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I hadn’t noticed that she was even slightly tense before I started talking, but when I saw her body visibly relax into the duvet under her, I realized I’d said something really right. Ironically, her being relaxed helped me to do the same, and without thinking about it, I bent my arms so that I could kiss her again.

The position we were in wasn’t possible to maintain for too long, what with me still basically standing, so I pulled back, only willing to allow a tiny gap between our mouths.

“If you wrap your arms and legs around me, I’ll move us further onto the mattress,” I whispered, placing a knee onto the bed.

When she did what I’d suggested, I tucked a hand between her back and the mattress, and used it to support her as I carried us further into the bed, settling her up near the pillows. One of the bedside lamps was on so I could see her properly as I moved her hair off her cheek.

“One day I’m going to get you to do an internet search for me, seeing as how you love to do those so much. I’m going to get you to find out exactly what shade of blue your eyes are so that I can paint my office that same color. If we can’t find out the shade, we’ll go to one of the home improvement stores that mix up the exact shade of paint you want and get it that way. I might even take my truck in and get it done in the same color,” I told her, meaning it wholeheartedly.

They weren’t just blue, they were a mixture of a light purple and medium blue that changed with what mood she was in. Right now they were darker than normal and the purple tone was deeper, a shade I hadn’t seen them in before, but it was my favorite one so far.

“I don’t know what’s making them the color they are right now, but I think this is the shade I want.”

Quietly laughing, she shook her head and rolled her eyes at me. I wanted to hear that laughter badly, but I’d settle for just being able to see it in the position we were in right now.

Reaching down, she tugged on the bottom of my long-sleeved Henley, and started to pull it up toward her. Helping her along, I reached behind my neck and grabbed the collar, giving it a tug, and accidentally dropping it on her face as it cleared my head. Figuring now was as good a time as any to take hers off, too, I started to pull hers upward as I watched her throw mine to the side of the bed.

Patience didn’t seem to be something she had an abundance of right now, though, because she pushed my hands out of the way and yanked it over her head, making me freeze as it passed over her still bruised throat. I was about to tell her to be more careful, but the beaming smile she shot me made me reconsider that choice. I didn’t want to constantly remind her about it or make her feel self-conscious, so I’d keep my worrying on the inside for now.

Instead, I kissed the smile, giving her my own when I felt her hips jerk against me. Trailing kisses away from her mouth and down her neck, I stopped to flick the tip of my tongue against her pulse, and then began moving again. I didn’t want to spend too long on the area, but in the not too distant future I was going to kiss the area of her throat that had been hurt. I’d wanted to do it since I’d seen the bruising, and now that I had the go ahead to kiss her, I was going to finally get to do it. Not tonight, though, definitely not tonight.

You can get a rough idea of how someone’s body will look through their clothing, but nothing prepared me for Lottie’s and trust me I’d pictured it many times. The tops of her breasts were almost spilling over the top of her bra and there was a deep crevice between the two mounds that were only slightly smaller than a handful. The bra itself was black lace and gorgeous, but I wanted what it was covering too much to look at it for long.

Reaching behind her to undo it, I frowned when I didn’t find the hook thingy that was normally on bras and raised my head to look for it.

“How the hell do you undo this thing?” It came out in a tone that contradicted my earlier declaration that we were going to take it slowly, making her laugh quietly.

And then she did something that would more than likely star in every single one of my dreams for the rest of my life. She reached up her hands to the little satin bow nestled between her tits, and with a quick flick of her fingers, the cups separated and fell to the side.
