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Damn, that was adorable!

“Teacup Chihuahuas,” I heard Brady reply with the magical words that broke me away from the baby dog-Madix beauty going on.

“Take me to them,” I ordered, picking up my little clucker to take it with me, all fears forgotten when it came to this one chicken.

Shaking his head, Brady took a step back and gestured toward the door leading out of the barn.

“You coming?” he shot at Madix, who picked up the puppy that had been using his nose as a pacifier and nodded.

“Don’t you already have a dog?” he asked as we walked toward a house I hadn’t seen behind the barn when we’d pulled up. I’d been so caught up in the memories of the chicken attack, at least the one I’d told Madix about, that I’d only seen the barn.

“Um, yeah. His name is Bing,” I told him.

I wasn’t necessarily going to buy a puppy, but I had a weak spot for teacup sized dogs, and Chihuahua’s had the cutest ears…

Focusing back on the beautiful white building in front of us, I took it in as I stroked the chicken who was clucking like crazy. The house was split into three parts with separate front doors to each of them. It was a bizarre shape, almost like a church with extensions added onto it.

Noticing my confusion, Brady grinned and explained. “The big part in the middle was the original house. When my parents bought it, the owners had been adding an extension onto it, but the husband died of a heart attack in the fields. The wife sold it to my folks, and they finished the extension. I got it when I graduated. During that time, they added on another extension for Bec, which she also got when she graduated,” he pointed to the left part of the building. “Winter there,” he nodded at chick-a-cluckin’-lickin’, “was raised in Bec’s house. The puppies from the barn were born in mine.”

How cool would that be though, to have a property like this? I had to rent my place when I graduated. I could have stayed with Dad, but I wanted some independence and to go out and have fun. I’d never considered going away to college because I didn’t want to leave Dad on his own. Plus, I knew the ins and outs of managing the garage, so it was a no brainer what I was going to do career wise. Then, when my mom’s parents died, I got an inheritance that paid for a big chunk of the house I lived in now, which was a fifteen-minute drive away from Dad’s. If we’d lived on land like this though, I definitely would have wanted something like they’d done. Or even something like the Townsends had done.

Just as we got to the door of his sister’s house, it opened and a beautiful girl with blue black hair walked out barefoot.

“Holy shit, you’re tall!” Was her greeting as she looked at Madix.

A low grumble came out of him, vibrating his chest against the little-ish puppy, who swung back around to suck on his face.

“And this is why we can’t have people over,” Brady informed us, waving his hand at his sister. “Bec, this is Madix and Dahlia. Madix and Dahlia, this is my sister Bec. Please forgive her. She doesn’t get out often to meet new people because we try to minimize how much of a dickhead she makes herself look.”

“Never thought I’d see one of those gargantuan puppies of yours look small, Brady. But his hands are the size of serving platters, so he does,” she said, ignoring Brady’s introduction.

I really didn’t like what she was saying about Madix and was starting to regret my decision to come see the Chihuahua puppies. To anyone else, he might look like it wasn’t bothering him, but I could see him hunching over slightly out of the corner of my eye. When she’d mentioned his hands, he’d also bent his fingers in like he was trying to make them look smaller.

“You about done?” Brady asked, glaring at her with his hands on his hips.

“Yup, it’s all out my system now,” she assured him, turning back to grin at us both. “I’m sorry, I like to mess with people. I would have mentioned you looking comfortable with a cock in your hands, but it was too obvious. Just saying though, you do look like a pro at cock handling.”

It’s amazing how our perceptions of someone can change in the blink of an eye, isn’t it? One second we can go from liking someone to seeing their true colors. The opposite possibility was also true – and this was one of those occasions.

Smiling back, I held out my hand to her. “Dahlia Ferguson,” I introduced myself.

“She’s interested in seeing the puppies,” Brady told her, reaching to take the chicken out of my arms and getting pecked for his efforts, not that he seemed to notice. He just plucked it out of my arms and popped it down on the floor. “Go see the old people,” he instructed it, pointing at the main part of the building.
