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Seven months and three weeks later…

Thanks to my knee, which hated the extra weight from my pregnancy – which FYI I was carrying one of the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park – Madix and I hadn’t been able to say our vows. I’d been put on crutches at around the four-month mark because my kneecap kept moving around and the pain was becoming too much. Then, my pelvis had joined in on the bitch fit, and I’d developed a condition called SPD or symphysis pubis dysfunction. That was where the pelvis became misaligned and it was painful as fuck. Basically, my vagina was broken. That meant movement was painful in both my poor choochie and my knee.

So, you can imagine that walking down the aisle was something that filled me with dread. Who wanted to be saying I do when all they could do was focus on the fact their pelvis felt like a highlander was shoving a sword up their lotus flower.

Lotus flower, my ass. I hadn’t seen it in a while, but my vagina was probably more like the psycho plant out of Little Shop of Horrors.

Last week, Madix had come home from work and told me point blank I wasn’t having his baby until I had his name. I think he’d expected an argument, but I was all over that demand so long as I didn’t have to walk or stand, as were the Townsend women including the cousins' wives. Within a week, it was all organized, and it was going down in exactly three minutes.

Sitting on the back of the ATV, I let Levi drive me to where my big giant was waiting for me with a huge grin on his face. It hadn’t been easy getting a dress that would accommodate my belly. All the pregnancy ones looked like I was wearing a sheet with a hole in it for my head and some pretty beads sewn on. I’d been close to tears when the lady had brought through the last dress, a beautiful ivory gown that looked like something out of Pride and Prejudice. It was tight over the boobies, which made them look awesome, and then it nipped around my waist, and had swathes of ivory lace that fell down to the floor. I was a goner!

As we stopped just in front of where Madix was waiting with the Pastor (not the one whose wife ran away with my incubator, thankfully), Levi executed the perfect turn, and then backed up so I was standing beside my fiancé.

And that was how I stayed throughout the entire ceremony, until we said our vows, and when he told Madix that he could now kiss his bride. On those occasions, Mad lifted me off my cushions, and held me close to his chest.

I loved and cherished every second. Even though I was pretty certain I was in labor and had been for around four hours. I just hadn’t wanted to ruin the day and upset Madix by having the baby when we weren’t married.

What was I saying, I wanted that piece of paper and that fucking ring. That’s why I didn’t speak up before then.

But by the time Madix got the go ahead to kiss me, my contractions were roughly three minutes apart, and I had a ton of pressure around my rectal region, like I needed to poop. In a white dress. During my wedding. In front of roughly one hundred people.

“Madix,” I whispered when his face was close to mine. His beaming smile almost took my breath away, but that was also down to the contraction that had just hit. “I think I’m in labor,” I gasped, trying to rub the pain in my abdomen away. “Either that, or I need to poop. Maybe it’s even both?”

And then my water broke – in my fucking white wedding dress.Madix

There had been so many moments since I’d met my wife – my freakin’ wife – that I’d called the best moment of my life. I’d memorized them all, because she kept pulling tricks out the bag that outdid the previous best moment. It was like happiness sorcery.

But today? Now today would be the happiest day of my life, for the rest of my life. I’d married the woman of my dreams and she was now Dahlia Blue which sounded fucking awesome. And she’d given me my son, Shaw Blue. He was a long baby and weighed in at seven pounds and four ounces. A little bundle of perfection to go with the perfection that his mama already brought to my world.

I was gone for both of them!

Sitting back and looking over at my wife who was feeding him in her hospital bed, I started to think over all the things I was thankful for.

I was thankful that life had taken the turn it had for me.
