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Rachel started walking down the stairs and then heard her dad stop talking and say, “I think she’s coming now.” She continued walking down and then saw her dad, standing there at the bottom of the stairs, and then look back towards the kitchen and make a gesture. She didn’t know what he was doing, but continued down anyway.

“Hi, Dad,” Rachel said.

“Good morning,” her dad said.

Within seconds of her going into the kitchen, two strong men wearing white lab coats quickly grabbed her. They put a blindfold on her eyes and said, “You’re coming with us.”

“DAD! DAD!” Rachel shrieked.

“Rachel, it’s for your own good,” Dr. Goldman said. “You are a very troubled girl, you need to go to a special home for a while to figure out what’s been going on with you.”

“NO! I WANT MY DAD!” Rachel screamed.

“Rachel, I’m right here. I have arranged for this. I knew you wouldn’t take it well, so we have to do it this way. You will be fine,” her dad said.

Rachel felt the men start dragging her out. Her body grew limp as he heels skidded across the floor. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her and didn’t quite understand why.

“BUT WHY!?” she yelled out, as she was being carried outside.

“You are a very rare case,” Dr. Goldman yelled out after her. “They will help you.”

Her body stopped moving as the sliding door to what sounded like a big UHAUL van opened. She could hear it sliding on its hinges and then heard other kids voices in the truck. She couldn’t understand what was happening to her and she knew she couldn’t let this go on. She had to get out of it.

Then, all of a sudden, she felt a bolt of energy surge through her body and she started to flail around. She felt the strong, firm grip of one of the men grab her even tighter, causing her skin to burn. She then ducked down and got out of his grip, ripped off her blindfold and stood there, staring them right in the eyes. One man reached into his pocked and pulled out a stun gun and quickly shot her in the leg.

Rachel looked down at her leg and realized that the bullet had stopped right before it hit her, turned around and then hit the man who shot it right between his eyes. He started screaming in pain as the other guy pulled it off of his face.

“How’d that happen? The man asked.

“What’s going on here?” the other man said, looking back at Rachel in sudden fear and terror.

She then, walked over to the man who had shot her and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him high up into the air. She didn’t know how she was doing this, but her body was surging at an uncontrollable rate and she couldn’t stop her motions. She was fearless and unstoppable, and she was going to do everything in her power to put an end to this.

She started circling him above her head, and then with a big surge of power, threw him into the air and he went flying so far, she wasn’t sure where he landed, but she was sure, he wasn’t going to come back after her.

The other man in the white lab coat started running down the street as he watched his colleague get launched into the air. Rachel knew she couldn’t let him get away, because she knew he’d be back to get her or even worse, steal other kids from their homes. She started running at lightning speed to catch up with him. Within one second she was standing there, in front of him as he rounded the bend. She started at him and then, all of a sudden he stopped running and laid down on the ground. Rachel didn’t know how she was doing this, but it was almost as if she was controlling his mind and his actions with her thoughts. She kept thinking about what she wanted to do to him, and watched it play out before her eyes. She watched him lift himself up into the air really high and then drop back down onto the hard pavement with a thud. She repeated this over and over until he lay there, in a puddle of blood with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

The smell of his blood permeated the air, and she went over to him, and touched his blood with her fingertips. Then, she put her fingers to her nose and sniffed it slowly. The smell was like something she’d experienced before, in a past life. Something that she wanted to taste, but didn’t know why. She quickly stood up and ran away from the man when she heard the voice of her dad and Dr. Goldman running up the hill. She didn’t want them to see her standing over him or catch her and try to lock her away for good. She knew she had to get out of there and fast. She had to run away, but she didn’t know where she could go that would be safe for her now.


Rachel ran at lightning speed down the streets of her neighborhood and into her town. She could already hear the chatter and the buzz around her about what had just happened. She pulled the hood of her hooded sweatshirt over her head and pulled the strings tightly around her neck in an attempt to hide her face from passersby. She knew it would only be a matter of time until people knew that she was the one who committed this crime, and she knew she had to get out of their quickly to avoid what she had coming to her. She was no longer safe in her town, or in her house. She couldn’t go back at this point. She knew her father; Dr. Goldman and probably the police at this point were all looking for her.

Just as the thought crossed her mind, she heard loud sirens coming down the street. It was the sirens of both the fire trucks and the police cars. The sound was louder than she’d ever heard before. It almost sounded to her like all the firemen and police of the surrounding counties were alerted to this event. She plugged her ears with her fingers as the cars started zooming by towards the scene of the crime. She had to think quickly and get out of their fast.

Then, it dawned on her that the only place she could escape to was to the swamps to find her grandmother. She knew she’d be safe down there since it was so far away from Pennsylvania, and she was sure this news wouldn’t travel down to that part of the country, at least for a while. She knew she had a few days until the FBI, police and others would be searching for her. She quickly reached into her pocket and pulled out her cell phone. She knew she’d be able to be tracked by it and quickly turned off the power. She knew she could only use it in serious emergencies or else, she’d be found.

She went into a local store and asked to use their phone. She dialed a cab company and then waited behind the store until they came. She couldn’t escape the loud sounds of the fire and police cars and they flew down the streets with their sirens and lights blaring. She stood there, with her back against the wall of the building, trying to hide from everyone and everything. Waiting for this cab felt like it was taking years, even though she knew it had only been three minutes since she called.
