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“Tate, please!”

Just as I was reaching the point where I’d have happily killed him if I didn’t need his dick to be fully functional, he reared back onto his knees in front of me, and reached down and fisted his length with his free hand, pumping slowly up and down it. Throughout this, the fingers inside me on his other hand continued to move in and out, perfectly in sync and matching the movements of the hand around his cock.

The sight and feel of both had me on the brink, and just as I pushed my hips into the bed to press down on the fingers that were rubbing against that crazy awesome place inside me, he fell forward, catching himself on a fist beside me, and slid into me as I went over the cliff.

Every orgasm is awesome, but the ones I had with Tate were spectacular. That said, this one was a record breaker. The fact that I was in the process of coming, the muscles inside me spasming as he pushed into me, shot me into an orgasm I wasn’t sure I’d survive. The whole time I was torn between worrying that the force of it would shoot the baby out of me months before it was meant to, or that I’d suffocate with the intensity of it, and wanting it to happen all over again.

“Shit,” Tate hissed, moving harder and faster, the tip of his cock rubbing over that patch inside and sending me right over again. He continued moving, and then suddenly roared, “Mine, fucking mine!”

TateThere was nothing, absolutely nothing, that could compare to Lily. As a person she was beautiful, loving and the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life waking up to. She was as special as she was beautiful, and I felt sorry for anyone who never got the chance to meet her in this lifetime because they were missing out. There were actually eight wonders in the world – and one of them was my woman.

The feeling of her pussy grasping my dick as I moved inside her was almost otherworldly. Hand to God, it was. Every nerve felt how hot, tight and wet she was as I moved in and out, and when it tightened impossibly harder as she came again, I swore I saw stars.

I didn’t mean to hiss the word shit, but it was the only word I could say when I felt the tingling in the base of my spine. I didn’t want to come this soon though, I wanted it to go on all day, with her snug silky wetness around me.

Forcing the feeling aside, I struggled to think of something, anything, that would take my mind off of it. Unfortunately, it went straight to a memory of her leaning over the bar, talking to her ex. If there was anything that would push you back from the cliff, it was remembering your woman smiling at another man, a man she’d been in a relationship with. It didn’t matter that she was carrying my baby, it didn’t matter that she’d just told me she loved me, it didn’t matter that she was coming at that moment because of my cock – I had to say it.

“Mine, fucking mine!”

I don’t know if it was my tone, the fact I gave her more of my weight (making sure not to press too hard on the baby) or what, but she wrapped her arms and legs tightly around me and whispered, “I love you.”

Turning my head quickly, I took her mouth in a hot, deep kiss and was still doing it when I came, groaning down her throat. With each thrust, more pulsed out of me, the feeling taking over as every cell in my body screamed.

Climaxing for a man is a pleasure-pain. I couldn’t say for sure that women felt what we did. It was like someone set off an electric shock in the base of your spine that travelled down to your balls. Once it got there, it grew until something snapped, and it shot up your dick and out. With each pulse of come, it happened again, and again. With Lily, even afterwards, when the tip was so sensitive that every muscle in my body contracted when it touched something inside her, I couldn’t stop my hips from moving, forcing me to endure every second because I never wanted it to stop.

Slowly gliding in and out of her, I released her mouth and gave her slow, leisurely flicks of my tongue against hers.

Eventually I pulled back and caught her eyes. “I love you.”

I’ve been in love – with my family. Lily was the first, and until now I didn’t realize what those words could truly mean. Even without the baby, I would have wanted to be with her, intended to be with her, and had made plans for us. The love I felt for her though was different, and the words meant something totally new to me too. In fact, saying them didn’t even come close to being able to describe what I felt for her, but they were the only ones I could think of.
