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Evidently, Levi felt the same way because once his brain went back online, he opened his eyes and rasped seriously, “You are everything. There just isn’t a better word for to describe it. Every second that I’ve spent with you has been the best second of my life. And what we just did? I’ll never be able to find the words to explain what it did to me.”

I kinda could. Slapping his ass weakly, I panted, “We need to do that again. Now.”Chapter SixteenLeviTwo weeks later…

All I’d done was walk through the door after meeting with my brothers in the office to discuss a contract I was working on. I’d been thinking about the contract as I’d entered the house, double checking that I’d bought my Christmas presents for everyone, wondering how soon the guy painting the den with the new color of paint would be finished – innocent shit like that.

Basically, I’d been preoccupied, but the second I’d opened the door I’d been faced with Lottie’s ass as she balanced on her hands and knees, playing with Red and Rambo.

Christmas disappeared, the contract was shredded, I didn’t give a shit about paint… But I did give a shit about the painter, especially seeing as how all I could see was my hoodie and her panties.

“Where’s the asshole?”

Looking over her shoulder, she rolled her eyes at me. “I wish you wouldn’t call your dad that.”

Potato – potahto, he’d interrupted us this morning, so he’d more than earned the name.

Looking around for a blanket to put over the pink lace covering her delectable cheeks, I frowned when I didn’t hear Dad anywhere.

“Is he in the bathroom? I hate it when he uses my toilet, he fucks around with the toilet paper, moves shit around…”

“He finished the walls,” she snickered, stopping me mid-rant. “Do you want to go and see?”

Looking back down at the lace with a hundred ideas hitting me all at once, I walked slowly toward her shaking my head.

“Not even slightly,” I growled, dropping down to my knees behind her. Raising my hand, I skimmed it up the inside of her thigh, leaning over her shoulder to give her a kiss and ignoring the little canine shithead who was trying to lick my face. “What I want to do is…”

A sudden pounding at the door made both of us jump. Glaring at it over my shoulder, I bellowed, “We’re busy.”

Yeah, I was grouchy. I’d had Charlotte wrapped around me this morning, slowly kissing down my stomach, when Dad had turned up. I hadn’t even been able to have a shower with her and I loved showering with her in the mornings.

Hell, he wouldn’t even let me kiss her goodbye because he wanted French toast and Mom wouldn’t let him have it, so he was extorting it out of Lottie. It might seem stupid to be hung up on such small things, but I loved the time we spent together and the routine we had going. In the all too near future she’d be going back to work and our relationship would move into a different stage. We’d also be in a more comfortable relationship which didn’t feel as new as they did now, so those moments might get fewer and further between, so I was getting as many in now as I could.

Plus, maybe there was something to this theory about the man period, because I was cranky as fuck just now and felt achy. Which might give me a good defense in court when they asked why I killed the person still trying to break my door down.

“You can’t say that,” Lottie hissed, pushing me away from her while she tried to get to her feet.

“Sure I can. It’s our house, and we were busy,” I replied unrepentantly, reaching for her just as the soon-to-be dead person on the other side of the door hammered hard enough to rattle the hinges. “Fuck. Off!”

The voice that replied was an unknown to Lottie making her frown, but it was definitely a known one to me. “You’re really not going to let your favorite cousin in?”

The way my head fell back until I was looking up at the ceiling was a natural reaction, and a justified one. “Ah, fuck no.”

Leaning in close to me, Lottie whispered, “Who’s your favorite cousin?”

Raising my head back up so I could show her how serious I was, I muttered, “None of them. They’re all a pain in the ass.”

What was most likely a boot hit the door. “You know, your door isn’t as soundproof as you think.”

“It was until you tried kicking it in,” I yelled, getting to my feet and pulling Lottie to hers with me, before tearing open the door to face him.

Sure enough, there stood my cousin Elijah, all six feet and six inches of him with his arms braced on my door frame, and the world’s most irritating grin on his face.
