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His lips twitched, but he nodded. “You’re right, they were necessary. Now I can’t imagine my life without you in it, and I love the way it feels now.”

“Even with Hanky, Panky, Sneezy, Gaynor, and Jerry hogging the bottom of the bed every night, and the dogs farting?”

“Eh,” he moved his head like he was thinking about it. “The farting I could live without, but the rest? No, I’m selfish. I want to keep all of it.”

My head felt like it was going to explode as I rubbed his chest slowly, needing to have contact with more than one small patch of him. “We want all of you, too.”

“Good,” he whispered, moving my hand over to the left side of his chest. “Because you’ve got all of me, even this.”

Was he saying…

“I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time, but I know I’m going to do everything to keep you happy, and I’m going to show you every day how much I love you.”

It felt like my head was going to explode. “Holy shit, you love me?”

“Those two words aren’t enough for what I feel for you, but, yes, I do.”

I was staring wide-eyed at where his heart would be now, almost like I was trying to see it.

“Holy shit.”

Giving me a moment to get my head around it, he rolled me to my back and moved so he was now resting between my legs, his weight braced on his arms on either side of me. “What are you thinking about, baby?”

Blinking up at him, I said the first thought my brain stopped on. “I’m going to give you the best blow job of your life.”

This time it was Parker who was stunned. “What?”

Using his confusion to my benefit, I pushed him off me and onto his back and then pulled my tank top over my head. “Well, we can’t have sex because I don’t do the nasty when I’ve got the nasty going on, but I can show you how much I love you with my mouth.”

His mouth slowly lifted into a grin as he watched me crawl down the bed until I was level with his hard length, now visible through the fabric of his jockey shorts. “You could just say the words, Ari.”

Eyeing him over the bulge, I raised my eyebrows at him. “You don’t want me to do this?”

“Oh, I want it, but I’m just saying the words would’ve done.”

Tugging one side down and then the other, I waited for him to raise his ass slightly and then pulled them down his legs. “I’ll give you those, too, then. Parker Knight, I think it’s probably just as well you didn’t show any interest in me because I was too young to appreciate what I’d have when I got you. I’m also going to send Tom and Sonya a hamper to thank them for having their troubles two years ago because it meant I got you, too.”

Dropping his head, he burst out laughing. “You’re sending them a hamper?”

“Of course, I am. Thanks to them, I got you.”

He was still laughing when I wrapped my hand around his hard length and then licked the tip. It was like an off switch because he stopped laughing, and his head popped back up as he watched me swirl my tongue around it this time.

“I’m not sure if I should be excited or scared. The look in your eyes means this could go both ways.”

Smiling sweetly at him, I ran the tip of my tongue from his piercing all the way up to the top, going as slowly as I could.

“See, I read this article online about how to give the best blow job in the world,” I told him, moving my hand up and down his length now. “I’ve wanted to try out the tips and tricks they shared for the last week, but you’ve been treating me like I’m fragile. You also never let me take control, so I haven’t been able to see if they’re right.”

“That was totally a mistake on my part,” he rasped. “I take full responsibility for my stupidity.”

“I should hope so. Now lie back and let me get on with it.”

I don’t know if it’s what I did next that made him comply, but the only noises he made after it was when he was moaning or groaning.

Opening my mouth slightly, I loosely surrounded the head with my lips, then started sucking as I slowly took more of him in my mouth, deliberately keeping my hand still. The trick was to get him to focus on only one area instead of confusing him by working all of his length, so that’s what I was doing.

Every time I moved back up, I’d suck even harder and flutter my tongue along the underside of it until we got to the band of flesh under the head. Apparently it was super sensitive, so I worked my tongue harder on it, smiling to myself when his dick jumped slightly.
