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“They never gave me a warning like that when I had them done. If I was going to run the risk of my boobies suddenly turning into a bomb, surely they’d have told me?”

“Maybe they didn’t want to put you off the surgery? They get paid good money for it, right?”

Yeah, that was for sure. Both surgeries had been expensive as hell.

“I researched my surgeon thoroughly, though, and he was one of the best at doing them. Plus, that’s a lawsuit they’d want to avoid, so they’d probably warn you, right?”

“I don’t know, but maybe you should look it up or ask Parker.”

Making a mental note to do that, I got back to work. Well, point one percent of my brain got back to work. The rest of it was now trying to analyze the temperature inside the bar versus my current body temp. My bra had slight padding in it, what if that heated up the area too?

“Hey, what was that text about you sent me last night? The one about getting revenge on your brothers?” she huffed as she did one final hit of the hammer.

“Oh, you’re going to love this idea…” I whispered, leaning in to tell her.

Yes, my revenge plans had changed. I was still getting it and would enjoy the hell out of torturing them, but it would also come with something good, so it was a win-win.FourteenParkerThat weekend…

With so many people under one roof, there were bodies perched everywhere. On the stairs, on chairs, on the floor, on countertops, we were spread out all over the place.

But we still managed to hear Hurst’s, “You want us to what?” as it echoed around the house.

Sadie and Beau had arrived just as the food was being served and were now standing with Ari in front of the man with huge grins on their faces, pointing at the television.

“Okay, so, you know the man who was killed in a car accident a couple of weeks ago?” Ari explained, sounding like she hadn’t just asked her family to do what she had. “Well, we’d like to hold a charity night to raise money for him and his family, and this would be awesome.”

Their idea for what people could do was to dress up as famous bands and reenact their music videos. And she’d chosen Queen’s I Want To Break Free for her family.

“The men are all dressed up as women, though, Na-Na,” Tate argued. “I don’t think I could find a pair of stilettos big enough for my feet.”

Ari’s dad, Jerome, and Hurst’s heads turned so quickly that the rest of us winced.

“That’s your worry? The size of your feet?” Hurst asked incredulously.

“Well, yeah,” Tate shrugged. “I don’t want to get blisters.”

“We’ve already got four groups of men from town signed up to do it,” Beau told them. “One’s doing something from the movie Labyrinth, another’s doing a Madonna one, and the other two haven’t decided yet, but they’re thinking other Queen songs, too.”

“You’d be acting out Freddie’s part, Gramps,” Ari explained. “We’ll get the outfits for you guys, including shoes,” she added, looking at Tate.

“I’ll never get into a skirt like his,” Hurst argued. “He looks good in it. I’ll just look a mess.”

“What about you, Madix?” Sadie asked Luna’s brother, a giant who looked like he’d lift your car without breaking a sweat while cuddling a kitten.

“I’ll do it. Heard the kid’s been through a lot, so he deserves it.”

Now that did surprise me. Harris Raine’s story had been broadcast across the country on the news, so now everyone knew what he and his family were going through. It was a relief because it meant a lot of people were focusing on helping him out, so hopefully at least one problem would be lifted from his shoulders. Surgery, doctor’s bills, and medication were fucking expensive.

“Levi will be the blonde schoolgirl,” Charlotte announced, clapping her hands together. I could’ve sworn I saw a smile being exchanged between her and the other ladies who’d suggested it, but it was gone before I could really see it.

“Yes, and I’ll find Tate’s shoes,” Lily added. “We’ll get you some nice ones, honey.”

Clapping his hands together, Hurst grinned at the group. “You won’t be needing me, then. There’s only five of them in the video, so you only need five of us. You’ve already got three, add in Noah and Archer, and there you go.”

“Ah, I think Ari’s right, you should play Freddie’s part,” Linda argued, joining them. “If you don’t shave for the next couple of weeks, we’ll be able to dye your mustache. Or I can just get you one to stick on from online.”

“Thanks, dear,” he hissed, stalking over to the corner to pick up Sneezy.

The two of them had formed a bond when he’d accidentally dropped one of the kid’s toys, making the poor animal faint out cold. The kids had all started crying because they thought it’d died, but then Sneezy had bounced back up again and had headbutted Hurst in the shin. Since then, whenever they were around each other, where one went, the other one was sure to follow.
