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“Gina, I’m sorry,” Mark said, as he turned to her and unbuckled his seat belt.

“What are you doing, Mark?” Gina said.

Mark didn’t answer. He climbed over the center console on the car touching Gina’s neck and face and tugging on her hair.

“Mark, you’re scaring me.”

He looked into her eyes, and his eyes became bright red.


Mark couldn’t even hear what she was saying, all he could think about was her scent and the fact that he was about to indulge in his first feed ever. He saw Gina quickly take out her cell phone and speed dial home, but Mark didn’t care. He even heard it ringing and then, just as he was sinking his large white fangs into Gina’s neck, he heard the voice of her father on the line.

“Gina? Gina? Are you OK?”

But Mark didn’t care. He pressed the end button and indulged in the most pleasant feeding of his life.


Rob knew he was close to Rachel now, and knew he was only minutes away from finding her in her school. As he approached her Pennsylvania high school, he could tell she was close. He knew there were a lot of schools in the area, but he thought he smelled he scent in the air that morning and followed it to a school off a winding country road.

He walked into the school like he owned the place. His head held high and his gait stern and steady. He wore a black trench coat and black combat boots, which actually made him look a little bit like a terrorist, but he didn’t care. He refused to wear anything else and this look had become his daily uniform. He didn’t care how he came off to people, though, he meant business and he wasn’t going to let anything get in his way.

He couldn’t wait to find Rachel to tell him his true feelings about her. He knew it would sweep her off her feet and they would live happily ever after. At least that’s the way he saw this fairy tale ending.

He tramped through the halls, the sound of his boots clomping loudly on the floor. He could feel the stares he was getting by the kids and the teachers as he breezed by them, following his nose to Rachel. He didn’t care what people thought of him, in fact, he kind of wished they were a little scared of him. He enjoyed their intimidation and he enjoyed his Napoleon complex. He only had one thing on his mind, and that was to get Rachel and whisk her off with him.

As he came down the hall, he passed a bunch of lockers, putting his nose up to them and then moving onto the next one. Then when he came to locker number 198 he stopped and touched it with his hands. He knew it was hers and he could tell she had recently been there. He quickly turned his body around, and pushed through the crowd that had swarmed around him as he continued searching for her.

“Um, what are you doing?” Brian asked, watching him smell Rachel’s locker.

“Excuse me! I’m talking to you,” Brian repeated.

“Yeah, well I’m not talking to you!” Rob said, with beady eyes.

“What is your problem? Who are you anyway?” Brian asked.

“Who are you?” Rob asked back, although he could care less who this guy was.

“Brian. Rachel’s boyfriend!”

Rob stopped in his tracks at the sound of that word. “Boyfriend?” he asked, quickly turning to face Brian.

“You heard me!” Brian said.

Rob walked over to him and looked him up and down. He couldn’t imagine Rachel would ever go for a guy like Brian, but then again, he could see the similarities between the two of them. His body began to sweat, as he got angrier and angrier with Brian.

“What do you mean you’re her boyfriend?” Rob asked.

“Who are you anyway?” Brian said. “I don’t owe you any explanation!”

“Well you kinda do, because I’m her boyfriend, too!” Rob said.

“What are you talking about? You are delusional!” Brian said. “She has never once mentioned your name. So that leads me to believe she doesn’t have feelings for you. Not to mention, we had a hot date last night. So what are you gonna do about it?”

Rob was getting livid as Brian continued to speak. He could barely control himself. He wanted this kid gone and out of Rachel’s life forever. He didn’t need any more competition. He couldn’t stand it.

“Why don’t we talk about this outside?” Rob asked.

“Oh yeah!” Brian said.

A crowd of kids surrounded them as they started throwing punches at each other. The kids all cheered, “Go Brian, Go Brian!” but Rob didn’t care. He wasn’t here to get people on his side. He was here to win the heart of his one true love back, and he knew the only way to do that would be to eradicate this Brian character. He was no good, and didn’t want him in Rachel’s life anymore.


The bell rang and the kids that surrounded them scurried off to their classes. The only people that remained in the halls were he and Brian and he knew he had to take this outside. If he were really going to get ride of him, he couldn’t do it in the middle of the hallway of this high school.

“Come outside!” Rob said. “This isn’t the place for this. Be a man.”

“A man?” Brian questioned. “The only man here is me! Who do you think you are for questioning me?”

Rob started walking out the double doors at the end of the hallway, which led to the back of the school. He saw Brian following him, seething at his words. As the two got outside, Rob turned to Brian to continue their conversation.

“So if she’s really your girlfriend, why don’t you tell me where she is?” Rob asked.

“I just got to school and she’s not here yet! So how am I supposed to know?” Brian replied.

Rob’s body started shaking and his eyes grew wide with envy. Then, out of nowhere, he reached over with his fist and clenched it around Brian’s throat. Brian stood there gasping for air as his face turned red and then purple. His body fell to the ground and then Rob let go.

“That’s what you get for going out with my girl!” Rob said.

Brian quickly stood to his feet and went to throw a punch at Rob, but Rob caught his fist in mid swing and threw him over his shoulder, flying into the air high above the trees. Brian fell down through the branches screaming and cursing as he hit the ground. He lay there, badly beaten and then Rob went over to him like lion in the jungle and sunk his teeth deep into his throat, sucking out the remaining life in his body.

Rob stood up, and looked at Brian’s dead, lifeless body laying there in the middle of the brush. He covered his body with the fallen leaves and then walked away, immensely satisfied with his victory.
