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“Uh, Parker brought you in, Ari. You hurt yourself,” I pointed at the Band-Aid and tried to discretely check her pupils while she was looking at me.

“I know that, but you’re not usually down here,” she growled, and I realized what she meant.

Sighing, I crossed my arms and tried to shake off the funk I had going on. Today had been a shitty day, and on top of it I missed her brother.

I hadn’t slept properly since the whole skydiving-gate thing and had only gotten a maximum of forty-five minutes sleep for the last couple of nights. I was irritated, exhausted, emotional, and hormonal.

Yup, to add insult to injury, my period had hit the morning after we’d gone skydiving, meaning that I had to run for my life or poor Levi would have woken up to a mess. Fucking joy.

“Things were quiet upstairs and they were understaffed down here, so I came to help out,” I told her. “Plus, I heard that my favorite patient in the world had been brought in by her favorite doctor in the world – and who would want to miss that?”

Before she could reply, the doctor in question came back holding a disposable tray. “Ok, I’ve got the tetanus one ready,” he said, picking the syringe up and looking over at her. “If you can…”

Jumping off the bed, she put her hands on her hips and glared at him. “If you come near me with that thing, I’ll shove it up your dick.”

“Whoa,” I said loudly, holding my hands up in front of me. “Ok, let’s settle down a bit. Ari, he’s only…”

“I see we’ve got here just in time,” a voice I recognized said behind me. “Nurse Pretty, will you please hold this little angel while we assist the good doctor?” Levi asked when I turned around, holding out a baby to me.

My arms shot out automatically, the irrational fear that he’d think they were there when they weren’t hitting me, and he put a sleeping bundle of beauty in them.

Bringing her closer to my chest, I recognized her as Tate and Lily’s daughter Rebel, and my heart melted. I’d been there when she came out into the world, and they’d asked me to be her godmother last week before Levi had jumped out of the plane. I wanted to do that for them and Rebel badly, even though I had some reservations given what might be happening to me in the near future, but there was also the chance that it could be a positive thing, so I’d said yes.

I didn’t know what a godmother did, but I’d make sure I followed the instructions once I got the chance to look them up.

“I’ll take heads, you take tails,” a voice that I recognized as belonging to Archer this time rumbled, as he moved around me to join his brother.

Taking a step away from them, I watched as both men moved at the same time to hold Ariana in place for the vaccination. I’d expected them to just grab her arms and hold her still, but Archer wrapped his around her upper half, anchoring her own arms tightly against her body, while Levi squatted and wrapped his around her legs.

“Oh my God,” she screeched, “you’re not seriously doing this. I’m an adult, I get to pick and choose when I get a…” she trailed off when Parker took a step toward her and uncapped the syringe. “Swear to God, Knight, if you touch me with that, I’ll…”

Oh, he touched her with it. In fact, he yanked down the side of her jeans so that part of her ass cheek was out - getting a glare from Levi, whose head was near the area that was uncovered by the move - and then stuck her with the needle.

Kissing his hand, he patted the place he’d just injected gently. “Sorry, baby. But it’s better safe than sorry.”

As he stepped back, Archer and Levi looked at each other nervously. “Do we release her on three?” Archer asked him, looking around where we were, like he was looking for an exit.

When he’d brought her in, Parker had put her in one of the private examination rooms, so it was a small enclosed space we were standing in. Basically, this meant they were going to have to run for their lives out the door and far away from the building because if she decided to get revenge, they didn’t have much space to avoid her in.

“Uhm…” Levi hummed, copying what his brother had just done and looking around us. “I think last time we let go of the legs on two, and the top on three.”

“Why do you get to run away first?”

“Because I’m the one closest to her ass. Do you know how sick this is?” Levi asked, leaning away from the area in question.
