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Throughout all of this, I was still trying to free my poor penis from her grip which was tightening with each tug I gave her hand to get her to let go. Unfortunately, this meant that she was also giving my cock a tight tug too, making my eyes cross and my belly clench.

And then she went and moved so that her head was on my thigh, her mouth about an inch away from the appendage that was screaming at me to just let her do what she wanted. Just then she let out a sigh and it wafted across the wet tip, almost tipping me over the edge. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she followed it by licking her lips, her tongue getting dangerously close to it.

“Lily,” I rasped, planting both fists in the mattress and scooting backwards. “Baby, please.”

As I moved again, her head fell off my thigh and landed on the mattress, the impact waking her up.

“Earthquake!” she shrieked, sitting upright.

This would have been amusing if she wasn’t still holding onto my penis firmly, meaning that she pulled me forward with her, making me scream.

That’s when all hell broke loose as Beau crashed through the door, making Lily lose her balance and fall off the side of the bed… Still. Holding. On. Tight.* * *Forty minutes, and an icepack later…

“Oh God, it was awful,” Beau gulped wiping her eyes for the millionth time. “The look on your face!”

I still wasn’t finding it funny. My cock was lucky to have made it out alive – although, in my opinion it was still touch and go on that – and Lily had bruised her thigh when she’d landed on the floor. It had been complete carnage, with both of us screaming at the same time.

“I said I was sorry,” she mumbled, hiding behind her hair still. “I didn’t know what I had hold of. I thought it was the red balloon in my dream.”

“Were you being chased by a clown, too?” Beau wheezed.

Someone knocking on the front door right then interrupted us – it was probably my dignity and the remaining foundations of my penis. I mean, in my mind it was like a tree. You had the trunk, and you had the roots, and we’d all seen what happens after a storm when a tree falls over and those roots are in the air still attached to the rest of the tree, right? Well, in the ground there would still be roots that had been left behind when it fell, just ripped off at the root – that was now my cock.

When the knocking continued, Lily pleaded, “Can you answer it? Every time I take a step, my butt cheek feels like a rhino’s trying to get out of it.”

“I can’t even look at you,” Lily’s evil cow of a best friend gasped as she walked past to answer the door, with her hand shielding the side of her face. We could still hear her laughing as she got to the front door which quickly turned into an unamused, “What the fuck?”

“Morning, chuckles,” a deep male voice that I immediately recognized as belonging to Rich replied.

His heavy footsteps and the sound of boots on wood followed as he walked toward where we were sitting in the living room, clearly not waiting on an invite in from her.

As he cleared the doorway to the room, we heard a muttered, “What just happened?” – something which I’d been asking myself for almost an hour as I tried to reattach my dick to its anchoring point on my body.

His eyebrows shot up as he took in me lying out on the couch with a bag of frozen peas on my crotch, and Lily lying on the other with an icepack under her thigh. I’d been a gentleman and let her have it while we waited for the others to refreeze. “Good night was it?”

Realizing what he meant, Lily blushed bright red and pulled her hair further over her face. It was like watching a turtle go back into its shell.

“We had an accident,” I ground out.

“Seeing as how y’all made a baby together, I’m confused how you missed and did whatever it was that you did,” he gestured from my crotch to Lily’s ass.

Sighing, I dropped my head back down onto the armrest and stared up at the ceiling. “Why are you here?”

“Yes, why are you here?” Beau repeated, finally walking into the room again.

People might look at Rich and see a charming man who could wrap a woman around his finger, but he was actually a good guy who respected everyone. That’s why it confused me so much that she had such an issue with him.

“Your mom said you were here, and I wanted to check in with you after last night.” Then, he added to who I assume was Beau, “And, seeing your face is an unexpected surprise, one that I’ll mention is a total bonus.”
