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"I know, Angel." Jace rubbed my opening with the tip of his penis, circling with a friction that verged on agonizing. I wanted him so badly…I was so ready for him…I ached.

Jace pushed his tip inside me and I moaned at the delicious intrusion. "Do you feel that, Angel? Tell me what you need and it's yours. I'll give you anything."

"You." I raised my hips, eager for him but he was quick. His hand on my hip forced me back into the bed. His grip was tight, almost bruising, but I didn't care. I wanted him to brand me. I wanted him to mark me and make me see I was his. I wanted the world to know I was his.

"Tell me, Angel." He urged. His movements were frozen inside me in a decadent torment. I throbbed around him, needing desperately for him to quell the ache that only he could arise in me. "Tell me what you want. Tell me exactly what you need."

Fuck! "I just need you, Jace." I screamed. "Please, just you. Inside me. Deep." On an added sob I pleaded. "Make me yours."

"Fuck, Angel," he sighed. "You're mine."

And with those words, he plunged deep inside of me. Claiming me. Calming me. In the wake of his first stabbing plunge, Jace slowed his movements before he found a rhythm that rocked us both. He'd been here before, inside of me, but I had never felt this feeling that consumed me. It was liberation in its purest, finest expression. It was healing in its entirety. It was the entity of love. There was no longer room for the tortured feeling of abandonment that mocked my being for the last seven weeks. There was no room for anything negative. Our past hurts washed away as our bodies worked to become one. I locked my legs around his waist, desperate to feel him deeper. He was quick, if not eager to comply. His erratic strokes became measured as he lifted his face from where he'd burrowed it in my neck. The hand on my hip slid beneath my lower back, lifting me into his chest. And he claimed my mouth, tasting my cries of pleasure, swallowing them whole.

"You'll never leave me, Angel." Jace said with conviction. "I'll never let you. Not after this."

"I don't want to." I gasped as he rolled his hips, hitting me in a new place. "I'll never leave you."

And, the funny, unbelievable, impossible thing was…I meant every word. I would never leave Jace. I simply was not strong enough to do such a thing. I needed him in much the same way I needed water. He was essential to my wellbeing. Over the last seven weeks, I had proven this to myself. I knew I needed him and fighting it would only slow down the inevitable. I would be his. Entirely. Forever.

I was certain.

Jace covered my lips with his. I felt him swell within me and I knew he was almost there. So was I. I felt my body build and bow for what it knew I needed. Release. Jace never left me unsatisfied. Even when he'd tried to punish me and leave me wanting for him all day, I'd come. With Jace inside me there was no possibility of my walking away without being thoroughly fucked. No matter his intentions.

"Come for me, Angel."

His words were my undoing. I shattered around him and he quivered inside me. Hot liquid spilled into my body, filling me with even more of him. His cock jerked inside of me with one last bow and his body tensed as he pushed himself deeper. His lips pressed against mine and I gasped into his mouth as I held him to me, my fingers finally weaving into his inky black hair. He caught my lower lip between his teeth and sucked. My stomach tightened at the thought of him biting me there and I felt my core grow hot again with need. Maybe I could do this. Maybe I could do everything he wanted. Maybe I could be everything he needed. Just maybe…I was strong enough.

"You're amazing." Jace whispered against my lips and it was all I could do not to smile like a child in a candy store.

"You're perfect." I countered on a husky whisper.

Jace stiffened at my words before he pushed himself up my body. I gasped at the feel of him moving inside me as he pressed his lips to my forehead. "I'll be right back, Angel." He promised. "Don't move."

Jace lifted his body with his arms, pulling from deep inside me. The feel of his body leaving mine brought back a torrent of memories I would fight to the end to dismiss. My eyes misted and my hands trembled as I lay, staring up at the roof of his bedroom. I could hear my heart beating in my ears. It was a violent sound. And, it terrified me. It terrified me because it was all the more realization that I did, in fact, need him. I needed him more than air. Because when he'd left, even the air hadn't been enough to keep me alive. The thought of him leaving again was down right mind numbing, blood curdling, petrifying. I was completely and irrevocably addicted to Jace Rush in the worst humanly way. He was the meaning to my life, the song to my soul. He was my everything.
