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Finally, I pulled away from her and she breathed in gasps of air as she stared up at me. I thought I could see love shining in the depths of her brown eyes, but I wasn't sure. I wouldn't be sure until she took the leap and spoke the words aloud. I wanted her to take that leap. The thought was breath robbing, heart stopping, palm-sweating and downright shocking.

"Take me home, Jace." Her eyes fluttered sleepily. "I'm exhausted."

"Why so tired?"

"Today has been…" she paused as though thinking of the right word. "Tiring. It's just been tiring and I'm ready for bed."

I nodded. "All right, then." I set my hand on the small of her back and guided her gently around the car to the passenger side. "Get in. I'll take you home."

I don't know why, but my heart felt about as full as a hot air balloon. If it swelled any more, surely my feet would rise off solid ground and I would find myself elated by…love?

I shook the thought from my head and rounded the front of my car. When I sat down in the seat beside Olivia, my heart warmed at the sight of her. She looked so at peace in my space, it made me feel euphoric…that I was the one who did this to her. Her face was tilted slightly toward me and her eyes were closed. Her lips were soft and relaxed and her hands were holding tight to the coffee cup between her legs. Her breathing was even and I wondered for a moment if she'd already fallen asleep, or if she was just on the brink. I didn't question her. I reached over and plucked the coffee cup from her hands, setting it into the cup holder before I started the car and sped off into the direction of my penthouse.


I started awake by the sound of an elevator door dinging. To my surprise, I was cradled in Jace's arms. The door opened to reveal the door to his suite and I gaped. I'd slept through the ride, and the ordeal it must have been to get me out of the car. Instantly, my face heated and I jerked in his arms to look up at his face.

He was already looking down on me with hooded blue eyes framed in thick ebony lashes. "You're awake."

"Mmm," I moaned and snuggled into his chest again.

Deep laughter rumbled in his chest, rolling off his lips. "You're beautiful when you sleep."

"Why, thank you." I hummed my pleasure.

Jace set me down once we were inside the penthouse and locked the door behind him. "Are you hungry?" he asked.

I shook my head. "No. I'm just sleepy."

"You should eat." He stated as he shrugged out of his suit jacket. "I doubt you've eaten yet."

He knew me well. "Nope. But I'm not hungry."

"You can't not eat," He scoffed. "Gail made lasagna. We'll just have to heat it."

"I'm not hungry, Jace." I protested. I thought about stomping my foot, but refrained.

"Well, I am." He walked from the door into the kitchen. He pulled a casserole dish from the fridge and set it in the oven to bake. "Foods cooking," he walked toward me, his eyes narrowed as though he were stalking me. My heart leapt as he set his hands on my hips, his thumbs working small circles against the fabric of my skirt. "How about we take a bath while the food's in the oven?"

That sounded delicious. "I think we should do that." I nodded and he laughed.

"You're so easy to convince."

"I think you're just the master of persuasion."

"I am." He dipped his head and kissed the tip of my nose.

He weaved his fingers with mine and pulled me toward the stairs. With every step we took, my heart pounded louder and harder against my chest. I could hear it clearly and I wondered…was it possible Jace heard it too?

I allowed him to lead me to his bedroom where a large soaker tub sat tucked in a corner of the bathroom. He guided me to a bench and sat me down. With a wink, he turned away from me to rummage through a linen closet. He produced two white candles and set them at the foot of the tub before lighting them. He turned on the water and added bubbles to the stream. He moved to flick off the lights before coming back to stand in front of me.

My heart raced and in an attempt to quell my sudden nerves, I asked. "What scent are the candles?"

"Vanilla." He purred.

My stomach tightened. "Oh,"

"Stand for me?" It was a question - not a command. "I want to undress you."

This was new to me. Jace seemed to prefer me to strip for him rather than undress me himself, but if that was what he wanted…who was I to argue?

I stood from the seat and watched as Jace stared at my body. He brought his hand up to the button on my blouse and worked it with slightly trembling fingers. His jaw was firmly closed and his blue eyes were pinned on mine as he worked each button. This felt intense. It felt different. I liked it.

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