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Violet stormed down the hall, knocking over everything and everyone in her way, tripping innocent kids as they walked past and laughing as they fell to the ground face first. She walked by the secretary’s office again on her way to the football field to find Rob and purposely rang the bell loudly in her face and then walked away. She was officially terrorizing the entire school, and everyone left inside.

As she got out to the field she could see the football team and the girls cheerleading team all huddled together chatting. She listened for a moment before she walked over so she could get a clear-cut vision of who Rob was. She heard a girl’s voice calling his name and yelling at him.

“How could you do this to me, Rob? I don’t understand how every time you see her you fall for her even harder. What is it with this Rachel girl you like so much? What does she have that I don’t?” Arielle asked.

Violet knew she had found her key to Rachel and thought it might be fun to play with these two for a minute.

“Hello there Rob!” Violet said, as she stood there on the field.

“Um, Hi. Who are you?” Rob asked.

“Oh, don’t pretend you don’t know me!” Violet said, stroking her hair in a flirtatious way, seeing the anger swell up in Arielle’s eyes.

“Uhh, I don’t know you!” Rob replied.

“Oh stop pretending last night didn’t mean anything to you!” Violet said. “Is this the girl you’re worried will find out about us?” Violet asked, pointing to Arielle.

She watched his face go blank and then back to a sheer look of confusion.

“Or are you worried about Rachel? Now I remember, you’re worried about Rachel. You told me you loved her,” Violet said, stirring the pot even more.

“Who are you, you freak?” Arielle asked, pissed off.

“Who are you, you freak?” Violet mocked her.

She could tell Arielle was getting so angry and watched as Arielle put up her hand to slap her. Violet’s strength kicked in and she intercepted her hand with lightning speed and grabbed her by her arm and flung her over her shoulder, watching her land on her back.

The field grew silent as the fight grew more intense.

“What’s your problem, chick?” Rob asked. “I don’t even know you so can you tell me what this is all about?”

“It’s about your little love interest. I’m after her and I think you can help me find her,” Violet said.

“Love interest?” Rob questioned.

“Yes, Rachel,” Violet whispered in his ear.

“I’m not helping you with anything, why don’t you mind your own business,” Rob said.

Violet watched as Arielle got up off the ground and sneakily marched over behind Violet’s back, raised both her hands up to slam her over the head. Violet quickly turned around and intercepted her blow with a laugh, then launched her into the air, through one of the end posts and watched as she fell into a swamp on the other side.

“You’re nuts!” Rob said. “How did you do that?”

“I have many mysterious powers,” Violet whispered again.

“Who are you?” Rob asked again.

“It’s irrelevant, my friend,” Violet answered. “It’s Rachel I’m after and you need to bring me to her or else, you’re next.”

“You couldn’t do anything to me,” Rob said.

“You don’t want to test me,” Violet said.

“Oh yeah? Prove it then, what will you do to me if I don’t bring you to Rachel?” Rob asked. His football friends came up beside him, surrounding him, all staring back at Violet threateningly.

“You really don’t want to know,” Violet said, warning him.

“Yes, I do want to know tough gal. Bring it on. Try it!” Rob said, acting tough in front of his teammates.

With that, Violet go so riled up that she lifted Rob up off his feet, swung her robe around him and flew into the air. Rob’s cries and shrieks nearly made her go deaf, and she couldn’t believe how scared he got so quickly.

“Let me go! Put me down!” Rob cried.

“You asked for this,” Violet said.

“You’re a freak!” Rob said. “Stop this!”

“Don’t antagonize me now,” Violet said. “It’s not in your best interest.”

“Yeah, well no matter what you do, I’m not bringing you to Rachel, so you can forget about that,” Rob said.

Violet flew far away until they were in a desolate area, just the two of them. She landed on the roof of a tall building and stared at him, almost putting him into a trance. She could tell that his body was becoming weak and subdued, and she knew she could take him now. She knew if she got him on her side, they could unite their powers and end this war together. She knew he would be a huge asset to the Greslin Coven and with that, she leaned in slowly, her fangs protruding as the saliva dripped down out of her mouth onto Rob’s neck. She could see the fear in his eyes, but he was speechless. There was no turning back now.

Her beat red eyes stared into his and then, within moments, she sunk her teeth deep into Rob’s neck as his body quaked and convulsed.

She knew their team had just been solidified.

Chapter Fourteen

Rachel trudged up to Emily’s house with her heavy bags in tow, hoping that she wasn’t too early for their getting ready party. She rang the doorbell and waited for Emily to answer.

She couldn’t believe what had just happened to her but knew deep down her parents were right. She was a threat to the family, and she didn’t want them to suffer for what she’d done.

“Hey girl, just in time!” Emily said when she opened the door. “I’m just going through all our old Halloween costumes, trying to figure out what to wear!”

“OMG! I totally forgot. I didn’t get a costume to wear,” Rachel said. “Guess, I could go as myself? That’s kinda scary!” she said with a laugh.

“No, don’t be silly,” Emily, said. “You can borrow. We have so many costumes!”

“Cool!” Rachel said. “When are the others coming?”

“They should be here any minute. I just ordered pizza. Hope you’re hungry!” Emily said.

Thinking of pizza and eating actually made her realize she would be ready to feed shortly. She tried to push those feelings out of her head, though, since she knew it wouldn’t be the best time to sneak out and kill an animal. The girls would definitely know she was up to something if she left to do that.

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