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No question about it, she was lucky to have a friend like Callie. Few people had friends they could depend on the way Lauren and Callie depended on each other. “We’ve been friends for a long time. She’s more like a sister than a friend.”

“You’re still lucky.” She nodded toward the city outside. “What do you say we go to some clubs? It’s still early and we’re both single. Let’s have some fun. See who we can meet.”

A few hours at a dance club sounded fun. “I’m not single, Suzanne, and neither are you. Or are you and Bryan done?”

Suzanne rolled her eyes. “I don’t see rings on either of our fingers, Lauren.” She held up her hand and wiggled her ring finger. “Bryan’s okay with me seeing other men. He went out with a woman from work last night since I was here with you.”

Ring or no ring on her hand, the last thing she needed was another man in her life. Even now guilt slammed her over the head every time she saw Kevin or talked to him. It might not have been intentional, but she’d now kissed Nate on two separate occasions. Something she had no business doing while still with Kevin.

“You pick up anyone you want, but I’m only dancing tonight.”

“Suit yourself,” she said with a shrug. “I’m going to change. See you in a few minutes.”

Lauren shook her head and headed to her own bedroom off the living room area. To each her own. If Suzanne spent the night with some stranger, she wouldn’t get a lecture from her, as long as she didn’t bring him back here.

Alone in her room, she hung up the gown from Callie. For a second, she considered calling Kevin to check on him. He had sounded terrible when he called and a good girlfriend would call and see how he felt. Even knowing this, she held back. First and foremost, he needed his rest. That reason alone didn’t hold her back, however, and she knew it. So far the trip into New York and the ballet had been a terrific distraction from her relationship woes, but calling him would only reinforce the fact that she had a decision to make.

Should she stick with the safe path and stay with Kevin or risk her heart again and give Nate another chance? Every time she thought she had made up her mind, a memory or a thought occurred, and she again found herself pondering her choices. The way she saw it, both choices had repercussions. If she stayed with Kevin, not only might she find herself in a relationship with a man she never loved, but she’d also have to see Nate go on with his life without her. On the other hand, if she jumped headfirst into something with Nate, not only was she setting herself up for possible emotional devastation, she might be throwing away something special with Kevin.

“What a complete mess,” Lauren said as she pulled on her black boots.


“You might want to check on those steaks,” Nate said, referring to the Porterhouse steaks his brother had put on the grill. Older by three years, Ryan and his wife lived on the opposite side of town from their parents.

“I know how to grill, and they’re fine. But if you don’t like the way I do it, be my guest,” Ryan answered, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Nate refused to take the bait, knowing if he got up and checked now, he’d have grill duty for the rest of the night.

“How’s it going living back at Mom and Dad’s?” Ryan asked when Nate stayed seated. “Is Mom constantly stopping by?”

When he’d moved into the apartment he’d expected that from his mom. Except for the few times she’d brought by his mail because it had been left in his parents’ mailbox instead of his, she never stopped over. She called once or twice a week to invite him for dinner, but otherwise she gave him his own space.

“I hardly see them. But it’s still just a temporary arrangement. I haven’t had enough time to find something else.” One more problem on his list.

“Heard you and McDonald got into it at O’Donnell’s.”

He didn’t need another reminder of Lauren. He had enough of them back in his apartment. Every time he walked into his bedroom, memories of what they’d done in there while in high school ambushed him. In fact, he’d been searching for a distraction from those memories when Ryan called and invited him over.

“Who’d you hear that from?” Who else had been in the pub that night? At the moment he was drawing a blank. The shock and grief had overwhelmed him. If he’d handled things differently that summer, what would’ve happened? What if she’d had the baby? Would they be a family today?

The shock had since worn off, but not the grief. His heart still ached for what they’d both lost. The only thing that helped ease it was the knowledge that Lauren still cared. Their kiss that night had sent his body and mind spiraling out of control. That kiss and Lauren’s request for time to think kept his hopes high. If no chance existed for them, she would have told him upfront. She wouldn’t string him along and play games with him.

“We had words. It was no big deal.”

Ryan reclined in his chair and crossed his arms. “That’s not how I heard it. Harry Evans said he expected some blows. Said he heard McDonald warn you to stay away from Lauren.”

Harry Evans had always acted like an eighty-year-old busybody. It looked like some things never changed. “Evans is an ass.” He wasn’t sharing what he learned that night with anyone.

Ryan shrugged one shoulder. “Never said he wasn’t, but he usually knows what he’s talking about when it comes to rumors.”

Had others heard Matt’s outburst? They’d raised their voices but not until later in the conversation, after Matt dropped the news on him.

“Yeah, Matt told me to leave her alone. He made sure he reminded me she was with someone.”

“Yeah, I heard she’d been dating some wealthy business executive from Rhode Island. So what’s your plan?”

“She asked for time, so I am giving her that.” He left out the particulars of why and when she’d made the request.

Ryan stood and clapped him on the back on his way to the grill. “Anything I can do to help. Say the word.”

His brother could not do anything, no one could. Still, he appreciated the offer. It helped to know his family wanted them together, but he wasn’t going to tell his brother that, either.

“Yeah, you can get those steaks off the grill before we need a sledgehammer to cut them.” Now seemed like a good time for a change of topic. Especially before his sister-in-law came home and started poking around.

Chapter 8

“You’re quiet tonight.” Kevin took the seat next to her, a glass of white wine in each hand. She’d driven to his estate in East Greenwich and they’d driven into Providence for dinner and a play. Now they were back at his house for the night. Or at least that had been the original plan.

Unease about spending the night nagged Lauren. In the months they’d been dating they’d never spent the night at each other’s home. Doing so now gave the impression she wanted to take their relationship to the next level, to something more serious. Before Nate walked back into town, she’d wanted that with Kevin. Or at least she’d thought she had. Now, she had her doubts.

Lauren accepted a glass, a forced smile on her face. “Just tired. I’ve had a lot on my mind that’s kept me up at night.” She spoke only the truth. She just left out some key information.

Kevin’s hand settled on her shoulder, his skin smooth and warm. “One of those weeks? Well, tonight you can relax.” He pulled her closer and kissed her.

She held her breath and waited, hoping for a rush of heat or excitement. Kevin’s touch brought nothing. Not a single ounce of emotion sparked with him so close—unlike with someone else. Nate merely entered a room and her body reacted.

Stop comparing the two. Lauren snuggled closer. “I’m glad you invited me for the weekend.” His invitation had come out of the blue. Before his phone call, she hadn’t expected to see him until sometime the following week.

“I hated not making the trip to New York with you, so I thought we could spend this weekend together. I’ve missed you.”

He moved in for another kiss, taking her by surprise. Lauren responded, hoping that at any minute fireworks would go off or doves would start to sing, but she got nothing. Not even a pigeon chirped.

She went with the flow when he coaxed her lips apart. When he shifted his position so he could wrap both arms around her, she moved and looped her arms around his neck. All the while, though, she remained strangely detached. Her body went through the motions, yet her mind remained elsewhere, passing the time until the kiss ended.

The cool metal of his watch brushed against her back when he slipped a hand under her top. Still, her body remained unaffected. And when Kevin pulled back, her eyes popped open, and she found him staring back at her. His eyes searched her face. Exactly what did he see? Could he tell the kiss had no effect on her? Did he somehow know her thoughts were filled with images of Nate?
