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“Oh, that old thing. I got it at a store in Pennsylvania, you probably wouldn’t know it,” Rachel said.

She remembered vividly the day she had bought that dress with Dana and their crew. It was a few weeks before the Easter Parade, and all the girls had wanted to buy new dresses. They’d piled into her mom’s car and headed off to Wal-Mart to go shopping. Rachel spotted her dress as soon as they entered the Juniors department and she knew it was the one. The girls’ oohd and ahhd over it when Rachel tried it on. She had felt great in it, and knew it was the perfect dress. Not to mention, Rachel remembered all the compliments she got on it.

Now, it was a whole new ballgame. This dress was like the plague up here. Rachel couldn’t understand why it was beautiful in Pennsylvania but ugly in New York.

“You can’t seriously wear that,” Emily said. “I’ve got stuff you can borrow.”

Feeling insecure about her dress, she walked with Emily over to her closet. Rachel figured it wouldn’t hurt to try a few other options on.

“I’ve got this Marc Jacobs baby doll dress,” said Emily, as she held it out. “Or, this Banana Republic LBD.”

LBD..LBD…Rachel was jogging her head trying to figure out this terminology. She looked at the dresses and decided she would try on the Banana Republic dress. Rachel put it on and it fit like a glove. She had never felt sexier before in her entire life. It was a short black dress that came up to the middle of her thigh. It was tight over her hips and butt and showed off her curvy waist. It was short sleeved, but had a low cut-back, which the girls seemed to really think looked great on Rachel.

Rachel was sold. She would forego her teal Easter dress for the sexy black number Emily was going to lend her for the night. Rachel pulled out her Pay Less twelve-dollar gold pumps and put them on her feet. The girls started at her in awe. Rachel couldn’t believe the approval she was getting from the girls and she had never felt so good about herself before.

“So, how about a few shots to get this party started!” Jess said, as she whipped out her Absolute Vodka.


“Here we go!”

“Party time!”

Jess opened the bottle and handed everyone a shot glass off of Emily’s shelf. Emily collected shot glasses, and they were being put to good use.

Rachel found herself in another inner struggle. She knew if she got caught drinking before the school dance and she showed up to school drunk, she could get expelled. That frightened her, especially since she had high hopes of going to a good college one day. Rachel knew that wouldn’t look good on her high school transcript.

But Rachel also wanted desperately to fit in at AHS. She figured that everyone was doing it, and she didn’t want to feel left out. She put out her hand as Jess was handing everyone a shot glass, and held it steady. She knew her trick of pretending to drink always worked, and that way she would feel like she was part of the group, but not actually drinking.

The girls all took their shots and Rachel pretended to sip hers. The girls didn’t even realize that Rachel hadn’t drunk her shot.

“It’s time to go!” Emily said, as she put on her lipstick.

“It’s going to be sick!” said Jen. “I can’t wait.”

“I hope they play good music,” said Liv.

Rachel gathered up all her belongings and took another look at herself in the mirror. She reminded herself of Sandy from Grease, when she changed from her “good girl” poodle skirt and cardigan into the sexy black leather outfit at the end of the movie. She didn’t recognize herself, but knew she looked hot.

On their way back to the school, the girls were giddy and excited. Rachel could tell that the girls’ were a little tipsy, too. They were screaming and stumbling across the streets and she could tell the vodka was hitting them.

Rachel, on the other hand felt good. She was sober, nicotine free, sexy and stood up for what she believed in. Rachel knew that if she had this will power as a teen, she would definitely have it as a woman.

As the girls walked through the balloon arch that led them into the gymnasium there were hundreds of kids, teachers and chaperones. Rachel was nervous, yet excited. She put her bag down on the bleachers, but kept her cell phone out, just in case Benji tried to call or text her. She was missing him so much and hoped that he would be at the dance.

The music started playing and everyone started dancing. Rachel’s ankle was finally feeling better, so she got out on the dance floor, too. She felt like she was at a club; kids were grinding, and dancing very close to one another. She had never seen this at her old school, but went with the flow, realizing that she needed to accept that her new life in Bedford was completely different, and to stop comparing the two.

At the end of the first song, Emily, Liv, Jess, Jen and Taryn all went into the bathroom together to take shots. They invited Rachel to go with them, but Rachel stayed behind. She walked off the dance floor and checked her phone. She didn’t have any messages or calls.

She looked around the dimly lit gymnasium to see if Benji was around, but she didn’t see him.

As her eyes surveyed the room, Rachel spotted Rob. He was staring her up and down, and began walking towards her. As he neared, Rachel wasn’t sure what to do. Should she walk away, or stay and see what he has to say? Rachel decided to stay, partially because she wanted validation from him, but also because if she turned and walked away, it would be too obvious that she was ignoring him.

“Hot stuff,” Rob said as he reached out and put his hand on Rachel’s back.

“Thanks,” Rachel said, smiling.

“You look amazing,” Rob added. “Wow!”

Rachel was glad she wore Emily’s dress, if for no other reason than to show Rob what he could have had if he had not been such a jerk.

“I’m sorry about the other day,” Rob said.

She was surprised at this, because she figured he didn’t even remember.

“Oh, that day,” she said, acting as if it were no big deal.

“Yeah, I got caught up at practice, then went out with the guys,” Rob said sounding apologetic.

“I forgot about it, really, it’s fine.”

“So, how about that dance?” Rob said smoothly.

Standing there alone, Rachel felt confused. She knew she wasn’t into Rob anymore, but she would rather dance with him than stand on the outskirts of the dance floor alone.

“I guess,” she said.

Rob began walking into the middle of the dance floor, and Rachel followed.

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