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That made the tear dam break – and the snot one – and I started crying hysterically just as we pulled up in front of his house.FifteenMadixI had no idea what had come over Dahlia as I carried her from the car to the house, but she wouldn’t stop crying. This was something that didn’t sit well with me. I hated it normally when a woman cried, especially my sister doing it, but Dahlia doing it made me feel almost crazy. I wanted to fix it all, I wanted to make it better, I wanted her never to do it again and not only because I was pretty certain that what was soaking through my shirt wasn’t just tears.

Weaving my way through the dogs who were going crazy at my feet, I made sure not to stand on one of their paws whilst also making sure there were no hidden accidents from their time alone in front of me. Thankfully, there were none of either as I got to the couch safely and settled down with her shaking body on my lap.

Did I let her get it out of her system herself? Or did I get it out of her system by getting her to talk about it? I wasn’t sure exactly what the best thing to do was.

When she hadn’t stopped after a couple minutes and I was starting to worry about her being sick, I gently lifted her chin with my thumb and chanced a look at her face.

Jesus Christ! – is what went through my mind on the inside. A high-pitched squeak is what came out of me though at the shock of seeing her makeup in pools running down her face, and her eyelids swelling.

Then I realized, even in this state, with Alice Cooper makeup, swollen eyes, tears, snot – lots of snot – she was still the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen in my life.

I was head over heels in love with Dahlia Ferguson, completely and utterly gone for her.

Which made me even more desperate to get her to stop crying.

I was about to act on the instinct of kissing her to distract her, but then I thought better of it and looked around the room for a box of Kleenex. Fortunately, there was one on the coffee table in front of me. So, holding her close, I leaned over and grabbed a handful before settling my ass back down on the cushions. Dahlia had opened her eyes slightly to see what was happening, so she reached out for a hanky. When I kept my hand away from hers and instead wiped her face myself – partly because I could see all of it, so I wouldn’t miss a spot – she looked up at me in confusion.

As soon as I moved my hand away and she opened her mouth to say something, I swooped down and kissed her. The open mouth was advantageous as it meant that I could taste her immediately, too. Even though she tasted of tears, she also tasted familiar and like more than I ever thought I’d have in my life.

I wasn’t letting her go. Ever!


I didn’t realize that he was going to kiss me, I just thought he was being the great guy he was by cleaning my face up. The next thing I knew, we were making out on the couch and it quickly turned into much more as he shifted our position, and then lay me out underneath him.

Only minutes before it had felt like my world was crumbling, but now it felt like life had never been better. That was the way he made me feel – like I could do anything and that nothing was wrong.

All too soon, he pulled his mouth off of mine as he tugged my shirt up my body so he could get to my breasts. I’d expected him to maybe kiss around my bra or pull it out of the way like they did in romance books. Instead, he hooked a finger in the little center bit of the material and pulled as hard as he could, ripping it in half and freeing my chest from the evil device. It was also a godly invention because if you got to a certain size, you definitely needed a bra or it was just uncomfortable (and rude to the general population), but when you were aiming towards flagrante delicto– or exploring punarnia as Bonnie and I had called it when we were teenagers – it was just evil and needed to be destroyed. Which it now was.

“Fuck,” Madix groaned as he took a nipple between his lips and flicked it with the tip of his tongue. Each flick made my body twitch. When I almost twitched it out of his mouth, he closed his lips around it instead and sucked gently, driving me insane.
