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No, scratch that - I wanted to keep her.

“Why didn’t you ask Luna what was happening with me, baby?”

“She hasn’t been well,” she pulled her face out of my chest to look up at me. “Something to do with pain in her vagina.”

Something a brother never ever needed to hear!

“What about the others?” Surely she must have seen at least one of them?

“I saw Levi a couple of times. He came to the garage to take me out for lunch,” she explained. “He wanted to explain about high school and apologize again, which is weird. He wasn’t to blame, and he didn’t do anything. No, actually he did – he went and gave the guys who did it shit, so what does he have to apologize for?”

“The Townsends are very protective people, baby. They don’t like people being bullied, hurt or left alone. I think it might have started because of Luna, or it might just be the way they’ve always been. But, they take that seriously and Levi went through enough with my sister to open his eyes big time to that shit. He might have done something, but the fact that he didn’t beat the crap out of them during it? That’ll sit heavy with him for a lifetime.”

“That’s dumb!” Was all she had to say to that as she shook her head slowly. “It wasn’t at all like what happened to Luna, she really suffered. I was just picked on by small-minded, tiny dicked assholes.”

I chuckled at her description, but inside I felt the need for justice like Levi no doubt still did too. I was starting to piece together why Dahlia reacted the way she did to joking comments about her luck or why she hunched into herself slightly when people looked at her funny. Her mother had started that, but those kids had driven a stake through any confidence she had. You can get out of a bad situation, but the scars still stay with you.

I might have my own issues, but I was thinking that I might be able to help Dahlia get rid of the chains holding her back and get her to see her true worth.

Maybe she would help me do the same thing?

Remembering something that I’d forgotten to tell her, I held her face between my hands and looked at the tiny sparkling blue gem on her nose. She’d gotten pierced again.

“I love the new addition,” I murmured. “It suits you.”

“Do you like the color of the crystal in it?” she asked, turning her head sideways so that I could get the full effect of it.

I wonder if she was affected by swelling in her nose this time?

Then it hit me what she meant about the gem – it was blue.

Consider my chains melted!ThirteenDahlia“W ill you let me take you out on a date?” Madix whispered a couple of hours later.

After I’d gotten comfy in his lap, I’d made the mistake of leaning up to give him a kiss and one thing had led to a-very-pleasurable-nother and we’d ended up in my bedroom. We’d initially made the mistake of not closing the bedroom door and had been interrupted by Harambe and Bing jumping on the bed – on Madix’s back, making the thrust he was in the process of doing almost painful – and Baileys shrieking at us on the floor, demanding to be lifted up.

Covering his dick with his hand because he didn’t want to risk the dogs attacking it (and also he’d said he would’ve felt like a creeper showing the dogs his junk), Madix had ordered them out and then slammed the door. The whining, barking and scratching on the door had almost ruined the rest of our reunion, but if you’re in the orgasm zone, and it’s a Madix Blue orgasm, you hardly hear anything.

Now, the dogs were in the kitchen gnawing on some hide sticks, and we were cuddled up together in my bed.

“Where do you want to go?” I asked, a feeling of excitement building inside me.

I still felt awful for judging him and putting him in the ‘League of Assholes’ that Bonnie and I had created over the years. I knew how shit it felt to be judged– man did I ever – and I knew that Madix felt like he should be judged because of his mom, so being guilty of doing that to him would take a while to get over. I was determined now to prove to him how much I trusted him and how great a guy he was, completely determined.

“I know a place,” he assured me grinning, before reaching out and nabbing his phone off the bedside table where he’d put it after dealing with the dogs a second time.

“What should I wear?” I sat up and moved my legs over the edge of the mattress, not getting very far before one of his gorilla arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back to him.
