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“We thought we had it all covered,” Levi growled, like he was blaming himself. “Fucker!”

As we got closer to the house, we could see the women’s faces through the glass of the windows. Ariana waved her hand high above the other women’s heads and pointed toward a field with tall grass in it.

“Look at your sister,” I nudged Levi and got his attention on her. Giving her a nod, he put his foot down on the accelerator and drove in the direction she was pointing.

Initially, you couldn’t see jack shit because the ground was so dry that not a lot showed up. Until you got to the grass that was – and then you could clearly see where the wheels of a vehicle had recently gone over it, crushing it down flat.

The growling of an engine distracted me from the path that the vehicle had left ahead of us, and when I looked out of my window, it was to see Rich overtaking us on a Harley. His mouth was pinched shut and he looked just as furious as I was as he nodded and then rode on, leading us through the grass.

“What a dick,” Levi muttered, holding tightly onto the wheel as we went through the tall thick grass now. “He’s on a bike, he should have let one of us take lead so he didn’t get a face full of the shit.”

“I think Nick’s vehicle already took care of that,” I growled, looking into the side mirror, seeing roughly seven vehicles behind us. I knew that Parker was in one of them and prayed that his medical knowledge wasn’t needed when we found her.

“Mother fucker,” Levi shouted, and slammed his foot down on the brake, making me fly forward in my seat with only the seatbelt stopping me from going head first through the windscreen.

My head snapped up to look through the glass, and the sight in front of me made my heart fall out of my ass onto the seat underneath it. I was almost certain you would have been able to hear it if it wasn’t for the screeching sounds that the brakes of the other cars made as they carried out an emergency stop behind us and swung their wheels so they wouldn’t go into the back of our vehicle.

Standing surrounded by tall blades of dry grass was a very agitated Nick holding a gun to Dahlia’s cheek. He was screaming at Rich who had dismounted from his bike, letting it drop down onto the grass, and was standing with his hands in the air. I couldn’t hear what he was saying, but I could see his mouth moving.

I had a choice. I could sit here and pray that Rich got through to him, or I could get out of the car and try to get through to him myself.

It was a no brainer.

Taking a deep breath to calm myself down, I pulled the handle of the door and slowly opened it. Just as I released my belt, there was a yell, and a gun fired, followed by the shattering of the window in my door.

If I’d been moving to get out of the car, I’d have been hit either by the bullet, or by the shards of glass that went flying everywhere. As it was, I sustained a couple cuts along my right arm, but those you could recover from. Something which I wasn’t sure I could say the same for was my boxers. Or Levi’s considering he mumbled, “I just shit myself!” after it.

Seeing exactly how unstable Nick was, I lowered myself down on my side, so I could slip out of the door – ignoring the fragments of glass scattered everywhere like dangerous confetti.

“Dude, I was only kidding when I asked you to marry me,” Levi whispered, looking down at my head which was in his lap. “And if I wasn’t, now really isn’t the time.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I hissed back, moving my right leg so that my foot was resting on the door. This meant all I had to do was lower my left leg and I could slowly move myself out of the truck.

“I’m just saying,” he whispered again. “When Dahlia finds out what you were doing while she had a gun to her head…”

“She isn’t going to find out shit,” I interrupted him. “Because there isn’t anything to find out. Now look at what’s going on and tell me while I try to get out without him seeing.”

“He’s waving the gun around near her head and yelling at Rich,” he told me, not even blinking as he took it all in. “She looks pale, man. Like really pale. Is that… aw, fuck me!”

“What? What?” I froze in place, which just so happened to be with my head above his dick.
