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As he got to my belly button, his hands held me either side of my waist as he skimmed his tongue around the little dip and my piercing with the pale blue crystal glinting in it. Then, he continued moving downward, hooking his fingers in my pants and panties and slowly pulling them down – his mouth not losing contact once, even as he pulled them off my feet and threw them on the floor.

Once he’d done that, he began to worship me even harder. His thumbs moved to hold me open so that his tongue had unencumbered access to my clit as he started to tease it. The gentle taps on the side of it were like a slow-horny-burn – a term I was starting to think Madix had invented – working perfectly to get me horny, but not freaking fast enough. I desperately wanted him to flick harder, to do something, so that the burn got high enough to take over and turn into the fire he never failed to give me. Would he do that? Not even with my subtle yanks on his hair, or the nudges of my hips toward him – nothing worked.

Lifting my head, I looked down at him, seeing his beautiful eyes looking back at me. As soon as he got my eyes, his hand moved down and two fingers pushed into me as he gently tightened his teeth around my bud and then started to suck. The sight of his cheeks hollowing, the rough pads of his fingers skimming inside me, alongside all the feelings he’d thrown at me at once, shot me into an orgasm so hard and so fierce that I wasn’t sure I was going to survive. Every time I tried to take a breath in, a new wave would hit me and all the muscles in my abdomen would tighten up so hard with the pleasure that taking the breath I needed was almost impossible.

Eventually, it started to subside, and I got the oxygen I’d needed in big gulps, instead of the tiny gasps I’d been able to take.

In the back of my mind, I figured that if I could see me lying sprawled out on his couch in the position I was in, I’d probably be embarrassed. Did I care at that moment? Not even a little as I lay there shivering slightly with the aftershocks, as Madix kept his fingers moving gently inside me, slowing down until he pulled them out altogether.

He’d broken me into pieces and then put me back together just like he wanted to do with everything else.

As he moved over me, having somehow gotten rid of his jeans without me even noticing, I looked forward to our pieces merging together – and not just the naughty ones. All of them!

Leaning over me with his weight on the hand that was balanced on the cushion beside my head, he used his other one to notch the tip of his cock in my entrance before moving it up to join his other hand on the opposite side of my head.

Eyes locked the whole time, he pushed into me so slowly that I felt every inch of him. I wanted to tilt my hips slightly to hurry him along, but at the same time the feeling of our slow joining was so amazing that I didn’t want to miss out on it.

Quite the cum-nundrum!

At this moment though, it felt like the most important thing for us to take this slowly, to savor every second, so I did, putting aside the impatience.

When he was halfway inside me he paused and took a shaky breath in. That’s when I realized how much it was costing him to keep his control the way he was. There was sweat forming on his forehead and his arms were shaking slightly as he closed his eyes and took another deep breath, before opening them again.

Moving my arms back to the position they’d been in when we were kissing – one hand partly on his neck with the fingers in his hair, and the other one around his back with my hand between his shoulders – I gently pulled him down to my mouth, needing to kiss him.

This time when he pushed in, his tongue slowly pushed into my mouth too, gently skimming down my own. The extra contact between our bodies made it seem like we were in our own bubble, which we kind of were. Nothing existed past what we were doing together and the change in our relationship, even without the conversation we still needed to have.

I was so caught up in what we were doing that I jolted once he reached the end of himself – which incidentally was also the end of me too. I doubted anymore could fit in there ever, even if Madix suddenly grew an extra inch on his dick!
