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“Surprise!” Luna yelled over the violent vomiting noises coming from her husband. “We’re have a Luno or Noahette!”

That just made him puke louder, and me laugh harder.

I couldn’t wait to find out what we were definitely having. Tate’s grandparents had demanded that they help us with the party and were already placing orders for various things for it. Everyone wanted to do something, and I loved how they all banded together to make it happen.

It was going to be an unforgettable party, and I couldn’t wait to see the pictures.

This family did everything together and being in the thick of it was an experience…

That gave me an idea. “Hey, did Noah come home with a new tattoo?” I asked at the same time that Noah yelled, “What the fuck does that even mean, and why won’t it come off?”

Apparently this family really did do everything together.

TateFour hours later…

I was floating on a cloud, and there were little babies with mine and Lily’s faces crawling around me. They had wings, but they were good babies so they didn’t use them. King Ferdinand was giving one of them a ride on his back, while Ozzy played fetch with Snickers who was throwing… that’s disgusting!

“Tate,” a voice called softly.

Then the most amazing feeling hit me. It was warm and wet and surrounded my cock as it started to move up and down. Oh shit, and there was suction. I couldn’t move in case I fell off the cloud, so I lay still, groaning and enjoying the perfect vacuum on my dick, along with the firm stroking up and down.

“Tate,” the voice called again. “You owe me the sex.”

I wasn’t sure if I groaned because I wanted to have sex with the voice, or if it was because they’d stopped doing what they’d been doing to say it. But regardless I sounded like a bear in response.

Deciding to risk tipping the cloud over, I reached down and felt silky soft hair sliding through my fingers. Underneath it was a skull and skin, but if I followed the path downward, I got eyes, a nose, a mouth that immediately caught one of my fingers and started sucking it instead…

Blinking open my eyes, I winced at the light in the room even with the curtains closed, and tried to focus on what was going on around me. I recognized my room, the crap on the floor that I’d been wearing last night, and the crap from my pockets that was now scattered around me on the bed.

Turning my head slightly, I looked down my body and sighed when I realized I was still fast asleep. How did I know that? Because kneeling beside me, one hand on my thigh and the other on my dick was a very naked and beautiful Lily.

Not one to let an opportunity pass me by though, I did an ab curl to catch her, and pulled her up my body as I lay down again.

“What are you doing?” she chuckled as I paused as her tits passed over my face, with the top of her body in the air, and the bottom half straddling me, so that I could flick a nipple with my tongue. “Tate, seriously. I need the sex,” she gasped, wriggling all over the place.

Things were always harder to hold on to when you were asleep. I’d tried to catch a giant goldfish once, and that sucker had been fierce.

Sucking on the nipple now, I momentarily forgot what I’d been doing, and let that one go to give the same attention to the other one. That’s when she wriggled again, her wet pussy sweeping across my abdomen and bringing my brain back on track.

With one final peck goodbye, I made sure I had a good hold on her, and lifted Lily so that she was sitting on my face. Well, her pussy was on my chin, so I hadn’t been too far off. With one final adjustment, I had her just where I’d intended.

It was common knowledge that no one needed oxygen when they were dreaming, so this was totally doable.

Ironically, it was that lack of oxygen seconds later that woke me up properly. The first thing I saw was the closeup to end all closeups of Lily’s vagina as I tipped my head back to free my nose from it and get some oxygen into my lungs.

Lifting up slightly, she looked down at me in concern. “Are you ok? I knew this was a bad idea. I should have stopped you when you…”

All words left her when I licked my lips, the tip of my tongue accidentally sweeping across her too. As the taste of her hit me, my brain came fully online, as did everything south of the border. I needed more!

Placing a hand over both of her butt cheeks, I shifted her at the same time as angling my chin slightly downward, centering her core over my mouth and her sensitive clit above my nose. This way, I had oxygen, but I was also in both of the perfect spots to drive her out of her mind and get what I wanted.
