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“The news! Apparently there was a killing. Right in our town!” the cab driver yelled. “I can’t believe this. Who would do such a thing?”

Rachel couldn’t bear it anymore. “Are we almost there yet?” she yelled from the back seat.

“Be quiet for a minute girl!” the cabbie yelled. “This is very important!”

Police are on the look out for a girl, age eighteen, brown hair, brown eyes, 130lbs. If you have seen her, please contact your local law enforcement station.

The news blared through the speakers. She couldn’t escape it. She just hoped this cab driver wasn’t smart enough to put two and two together and hoped that even if he were that smart that he wouldn’t realize it until after he dropped her off at the train station.

The car ride felt like it was taking forever. She wished the train station were in walking distance because she would have definitely walked, or ran, instead of this. This ride was torture to her and getting worse by the minute. Finally, the cab driver put on his blinker and got off at the exit for the train station.

“We’re just about here,” the cab driver said. “This will be twelve dollars.”

At that moment, Rachel realized that she didn’t have any money with her. All she had were the clothes on her back, shoes, and her powered down cell phone. Everything else was still in her house.

“Sir, I’m so sorry, I just realized I forgot my purse. I don’t have my wallet on me,” Rachel said, in sorrow. “I don’t have the money.”

“You don’t have the money?” the cab driver questioned. “Why would you leave without your wallet?”

“I completely forgot. I guess I was too scatterbrained when I left this morning,” Rachel said.

“Well, because you are going through a lot right now, I’ll let it slide this time. You don’t have to pay me. It’s on the house!” the cab driver said with a smile.

“Thank you so much! You have no idea what this means to me!” Rachel said.

“Well, here you are my dear. We have arrived. Now, you be safe out there. We don’t want you to get hurt. There are crazy people out there!” the cab driver said as he opened her door and let her out of the back seat.

“Well, thanks again, I gotta run!” Rachel said, putting her head down so that the cabbie wouldn’t be able to see her full face. “Bye now!”

Rachel ran into the train station and looked up at the big board of arrival and departure trains. She knew there was no direct train to Mississippi, but she knew she could get a connecting train through Wasthington DC; all she had to do was sneak onto the next train to DC since she didn’t have any money for a ticket. The next train going her way didn’t arrive for another twenty minutes, which was actually lucky timing for her because she didn’t even check the schedule before she arrived. She was glad it was only twenty minutes and not hours.

She looked around the big train station and saw police with guard dogs walking up and down the platform. She feared the worst and assumed they were out to get her. She quickly ran to the bathroom and into one of the stalls, and waited there, hiding from everyone and everything. She couldn’t believe her life had come down to this. As if things weren’t bad before, now they were exponentially worse. She actually thought for a moment that she’d be better off dead than in this scenario. She knew she had it coming for her, she just didn’t know how long she had until she was caught.

Train number 192 to Washington DC now arriving on platform number 2. Again, train number 192 to Washington DC now arriving on platform number 2.

Rachel quickly opened the stall door and headed down to the platform. She quickly breezed by one of the security guards at the station who was busy looking down at his cell phone. She knew she had just narrowly escaped her fait, now all she had to do was get onto the train and she’d be able to escape, for now anyway.

The train doors opened and throngs of people exited the train. For a moment she felt like she was in a movie, making her great escape. The people all lined up to get onto the train as the conductor greeted everyone at the door, “Tickets please!” he yelled as the passengers started filing in. “Have your tickets ready!”

Rachel had to think quickly. She knew she had to get on this train or else she might not ever see the light of day again. She tried to hide behind the person in front of her, but then realized that was pointless and wouldn’t work. She stood back up and then started rummaging around in her pockets as if she were looking for something.

“Ticket young lady?” the conductor asked.

“I um, I’m trying to find it,” Rachel said.

“You can’t come on this train unless you have a ticket. Please step aside,” the conductor sneered.

Rachel knew this was it for her. She knew there was no way she was ever going to get onto this train with no ticket and no money.

“Excuse me, is this your ticket? I just found it on the floor?” a lady asked her.

“Oh, thank you!” Rachel said.

The lady handed Rachel the ticket and the conductor took it from her and pointed to a set of open seats. “Thank you, you may find a seat.”

Rachel walked towards the back of the train and took the first open seat she could find. She slunk down into her seat with her head hung low and her hood still on her head. All you could see was her mousey brown hair peeking out of the bottom of her hood. As she sat there and waited for the train to move, she couldn’t help but realize that she had just narrowly escaped what was coming for her. She couldn’t wait to get down to the swamp to find her grandmother. She knew she’d be able to help her with everything. And hopefully, she wouldn’t be caught before she made it down there.

Rachel put her head down and said a silent prayer, just as she finished her prayer; the train started pulling out of the station. She was finally on her way.


Benji hovered over Rachel’s house as he watched all the police and fire trucks surround the place. He didn’t know what was going on but knew that it was not good. He hoped and prayed that Rachel was ok and that she wasn’t hurt. He also hoped that Rob hadn’t gotten there before he did. He didn’t want her to fall back in love with him, especially because he knew Rachel still didn’t remember who he was. All he could do was pray that everything was ok, and that these police and fire trucks were here on a false alarm.

He flew a short ways away and then landed in an open field and walked to Rachel’s house. He didn’t want anyone to see him flying or landing. As he approached the house, he saw Rachel’s father and brother standing outside, talking to the policemen. He walked up the walkway and everyone turned and looked at him.
