had seen a group of kids out there smoking a few minutes ago, but figured they must have gone back inside.

Rob walked over to a rocking love seat and sat down on it, and Rachel followed him. The two sat there, rocking back and forth together, talking.

“So, you liking it so far?” said Rob.

“You mean, Bedford or the party?”

“Well, both,” said Rob.

“The party’s cool and I’m warming up to my new life in Bedford. It’s a bit of an adjustment, but it’s better now.”

“I’m glad you’re here,” Rob said, as he stared into her eyes.

“Me, too,” Rachel said, as she looked back at him, and then looked away.

Rachel didn’t know what was happening. Was Rob going to kiss her? Tonight? At Jordan’s party? Rachel’s heart started beating faster as she sat there next to him.

“There’s something different about you, Rach. I don’t know what it is, but I really like you,” Rob said, still staring into her eyes.

“Thanks, I guess,” Rachel said, as she smiled.

Rob reached out and put his hand on her leg. Rachel’s heart leapt. He turned to her and started leaning in. She was leaning towards him and as her eyes began to close, she heard the sliding door open and a group of girls ran onto the porch.

“What are you doing here, new girl?” asked Arielle.

“Yeah, who invited you?” asked one of Arielle’s friends.

“I did,” Rob said, sticking up for her.

“What did I tell you the other day?” Arielle said, staring at Rachel. “I hope you didn’t forget.”

Rachel looked back at her but said nothing.

“You better watch it,” Arielle said, as she walked back into the house.

“I think I’d better go,” Rachel said to Rob.

Rachel looked at her watch and didn’t realize she’d been at the party for two hours already. It was a little after 10pm and she knew she wanted to be home by 11pm so she could settle in and get out of her party clothes before her parents arrived back home.

“Let’s grab another beer and then I’ll drive you back home,” Rob said to Rachel.

Rachel didn’t know what to do. Part of her wanted to stay at the party with Rob, but the other part wanted to run. She was terrified of running into Arielle and her friends again.

“I really don’t want to stay here,” Rachel said back.

“Fine, let’s leave, but I want to take you somewhere before I drive you home,” Rob said.

“Where?” she asked.

“You’ll see,” Rob answered, “It’s a surprise.”

Rachel liked surprises and thought it was sweet of him to leave the party with her. Rachel didn’t want to disappoint him by telling him she had to go home, so she decided she would go with him. Rachel also hoped that he would try and kiss her again; they’d been so close to kissing on the porch, she knew that if it were ever going to happen, it would be tonight.

Rachel snuck out of the party without bumping into Arielle or her friends. She was worried she might see them on her way out, and she didn’t want them to know t she was leaving with Rob or that he was driving her home. She was a little scared of them now, but it felt good that the guy they were fighting for wanted her.

As they got back in the car, Rob said, “Do you like water?”

“Water?” she asked R.

“Yeah, water, boats, docks?” Rob replied.

“I guess so,” she said, “never really thought about it.”

Rob drove for about ten minutes until they came upon a quiet pond. Rachel looked out of the windshield and saw a few people standing on a dock by a well-lit pond. It looked like a very romantic and beautiful spot.

“Here we are,” said Rob. “The duck pond.”

“It’s beautiful.”

Rob got out of the car and walked over to let Rachel out of her side. Rachel hopped out and the two started walking together towards the dock.

Rob put his hand out and touched Rachel’s hand. Rachel took his hand and they walked out to the end of the dock. Rachel worried Rob could feel her nerves jolting through her body; she was sure her hand was clammy and sweaty.

As they neared the end of the dock, they came upon a group of kids from a neighboring high school, hanging out chatting and having a cigarette. Rachel could tell that Rob had hoped it would be just the two of them; she could tell by the way Rob was looking around that he was trying to find a quiet place where they could be alone together. But there was nothing.

Rob looked into Rachel’s eyes again but did not lean in to kiss her. Rachel’s mind was running wild. She didn’t know if he was going to kiss her now, or if he was going to wait until the other kids left the dock.

“This is my favorite spot,” Rob said as he looked at Rachel.
