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"You feel so good, Angel." He murmured. "I'm not ready to leave."

"Then don't." It was that simple. If he didn't want to disentangle our bodies, he didn't have to. I could stay like this with him all day. It felt right. I felt complete.

"Fuck," he moaned. "I have to."

"Why?" I pouted.

"I have to get to the office." He growled. "I promised Caleb I would be in today."

"Really?" he had a point. I should really get my butt to work.

"Really." He lifted his head, kissed my forehead and pulled himself from within me. I watched, feeling as empty as I was when he clambered off the bed. He walked to the bathroom and I sat, feeling lost on the bed.

I pondered joining him in the shower, but decided I would use the room he provided for me. If he wanted me to join him, he would have asked. Without another thought, I made my way into the spare bedroom with my purse in hand. I'd thrown on the housecoat because I didn't know if I would see Gail here this morning. It was Saturday and we were still going to work. There really was no day of rest.

I sighed and threw my phone on the bed I'd never slept in before I made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and smiled at the thought that surely went into stocking the bathroom with girly products. I showered quickly, patted my body dry with the fluffiest beige towel I'd ever seen before slipping into a matching sexy pair of white lace lingerie. I applied a soft coat of makeup and sheer nude lip-gloss before drying my hair. When I was all finished prepping myself for the day, I had to face the daunting task of choosing what to wear. I pulled a white cotton sweater dress from a hanger in the closet, stepped into nude stockings and pumps before wrapping a nude scarf around my neck. I clipped the gold watch I adored onto my wrist with a few thick gold bangles and made my way to the main floor. I'd expected Jace to meet me, but he was nowhere to be seen. There was no way he would have taken longer than me to get himself dressed. That would be just absurd!

At the thought, my phone chirped in my bag. I sighed and dug through the mess before finally locating the object of my desire.

It was a text from Jace. I slid my thumb across the screen to read his message.

Had to go to the office. Gabe will drive you to work. There is a fob on the island counter for you. X-Jace

See you later. Xxx.

I ran across the apartment, grabbed the fob and attached it to the key chain before darting to the door. I let myself out, locked up and took the elevator down. I was ready to start my first morning at the café bright and early.


I stepped out onto the street and immediately spotted the white Audi waiting at the curb. I immediately walked to the front passenger seat of the car and hopped in. Gabr raised an amused brow.

"I wasn't sure you would accept the ride."

I shrugged. "There's no use fighting Jace. He's relentless."

"As are you." Gabe chuckled as he pulled away from the curb. "You make a good pair."

I narrowed my eyes. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He focused on the road. "I'm assuming you're going to work?"

"I am." I nodded. "You're welcome to come in for a coffee on the house."

He smiled. "I might take you up on that."

"Please do." I grinned. I missed Gabe. His strong silent type was a nice change from the flirty, bossy man I typically found myself around.

"Have you gotten any other letters?" Gabe asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"No." I answered honestly. The letters had stopped as soon as I asked Jace to leave my life.

"I see." He mused.

"What do you see?" I asked. My interest was piqued. "Did you think the writer would continue?"

"No," He shook his head. "Not after you broke things off with Jace."

I nodded, feeling my stomach tighten uncomfortably at my next question. "Do you think he will write again?"

"I do." He said without hesitation. I felt my stomach drop into my feet. I didn't like the thought of that one tiny bit.


"Olivia," Gabe glanced at me with hard eyes. "You will tell Jace if you get another letter?"

I nodded. I wouldn't make the same mistake twice. "Yes. I'll tell Jace."


I didn't feel much like talking, or even working after that. But I figured I should be at the café bookstore. There was paperwork and payroll direct deposit I needed to set up. I had things to do that I simply couldn't avoid. That was life.

When Gabe pulled up to the curb outside the Live Books Café, I turned to him. "Thank you for the ride. Please do come in and get yourself a drink before you leave."

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