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Nodding, he tried to shudder under the weight of the dog, but it just looked like his brain was going offline for a second. “After all of that, I brought them back in again and we played tag for the nine hours you were gone.”

When he glared at me like it was a hardship for him to have babysat for even ten minutes, I snorted and called him on his shit. “You’re lying out your ass if you’re even implying that you didn’t love every second. You’re also lying when you say nine hours, it was an hour tops.”

“You’re also talking out your ass when you say their names are Dougal and Fergus,” Lily announced as she breezed into the living room and sat next to me on the couch.

Not going to lie, I was doing my best not to puff my chest out like the chickens outside at the fact she’d chosen to take the seat next to me instead of one of the others. My cock might also have tried to puff itself out seeing as how her tit brushed against my arm when she shifted to get more comfortable – tried being the key word to describe it. Even the little tic of a movement it made felt like I had a gorilla using it for a trampoline, so it thankfully decided after that first one that it wasn’t going to do it again.

Levi argued his case refusing to be vetoed. “Look, Dougal is a great name for a Lab…”

He had a point.

“It also responds to the name…”

Most likely a lie unless Levi had been holding food out for it at the time.

“And Fergus the puppy. Who wouldn’t love that?”

Probably people named Fergus, Ferguson or Fergie?

“The Labrador is female,” Lily sighed, taking a deep breath in, but not getting the chance to use it when Levi used her words back at her as an argument.

“Don’t be so sexist. A female can use a man’s name! Hell, a man can use a female’s name.”

Groaning, I settled back and made myself comfortable so I could have a nap while the argument played out. I wasn’t getting pulled into this shit.

Something which changed just as I was crossing over into the nap state I’d been intending to go into.

“Isn’t that right, Tate?”

Granted, I’d heard Levi say those four words many times throughout their argument, but I’d ignored them, or planned out how to cause him pain when he’d pulled me away from the nice nap time I’d been looking for.

This time, it was Lily who’d said them though, and that changed everything. She was the woman I’d had a moderate-to-severe crush on for months, she was the woman I intended on having a lifelong relationship with, she was Lily, and she was also carrying my baby.

So, I did what any man in my shoes would do (and if they say otherwise, they’re lying out of their asses) – I replied immediately.


The look of triumph along with the grin on her face when I opened my eyes was almost dick hardening. The look of revenge on my brother’s though would have scared that erection away, if I’d been capable of having one.

Swinging my eyes back to Lily and seeing the look of triumph and happiness on her face again, I had no idea what I’d agreed to, but I’d gladly take a beating down from Levi to see that look. Some might call me pussy whipped, but they’d be wrong. Ignore the fact she was carrying my baby, I was a man who wanted to make his woman happy. She’d broken my cock, not my balls, so no one could even try and say she was holding them in the palm of her hand. That said, if she decided to I’d be a happy guy… then again, after this morning, they might need a bit of time to get over the memory of their neighbor’s trauma.EightLilyI was exhausted. No, that word didn’t cover it. I was – drag my knuckles across the floor, pee in a diaper because I didn’t have to move, blinking took too much energy, and feed me through a tube exhausted.

I was also learning some new things about pregnancy, even if I wasn’t that far gone, that I would have to remember for the book based on the harsh truths of pregnancy I was writing when it was all over.

Pregnancy totally drained you of energy. Blinking felt like you were trying to run to the summit of K2. Yawning was like an off-switch for your body and brain. We were tired, we were yawning and we should be sleeping, so ping – off you go. Walking was like someone had filled your legs with concrete and popped you on the surface of the moon to run a marathon. At the pet store, a heavily pregnant woman had skipped past me and I’d wanted to smack her. I’d also been concerned for the baby bouncing around between her legs, the sac holding it being tested with every bounce. But she couldn’t have been human because pregnancy didn’t allow you to have energy like that.
